PP 566: Breathe and Laugh With Kim McIntyre
“Ask yourself high-quality questions…put the focus on what you can ask yourself that will shift you to the direction of where you want to go”
Certified Stress-reduction specialist, certified transformational coach, certified yoga instructor, certified interfaith minister and certified laughter leader, Kim McIntyre is definitely certified in helping reduce stress in your life and help you come into a joyful being.
Kim started out with a simple mission, and that is to eliminate her own stress. She realized that she was more productive without stress. Through her search for solutions to her own issues, she naturally transitioned to teaching. She started teaching yoga, meditation, and other stress-reducing methods.
Join Kim and Kim as they talk about Kim McIntyre’s journey towards self-awareness. Here they detail the importance of breathing, why laughter is a medicine, information on laughter yoga and in general how you can have “less stress and more joy” in your life.
02:12 A stress relief expert
09:05 Being self-aware
17:35 An hour in the life of Kim
21:09 CBD oil benefits
24:37 Crack yourself up
36:37 Being real
Connect with Kim
Website: https://joyfulbeing.com/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/JoyfulBeingStressRelief/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Message: https://joyfulbeing.com/contactfaq/#message
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINK7uuki13MKZnIsThFcAQ?
Resources Mentioned
Hamster dance
Taylor Swift goat song
Inspirational Quotes:
“Ask yourself high quality questions…put the focus on what you can ask yourself that will shift you to the direction of where you want to go”
“Self-awareness is a huge fundamental”
“True creativity comes from a relax state”
“Breathing and resting is really what is important”
“(laughter) is an excellent complementary medicine”
“You are 30 times more likely to laugh when you are with other people…spend more time with people who make you laugh…laughter is so fantastic for you”
“Slower is sometimes faster”
“Learning to be centered in the middle of that stress can be done”
“We have to be real with ourselves first before we can start being real with everybody else”
Episode Transcription
Coming soon!