PP 137: 6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur

If you ever meet a mompreneur who has everything flowing perfectly behind the scenes… Send her my way! In this episode, I confess 6 truths about what really goes on around here.

Listen as @thekimsutton shares 6 comical truths about the life of a #mompreneur: https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp137Click To Tweet

Episode Transcription: 6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur

For those of you mompreneurs who are listening, this episode is for you.

Today, I am going to share some comical confessions about my life as a mompreneur. In full disclosure, you may not want your kids to be listening, because they may have questions about some of the things that I talk about.

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #1

I enjoy going to the daycare to pick up my kids in a teeshirt and sweatpants.

I swear some of the other parents look at me as though I can’t possibly have a job. and I’m just mooching off the daycare to have time alone during the day for myself. Now, if you looked at my hair and my nails, most days, you would know that no, I’m not glamming it up at the spa, and getting mani’s and pedi’s. In addition, there are more than a few days every week when I show up in my “Momma Hair Don’t Care” hat and my kids know what it says.

Nevaeh will enthusiastically scream, “Momma! You’re wearing your ‘Momma Hair Don’t Care’ hat” and all I can do is smile.

Do I feel bad that I’m walking in looking like that while other moms are rocking suits and heels? Nope.

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #2

My car is not suitable to drive anybody to or from a business meeting.


Because I drive a 1996 conversion van, which is filled with spilled cereal, and all other types of child evidence. Does this mean that nobody in my house cleans the van at all? No, absolutely not. But it’s not our highest priority. If somebody is gonna judge me by the appearance of my van, they can go find somewhere else to look.

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #3

I might be the host of the Positive Productivity podcast, but that doesn’t mean I am super organized.

At this very moment on my desk, I have two coffee cups, more than a couple clean diapers — no dirty diapers ever wind up on my desk — about 18 books, three different planners, and an assortment of toys that I don’t even know how they migrated out here. That’s not to mention all the mail that my whole family thinks belongs on my desk and assortment of other paperwork.

If you can keep your desk perfectly clean, and you have kids, I would love to know how.

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #4

I may be a woman. I may be a mother. But that does not mean I can cook.

My husband will disagree with me about that. But what he’s actually saying is there’s only a couple dishes that I can actually cook that are edible.

Total transparency: my 15 year old son can cook better than I can, because what I tend to do is burn.

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #5

It is not a safe practice to lend your books to me.

I love to read physical books, but if you want to get your book back intact, lend it to somebody else because when you lend it to me, you’re going to get back a fully colored edition of your originally black and white book. This is not just because of the fact that I like to highlight. No, I have enough respect not to highlight other people’s books. However my kids don’t, and it seems like every time I turn my back — maybe you can relate — they find the highlighters and the Sharpies and the whiteboard markers and decorate anything that they can get their hands on. And this includes library books.

And finally…

6 Comical Confessions About My Life as a Mompreneur – Confession #6

This one is soooo too much information, however I know that moms, especially those moms who breastfed, will probably get a kick out of this.

The headshots that I had taken, which I’ve been using on my branding for years, were taken about three months after my twins are born. To say that those images were photoshopped would be an understatement. And it’s not due to my complexion or breakouts or anything like that.

The full truth is, my photographer had to Photoshop out where my boobs had started leaking on my way to the photoshoot. I know this is something that a lot of men couldn’t possibly relate to. But this is what happens in the true life of a mompreneur.

Sorry guys, I know I probably just turned you off, but this is what really happens.

Mompreneurs, I would love to hear your true confessions about your life as a mompreneur. So if you wouldn’t mind, go to my website at thekimsutton.com/pp137 and leave a comment below with your own confession. I know I am not the only one who will enjoy it.

With all this said, go forth and have a positive and a productive day.