PP 325: Counting Our Chickens Before They Hatch

“Keep on dreaming. Keep counting the chickens before they hatch, but be smart while you are doing it.” -Kim Sutton

The boundary between being optimistic and having big dreams and being realistic and knowing our limits can sometimes be blurry and baffling. Listen as Kim discusses why we NEED to keep counting our chickens before they hatch!



00:25 Good, Better, Best Plans
01:47 I’m Going to Continue…

The boundary between being optimistic and having big dreams and being realistic and knowing our limits can sometimes be baffling. Listen as @thekimsutton discusses why we NEED to keep counting our chickens before they hatch! Listen at https://thekimsutton.com/pp325 #positiveproductivity #podcast #countyourchickens #keepdreaming #purpose #why Click To Tweet

Inspirational Quotes:

00:15 “Without dreams, why do we bother even going on?” -Kim Sutton

00:34 “Where’s the harm in figuring out what we will get WHEN not if, we reach our good, better, and best goals.” -Kim Sutton 

03:26 “Keep on dreaming. Keep counting the chickens before they hatch, but be smart while you are doing it.” -Kim Sutton

Episode Transcription

Kim Sutton You know that expression that goes, don’t count your chickens before they hatch? Well, today, I want to challenge it. No, I’m not saying that we should always be planning our expenditures and pre spending any money based on our dreams. But without those dreams, why do we bother even going on? Personally, I love to imagine best case scenarios. And I learned from Todd Herman’s program, the 90 the year that we should have a good better best plan worked out in our head. So where’s the harm in figuring out what we will get when not if, but when we reach our good, better and best goals. Now, I have to admit, in the past, I have been overly hopeful. And I know that might be hard to believe that I’m saying considering this is the positive productivity podcast. But I have been overly hopeful on the expectations of my product launches and on my service offerings. And my plans didn’t always go as expected. I think this has happened to every entrepreneur. And let’s just be real, it’s happened to every single person. There are weeks when I feel like every single appointment or task that I have laid out is set to the sidelines because, well, life gets in the way, I have sick kids or I get sick myself, the power goes out or any other number of things happen. But without my dreams, I wouldn’t even bother trying to get back on track. The reason I save trying to get back on track is because life is full of detours. Just because I had set a path initially doesn’t mean I’m going to go back to it. And chances are the detours that lead me astray are creating something even more awesome. So I’m going to continue dreaming big. I’m going to continue counting my chickens before they hatch. But I’m not going to spend the money before it’s in my bank. Listeners, if you haven’t listened to episode number one, which I got to admit is a little bit rough because I recorded it in my car, I want you to go back and listen to it. In that episode I share about my first business which was an e commerce business. While I was running that business, I charged nearly $100,000 worth of inventory to my credit cards because I believed that if I bought all that inventory, that my business would blow up. But this is just the type of don’t count your chickens before you hatch scenario that I don’t want you to do. Don’t go into major debt, counting on something to happen. Don’t charge money before you have it in the bank because when things don’t go as planned, and they often don’t, sometimes they don’t go as good and sometimes they go far beyond our wildest expectations. You don’t want to be stuck trying to figure out how you’re going to pay. The real life [inaudible] like your rent or your mortgage, your utilities or even food. Keep on Dreaming my friends. Keep counting the chickens before they hatch, but be smart while you are doing it. And with all that said, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.