PP 102: Becoming a Better You with Winston Henderson

Quick Show Notes: Winston Henderson

Winston started his first business at 17 and is no stranger to small business struggle. Listen as he shares how he took his business from rock bottom to multiple six-figures, and how he’s he’s working to help fellow entrepreneurs in his new business, 5 Years 2 Mastery.

.@WAHend and @thekimsutton discuss Winston's business 5 Years 2 Mastery & how Winston helps clients create the lives they've always wanted. Subscribe today! https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp102 #positiveproductivity #podcast #5Years2MasteryClick To Tweet

Episode Transcription

KIM: Welcome back to the Positive Productivity podcast. I am so happy that you are here, to all of my listeners, and to Winston A. Henderson, our guest today. I am so thrilled you are here! Winston is the Chief Visionary of 5 Years 2 Mastery, which I already have heard about tremendously and love it. So Winston, I’m going to let you take it away. Tell people where you have come from? What you are doing now? And all the exciting details about you.

WINSTON HENDERSON: Where to start? That’s the best place to start. Really it’s, you know, how I started my entrepreneurial journey at the age of, I think it was about 17, 18. When I was first introduced to the whole concept of being an entrepreneur, working for yourself, being your own boss, by my cousin. So, started out with him. Pretty much, we worked on everything together and also experienced a lot of failures together. I think we probably started two or three different businesses and it was just failure after failure, but I’m grateful for those experiences because it sounds cliche. Because I’m sure you’ve all heard it before, that failure is the path to success and so on. But I’ve learned so much during those failures, you know. And it really helped me to discover what my purpose is at the same time, which is helping people improve their quality of life. Financially realizing their true potential. I’m all for that. As a matter of fact, I’ve come to realize that money isn’t my motivation for doing what they do. It’s really just seeing people in that place of euphoric joy because they finally discover who they are and what they were meant to do. You know, that’s pretty most lead every single decision in my life since then, you know, business and otherwise. So fast forward, I started my own home based business focused on gourmet  hot beverages. So, we’re talking about coffees, teas, hot chocolates with a healthier brand, that’s actually good for you. And I experienced my greatest successes to date, but also my greatest failures as well and struggles and challenges. You know, I first started April 2011. I started that business. In the first six to eight months was just amazing in terms of profitability, income, revenue generation and the sort. A few months after that, it completely fell apart and I found myself in this crossroads of: “Okay, do I abandon my vision? Do I give up on it and just, you know, move onto something else? Or do I just dig in and really tried to figure it out? Because, you know, during that time period of deciding I was kind of in a state of depression.

Anyone who has really failed tremendously at something, they’re all in, you know, understands this. And it was just a devastating time for me, Kim. I decided to dig in and make it work. And, you know, you would think that once you’ve made that decision that everything else just falls into place. You know, the universe just aligns and everything does comes out. Or should I say, just moves out of your way and everything just flows perfectly after that.

KIM: On point [laughs]

WINSTON HENDERSON: [laughs] It was actually on the complete opposite. When I made a decision to move forward. That’s when, like, every single thing in every area of my life just completely fell apart financially, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationships. It was just the most devastating two years of my entire life trying to push through that struggle. But I say all of that to come to the point that, it’s through those struggles, and that’s why I’m saying on the greater the challenge, the greater the struggle then the greater the reward. It’s through having to push through those moments, those adversities, those challenges, those struggles. Having my own fears, having my own limitations, apprehensions, in overcoming self-doubt, you know, because by nature I’m actually an introvert. Most people don’t believe this, but I’m actually an introvert by nature. So, having to figure out sales marketing, putting myself out there and overcoming that fear of rejection, that fear of being ridiculed. It’s through that entire process that I’m now able to take everything I’ve learned over the last five to six years. And I’ve gotten started with 5 Years 2 Mastery to help people to be able to do the same on overcoming their or mental barriers and limiting beliefs.

KIM: I don’t remember who I was chatting with, but I know it was a previous podcast episode. But the guests brought up this analogy, the right word, about us climbing a mountain and the closer we get to the top, the steeper it is and the harder the climb it is. And that’s totally right.


KIM: I mean, the closer we are to succeeding, no matter what the success is, the harder it feels, like, it is to reach the peak. Do you want to reach the peak? Do you have a set peak, Winston?

WINSTON HENDERSON: I have my ultimate life goal. Which goes back to the purpose I mentioned earlier in helping other people improve their lives financially. Realizing their true potential and I would even add uncovering and pursuing their God given purpose in life. So, I think that’s my ultimate goal. I would say, what I have are pretty much basic on-call  and check points. So, I have certain goals I want to accomplish in business, financially and so on. But I don’t think I would ever reach the peak because for me, I guess they can consider it, you know, I just consider myself ambitious. Some people say you’re an overachiever [laughs]. But I don’t think I’ll ever reach a set goal because I’m always looking to grow. Always looking to push ahead. Always looking or what’s that next thing? What’s that next level of that next peak? Because you know, for me, once I hit that peak, then I’m looking around for, okay, what’s the next speak? What’s the next thing? You know, you still celebrate and appreciate where you are and what you’ve accomplished, but, you know, never getting comfortable or settling with where you are. Always challenging yourself to go to the next level.

KIM: So there’s a little plateau you can breathe for a moment and then you keep on going?

WINSTON HENDERSON: Yeah, pretty much. I think I experienced my plateau in 2014/15. So, I think for me, right now, it’s just pushing for the next five years to see how far I can take 5 Years 2 Mastery and how many people I can impact on the way.

KIM: That’s fantastic. So what did that plateau look like to you in 2014, 2015?

WINSTON HENDERSON: That’s an excellent question, Kim. I think anyone who’s actually achieved something significant or not necessarily significant but achieved something in life and decided to go to next level has experienced this. I mean, for me it was, financially, probably, my personal growth because by that time I had grown the business to doing over a hundred in revenue per month. But it experienced a dip and so, I was just trying to figure out, you know, how do I come back from that? How do I grow it to where it was before and even to our higher level? And I struggled with it for the longest while in my business. I’m just trying to figure out what not just figuring out for myself, but also other people who was leading because there are so many people are on me. I mean just brilliant people, people with so much talent, so much skill, but they were held back by their own fears and their own limitations, or self imposed limitations, really their own doubts. And I would literally like sit up at night staring at the ceiling, just trying to figure out, how do I get people to really move? To really top into their full potential? So, that was pretty much my plateau.

And it’s funny because in 2016 I decided that I wanted to take a break from my first business, for existing business. And just kind of focused on the figure things out, to figuring out, where do I go from here? And it was actually in that moment that I got the vision for 5 Years 2 Mastery. Now, for some people listening and I know not everyone is a believer. And, you know, that’s fine. You don’t have to what I believe. I’m just sharing my experience with you, but just having that spiritual time. And I literally heard God speak to me and says: “5 Years 2 Mastery”. So, this isn’t even a vision or I came up necessarily on my own, but just hearing that voice and didn’t understand what it meant at the time. But just wanted though and I started my own journey of developing myself, taking myself to that next level from that plateau that I was experiencing. And it was in that moment that I actually discovered certain techniques, certain strategies that not only helped me to break through and break out of that plateau to the next level where I am right now and even further. But also, how I can help provide actionable strategies and techniques to people that they can use to do the same in their lives.

KIM: What are some of those techniques?

WINSTON HENDERSON: Well, for example, well a lot of them focus on, maybe about three to five areas. So I focus on fear and helping people overcome that fear. How to develop self confidence? You know, overcoming self doubt. Be more consistent in your life, developing better habits, which is like a major one for me. That’s the one that I struggled with the most

KIM: Is that struggled with or struggle with?

WINSTON HENDERSON: Struggled [laughs]. Struggled because –

KIM: Can you talk more about that. I would love to know what habits and what consistency, you have implemented in your life?

WINSTON HENDERSON: Well, one of the things is consistency in my workout routine. I mean, as we’re doing this interview now, Kim. You know, I’m 32 years old and for 31 out of those 32 years old, inconsistency was a major factor that held me back in growth, in my business, and life. And for 31 years, I struggled to remain consistent with my work of routine. Just to give an example, for 15 days, I couldn’t get past sticking with it for longer than 15 days. And back in June 2016, I made the decision to really dig in. And figure out how to master consistency in every area of my life spiritually, my fitness life, my business and relationships. And really came up with a strategy, I call, the STARS technique. And STARS is an acronym which means standard and expectation, trigger action, which is the actual act of doing it, the reward that you give yourself and the self affirmation and reinforcement. So, that’s pretty much a step by step strategy that I discovered I came up with. Tested it in my own life, realize it worked tremendously well for me, but then I said: “Okay, it’s one thing, if it works for me, but could it work for someone else off a different temperament? Or for different belief system? Of a different personality? And so I tested it with other people I know, other people I was mentoring before and realizing that they started getting results in their life, their business as well. It’s a lot more detail than that. I actually did that training video on my blog 5y2m.com on it. But that’s basically the idea of how to develop consistency and better habits in your life and any area that you choose. So, it’s not necessarily just if you have want to remain more consistent in your work, or routine , or business. It’s really developing better habits in any area of your life. And it first starts with being consistent with the daily activities.

KIM: Wow I have to admit I’m still struggling with consistency in daily activities, but while I’m struggling, I’m at least making progress. I need to share, one of my biggest struggle is keeping my desk clean. My office was supposed to be an office and then God said: “Here’s twins.”


KIM: So, it’s office/playroom when they’re home and for some reason mom’s desk seems to be the drop-off point of anything and everything. At any given morning you can find me flicking action figures off my desk and seeing how far I can shoot them across the room. Just having a clean desk to start with every single day. And hopefully ending the day with a clean desk as well. That has been tremendous and not even to mention as a home based entrepreneur. I found myself getting really lazy as far as self-care. I mean when I was working outside of the home, getting up, taking a shower and going to work. That was just a given and every day. But having that same routine while I’m working at home, I don’t know why I let it slip. So, I mean there’s just little things like that. What does a day in your life look like? Do you have a set schedule now for each day or is it weekly or is it based upon what’s going on?

WINSTON HENDERSON: I think it’s more of the last one based on what’s going on. But I do have a structure. I’ve realized that, you know, you have some people who they do really well with schedules and setting times to get certain things done throughout the day. I don’t necessarily do that unless I have meetings with people. So for example, we’re doing this interview, this was actually scheduled but outside of that. For me, it’s not so much having set things that I get done at a particular time. My thing is just, there’s certain activities that I have to get done before each day and so that’s what I really focused on. And depending on my temperament, I then decide when certain things get done. So for example, in the early mornings when I first wake up, would be my spiritual time. Spending time with God. So on being in a place of, you know, being grateful, appreciative of my day and just exactly in my life right now, family, friends, whatever it may be. Even just for the vision of 5 Years 2 Mastery. And moving from there to probably going online, you know, reading some articles, relating to probably marketing business, psychology, personal development because that was the topics that I’m mostly interested in. And then probably in the late morning, I focused on writing. So, whether it’s writing for the blog, whether it’s writing guest posting or I have several other companies that I do freelance copywriting from afar. So, getting those writings out of the way, probably by about in the mid-day to probably about 1:00 PM, that’s when I do my exercise, my workout routine because I realized that so important that even it’s just for 10 minutes each day. And it helps me to increase my focus and clarity and to gain more energy that really takes with the rest of my day. And then afterwards, I probably will do some business relating to the home based business. The gourmet business that I mentioned, you know, doing that, serving customers and so on. And depending on, if I’m with my daughter, or my daughter stayed with me that day. Then spend some time with her. Or if not, then it’s a back to working on 5 Years 2 Mastery, up until probably 1:00, 2:00 AM in the morning. So, for me it’s just the case of always working. But as I said, there are just certain things that are a must for me to get done every single day, which is my spiritual time, my work-out routine, work in my gourmet business, and work for 5 Years 2 Mastery. Those are the four things that are an absolute, must, for me to get done. And of course, if my daughters, there’s spending time with her. Those four or five things and then everything else kind of fits into whatever other time is available in between those four or five things.

KIM: Do you see yourself ever retiring?

WINSTON HENDERSON: [laughs] That’s a good question. I would like to think so.

KIM: I honestly think for myself, no, because I will get so bored. Like, I think I have to be doing something even if it’s starting a grantee business. I just don’t see it for myself.

WINSTON HENDERSON:  I think for me it’s not so much having the age of retirement. It’s just more keep working until I’m physically no longer able to work. So, probably I’m too old or frail to move to even pick up a pen and write something, or type something. Or even probably can’t see out of both eyes. I think, it’s just for me, just working until your physically unable to work anymore.

KIM:  Okay but that point they’re gonna have invented USB ports from behind our ears so we can just download our thoughts. And you know, –

WINSTON HENDERSON: Into something else

KIM: – what will happen with the world. I need one of those right now by the way, because if I could just download my brain every day, I could get so much more done or maybe not.

WINSTON HENDERSON: Your list is absolutely amazing.

KIM: Oh, I do. Yeah and that’s actually how I handle my to-do lists now. Everyday I have a daily journal page and I used to put all the items that I wanted to do for that day, down on the page. But I realized, I can’t do everything. So, I’m highlighting the top one and when that one’s done, I’ll add another one. But I have a master sheet of everything that I need to get done. But I’m not going to focus on everything right now. I’m going to focus on the top one.


KIM: You have a to-do list?

WINSTON HENDERSON: I think my to do list. It’s more not necessarily to a larger, but it’s not so much ideally to-do lists. So for example, with 5 Years 2 Mastery, I have certain things that I want to get done in each month. So for example, I had March, edit this training video or write articles or edit unpublished articles up to this point because I’ve actually done my content marketing strategy for 5 Years 2 Mastery. It’s a lot of the articles that I will post this year, in 2017. I actually wrote drafts for them from 2016. So, what I did is schedule a 30 day period and I said: “Okay, for this 30 day period, I’m just going to be focused on writing articles each day.” Like everyday get up, right an article. After that 30 days period has ended then I have another 30 days, I said: “Okay, I’m going to focus on filming the video trainings, everyday, for 30 days”. And then, you know, following 30 days and I’m focused on design for the website. So, that’s how I approached it. So, know, it’s more a matter of, okay, for optimal me, I need to edit these videos or I need to do the proofreading for these articles to be published. But then I heard a break that dawn into daily activities. So, it’s not so much to-do list. Like: “Okay, I need to edit this video today.” It’s more, I have my editorial calendar and I look to see: “Okay, what’s the next article to be published, whether this week or the next week.” And then I spend one day working on that. Tomorrow, I look back on the editorial calendar to say: “Okay, what’s the article, the next article to work on?” And I focus on working on it today. So, my to-do list is very general and then I break it up into daily activities that I need to get done. I not need to, but that I choose to get done for that day. And what I fall in Kim, is when I don’t focus so much on getting a specific task done for a specific day. But I was ensuring that every single day I do at least one thing that moves me one step closer towards my goals, everyday. I find that it helps to lessen the anxiety, and the stress, and the frustration, that you may feel by being stuck our feet. And a need to get things done by a deadline and you know, deadlines are important but I’ve found that if you’re not careful. Then having deadlines can actually work against you in terms of the mental and emotional anguish that actually comes a train to get things done by a specific time.

KIM: Oh my gosh, I can totally relate to that. I think I’ve changed the release date of my book about four times now. And I’m not ready to just take the release date off because I’ll be in a good writing place until I tell somebody that, you know: “This is the release date.” And then it seems like everything, all my thoughts about what I was writing disappear because I’ve put that self-imposed deadline on myself. And it just moves me into an uncomfortableness. Winston, I want to go back to when you started the businesses with your cousin, right? Your cousin.


KIM: How did you decide what businesses to start and what was the need when you started the business? Was there any passion associated with it or were you following somebody else’s success? I guess what I’m trying to ask.

WINSTON HENDERSON: I think it was, well I don’t mind mentioning The Industries, whatever it is. So one of the companies was entertainments and promotion company because where I live, where I’m from, which is Jamaica, entertainment, lifestyle is a big industry here. Hosting events, parties and so on was a big deal here. For those of you, who are in the US, just think of Miami, that’s basically what Jamaica is, just a smaller version of Miami, in terms of the entertainment industry.  We saw that there is an opportunity there to tap into that industry and also we had a passion for it. So, a lot of things that were started were based on one opportunity that was available and also the passion that was there because, you know, it sounds, a lot of these things sounds so cliche. But you know, one of the things I’ve realized is there’s a difference between knowing something and actually doing it. So many of us, we may know what to do, but doing it is actually a different thing. So there were a lot of passions, you know, the entertainment business. Monday night, I started a promotion company with a few friends of mine that also feel artists management that that’s awesome [laughs]. I think there’s only one business that I attempted to get started with, which is a pastry business. I had no passion in pastry whatsoever, but I have a passion for business and marketing. So, Ala Pers had the passion for the pastry, or the food, and beverage industry. So she wanted to do that and I was simply just a marketing and business mind behind her passion, which is my passion, the market and business aspect. That was my passion.

KIM: That brings up an interesting point though. I’ve found that I even have trouble doing marketing for businesses that I’m not passionate about. And because I do get passionate about my clients’ businesses, the clients that I work with, I love what they’re doing. So, I have no problem helping them develop their marketing. Did you find it hard to come up with great marketing strategies for the pastry business?

WINSTON HENDERSON: I didn’t. It was pretty easy for me and I wish I had some techniques, strategy or a tactic to share with people as to how they can do that. Coming up with new marketing strategies and ideas, but I honestly don’t. It’s just marketing for me. It’s just something — I wouldn’t even consider it a passion, for me, it’s more like an obsession because of my nature, who I am.  I’m always — I think probably the closest strategy or technique I can give your audiences is i’m always asking myself, how can I do this differently than what everyone else is doing? Or how can I take what someone else is doing? Or what everyone else is doing but take it to another level or one step above? And let me give an example, with 5 Years 2 Mastery, in terms of how I am able to both differentiate myself and also bill one step above.

When I was doing the market research, you know, looking at other blogs that were successful. One of the things I realized, is that a lot of people do texts for their blogs, but not really many people do videos. And another thing I realized is people who have probably a presence on video sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, they do a lot of video but not many text in terms of blog posts. So, I saw as a unique way to position myself to do both text and video that would help me to differentiate myself or should I say go one step above what everyone else is doing by combining the two. And also, I saw that there was a gap where people would give very vague advice as to personal development success. But there wasn’t really a step by step action of a breakdown of how to get it done. So, I would read a lot of articles that says five ways to success and you may say something like, first step, you need to develop confidence. Second step, you need to take action. Third step, you need to have faith and belief in yourself and so on. But when you read those articles, there wasn’t really a step by step breakdown as to how to do those things. I think in terms of marketing, for me, it’s really a matter of how can I look at what everyone else is doing and either go one step above with the extra mile. Doing something that no one else is, either doing, or has thought of doing. And then also, how can I probably did something that everyone else is doing? How can I differentiate what I’m doing from everyone else? It sounds a lot easier said than done, but in asking yourself those questions is a good way for you to shift your focus. And it starts to open up your mind and your eyes to see things and see opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise seen before. You now, as a mentor of mine says: “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions that you ask.”

KIM:  So how my podcast, based on the quality of the questions I ask? I’m just kidding [laughs]

WINSTON HENDERSON: [laughs] Oh, it’s excellent.

KIM: I do actually have to ask a question though because I am also an introvert. Which a lot of people may not believe, yeah believe. Although a lot of people may not believe, oh my goodness, you have now made the blooper reel.


KIM: Did you hear that one by the way? I’ll cut the fallout. I released a blooper reel a couple of weeks ago. I’ll do another one in a couple of weeks. A lot of people may not believe that I’m an introvert, but you’re doing video as well. Are you on the video – videos and if so, did that take a lot of confidence building to put yourself front of the camera

WINSTON HENDERSON: Oh, yeah [laughs] definitely. Yes, I mean, all the videos because I said if I really want to create a brand around this, then I want myself to be or should I say I want myself to be the face of the brand. So, I have to be the one that’s on camera. I’m not going to lie to you. It was difficult. It wasn’t ridiculously difficult because as I mentioned, I’m an introvert. So, for me the entire idea of putting myself out there for the world to see was just devastating. As a matter of fact, I can remember when I actually made decision to do it and not actually doing it. Not actually videoing the trainings, but just making decision to do it and I said: “Okay, I’m going to do a video.” I know it seemed to everyone that I’m going to do with the videos because my thought was, well maybe if I put it out there that I’m going to do it, then you know, there’s no turning back. No. And just that entire process of actually filming that video. Letting people know of what’s about to come. I took five, actually it wasn’t five hours, I think it was an entire day. Just deliberating back and forth with myself trying to figure out, you know, is this something you really want to do it? Because those of us who are introverted or not necessarily introverted but you know, have that fear of putting yourself out there. It’s really that fear of rejection, or that fear that you’re not good enough, or that fear that, you know, whether if you put yourself out there and you’re ridiculed for it. So, let me actually break down because I want to be as helpful to your audience as possible. I’m going to break down exactly what I did step by step after I overcame that fear. The first thing I did was to identify a fear that was greater than the fear of putting myself out there because we hear it all the time that the best way to overcome fear is to take action. That’s not necessarily true, Kim. I’m pretty sure you’ve been in many situations where you’re experiencing this fear and logically, you know, you’re supposed to take action, but in the moment you don’t. So, it’s easy to say in theory to take action, but when you’re actually in the actual situation, experiencing the fear of the crippling, paralyzing fear, it’s difficult to tell someone in that state to really take action. So, one of the things I did, the best way, to override fear, or should I say the best way to override emotions, is with a stronger, more intense emotion. So the first fear was the fear of putting myself out there on video for others to see and possibly make a fool of myself. So I have to come up with a fear that was stronger than that. And for me the fear was, well, if you don’t put yourself out there, then there are others who may not be able to benefit from the information that you have.

So for me, the fear that others won’t be able to benefit or I won’t be able to make an impact was stronger and more intense than the fear of putting myself out there and video and being ridiculed for it. No, that worked for me, being not necessarily work for someone else, in terms of that specific fear. It’s just a matter of finding a fear that is stronger for you because you can learn to embrace fear and use it to your advantage. So that’s what I did. So the second theory, that greater fear triggered me into action to save. Okay, well let me do it as a way for people to be impacted. And the consequence of if I don’t do it, is that I won’t be able to add a level of impact that I have. So that’s the first thing. The second thing is to actually take a small, simple step.

It doesn’t have to be a big step. As a matter of fact, I will be against taking a big step because if you take big steps too soon, then it’s going to feel overwhelming. And then you probably won’t do it the second time around. So for me, that first step was just to make that first video. To announce to everyone that I’m going to be doing the videos and taking that small step. And then the third thing was just for me to celebrate and congratulate that I had actually taken that first action and actually put myself out there and, you know, saying to myself: “Winston, you took action, you didn’t allow that fear to keep you from taking action. That’s great. That’s amazing.” And what it does, it allows you to feel good, to feel empowered. So when you get that feeling that it creates a craving that you want to go out and take action again.

And I’m moving very quickly, Kim. I mean, there are a lot more other moving parts to it. But I can’t really get into too much detail because I want to respect your time. But I said basic idea of how you can get started and I found out that I also mention is this is another technique or strategy or a tactic that you can use to overcome that fear is to also change the meaning of what that fear means. So for you, the fear maybe that you have a fear of public speaking, not you specifically Kim, but that’s not gonna put your audience.

KIM: No, actually I do. My fear of public speaking actually comes from tripping over my own feet when I walk on stage. It’s not actually speaking to people.

WINSTON HENDERSON: Okay, it’s basically changing what that fear mean using your example, Kim. Since its actual real life, real world example, you know, changing the meaning of that fear of public speaking for you right now means that you need trip up and you may fall. Well, change meaning to me, well, public speaking can mean that I can use my voice to impact the lives of hundreds or thousands of people. So, once you begin to change the meaning of what that particular fear is, then it no longer holds any power over you. So it maybe that fear of rejection that you have. Where, you know, you’re afraid that if you go and do something, probably if you’re in seals, actually speaking, thinking about foreign speaking to someone. The meaning that you’ve given, making a phone call right now or the client call is: “I’m going to be told no.” Well, what if you restructure or change that meaning of the call. To me, every time I make a call, I am actually learning something new even the person says no. So, by changing what the actual means, it lessens the impact and the power that fear has over you.

KIM:  You have just helped me tremendously. Listeners, we are recording this on March 9th, 2017. Winston, I had been putting off, putting videos up and I’ve been using the lame. There’s another word that I could put in there, but I won’t. The lame excuse of I want to go get glasses or get contacts so that my glasses aren’t reflecting back into the camera.

WINSTON HENDERSON: That’s a really good one.

KIM: Yeah, I know. I can make big excuses however I want. Like, I can easily find one, today, like, and I’ve been wanting to do Facebook lives. I haven’t even attempted Snapchat or whatever else is out there, but rather than jump right into Facebook live. I think today, I am taking that first step, just a recording videos, not even live and posting them.


KIM: So, listeners, look back at my Facebook page. See if I posted today and I’m committing to you all that I will. And then I will do it every weekday, Monday through Friday from here on out.It’s not gonna be live though, to start. I need to go into that gently. So, thank you Winston. Look at that –


KIM: – I just committed on my podcast to doing this.


KIM: Holy moly, that’s huge.

WINSTON HENDERSON:  That’s actually a very good first step, what you should probably do know is once you post that first video, you can celebrate yourself at doing it.

KIM: Oh, I will. I need to come up with a healthy celebration though because all I can think is eating the chocolate bar that’s on my desk and that’s not really an adequate celebration. [laughs]


KIM: Winston, you have just blown my mind, I’m sure. And I want to challenge all you listeners to come up with something that you can start doing today. Just to take that one step closer to where you wanna be. But Winston, where can listeners find you, find out more about you and get in touch?

WINSTON HENDERSON: Well, they can visit the website which is five is the number 5, letter Y, number two, letter M . com. So it’s 5y2m.com in short for 5 Years 2 Mastery and they can go on that. They can read some of the blog posts that I have. There’s also my social contacts on there, so at the top right end corner, you can get in touch with me on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram. I post a lot of stuff on Instagram in terms of, but not necessarily daily activities, but certain progress that I’m making in my life. And really anything that can really help others. Take that one small step. That’s really what my goal is, to really help people. And I’m not going to tell anyone that I’m gonna help you to earn $100,000 in revenue in your business in the next six to 12 months. That’s not where my focus is. My focus is just: “Hey, let me show you how to overcome whatever is holding you back and just make that first step. And then once you’ve made that first step, let me know. I’ll help you to keep making those small steps that will eventually lead to the big results that you have.”

KIM: Wow. That is so huge. Thank you so much for being here, Winston and to the guests. I forgot to mention because I’ve been blown away this whole episode. You can find all the links and the full transcription on my website at thekimsutton.com/pp102. Winston, thank you so much again.

WINSTON HENDERSON:  Oh, thanks Kim. It was an absolute pleasure. We finally got that done.

KIM: Woohoo, now I can go do my video.Thank you so much.

WINSTON HENDERSON: Take care Kim. Thanks again.