22 for 2022

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I wouldn’t repeat 2021 if someone offered me $1billion dollars. Does that give you an idea of how excited I am for 2022?

If this is your first time reading one of my annual lists, welcome! I hope it inspires you to create a list of your own. I don’t do New Years Resolutions (because I normally quit within two weeks), and, inspired by Gretchen Rubin, at the end of 2018 I created the first of my annual lists, My 19 for 2019 List.

While I accomplished a few items on the list, 2019 has a fair share of challenges which prohibited a lot of the goals from being accomplished. I decided to give my list another go at the end of 2019 when I created My 20 for 2020 List.

2020 was far more successful than 2019, but for some reason I never finished creating my 21 for 2021 list. Some may say it was luck, however. I say God guided me to not add any more stress to a year He already knew was going to be a doozy.

Trouble in Paradise

When I met my husband in 2010, the only three things I expected (and still to this day expect) were honesty, respect and communication. Unfortunately, in 2021 we struggled with all three. I won’t throw Dave under the bus, however our year has been VERY difficult and painful, and as I write this we are discussing divorce and all the financial implications/consequences/considerations that go along with it.

Dear friend, the last thing I want to do is divorce my husband. My heart is broken just thinking about not spending the rest of my life with him and having to shuffle our kids back nad forth. But… I have learned that my emotional health must be protected just as much — if not more than — my physical health, and when it’s being violated I have to stand up for myself.

So that’s what I’m doing. As I step into 2022, I ask for prayers of healing, happiness and health for my family, Dave, myself and our marriage. Thank you in advance.

With that said.,..

My word for 2022 is CONSISTENCY.

Consistency and I have always had a rocky relationship. I’ll go hot and heavy on an activity for up to two weeks, and then it will fall off my radar entirely. It’s not even like a plane which slowly creeps to the edge of the screen. Rather, it just blips and disappears entirely.

From social media to my podcast, product creation to emailing my list, I am committed to being consistent in 2022, and many of my 2022 goals will only be achieved with consistent action.

In 2019 I finally learned that less is more, and when I combine quality with consistency, I’m convinced magic will happen.

Is consistency an area you need to work on? I would love to read your thoughts, so be sure to leave a comment!

Without further ado, here is my 22 for 2022 list!

Goal 1 - Write the First Draft of My Book

1. Write the First Draft of My Book

In 2021 I had a major epiphany. Uh, wait. Let me be honest. I had more than a few major EPIPHANIES. Anyway, the first major epiphany was that I was trying to write the wrong book, which is why I could never make any progress on it.

I had been talking about writing my book, Chronic Idea Disorder: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming Idea Overwhelm, since 2015 and still hadn’t gotten any further than writing the introduction. And then, as I was driving to pick up my son from college one weekend, it hit me…

No, it wasn’t a deer or other type of animal. It was a major aha as I was listening to Russell Brunson’s book, “Expert Secrets.”

As I was driving down the interstate, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how to put together my new challenge, the 5-Day Work Smarter, Not Harder Challenge. As I drove, Russell shared a story about Brendon Burchard giving a presentation and being interrupted by a question from an audience member. Brendon answewred the question and was then able to jump right back into his presentation as if the interruption had never happened. When he was asked how he was able to do that, his response was that he had a framework.

All of a sudden, my own personal framework hit my head. I could see and hear the acronym immediately, and I knew that not only was this going to be applicable to the challenge but was meant to go in my book as well.

That was three months ago. I’ve gotten as far as laying out the sections in Scrivener, but in 2022 I’m going to write the complete first draft of the book. Please, Lord, let my 22 for 2022 list be the last time I ever write the goal, “Write the first draft of my (first) book.”

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 2 - Read the Entire Bible... At Least Once

2. Read the Entire Bible… At Least Once

I was raised Catholic, and like so many of my Catholic classmates, our connection to God and religion came from forced religious education classes and church on Sunday mornings. If it gives you an idea of how obedient I was, my mom used to bribe me with donuts to sit still and stop fidgeting during service.

My knowledge of scripture was slim to none, and I had no idea how the Bible was formatted or the knowledge that it contained.

When I left home to go to college, my participation in church and my (non) relationship with God were put on pause for 12 years. If you had asked me when I was 18, however, I likely would have told you I would never go to church or have a relationship with God. I *knew* there was something higher out there, but I didn’t know who or what it was.

The weekend after I left my ex-husband (in 2010), I was called to go to Church. I cried my way through the service because I could feel God in and around me. The music spoke to me, the pastor spoke to me and I wanted more. (Note: This was not a Catholic church. While I have no hard feelings toward Catholics, I prefer the format and teachings found elsewhere.)

To this day (December 27, 2021), I have yet to read the Bible through, cover-to-cover. I started reading the Bible (again) starting with Genesis 1:1 in November, and by the end of 2022 I would like to finish reading it at least once.

NOTE: My 22 for 2022 list encompasses all areas of my life, including my business, physical and emotional health, faith, family, finances and more. From what I have experienced, the different areas of my life impact each other, and the moment one area becomes unhealthy, the sickness begins to spread to other areas.

3. New Furnace/Air Conditioner

The furnace and air conditioner in our home have been bad since we moved in 2014. Our first four years here were in a rent-to-own situation and we were constantly down-to-the-wire (or late) on our rent, putting us at risk for eviction. When we were finally able to secure a mortgage in 2018 we found a bit of relief, but my husband quit his job a month later so any financial cushion immediately evaporated.

In 2018, tired of being cold in the winter and hot in the summer, we inquired with a local HVAC company who gave us a quote of $12K+ for a new HVAC system. Unfortunately, neither of us qualified for for financing and we had to resort to portable heating and air conditioning units to keep us comfortable. Unfortunately that can’t be a permanent solution.

In early 2021, we blew a bunch of fuses powering up too many portable heaters at the same time. The kind electrician who came to fix the problem told us that the outlets in our house aren’t equipped to handle portable heaters, and we’ll risk blowing fuses again anytime we use them. Honestly, this news was a blessing because running these portable units makes our power bills spike — much more than paying for a new HVAC unit would.

Now that my credit score is improved I feel it is time to invest in a new furnace and air conditioner. This will not be an immediate purchase, however, because if we end up going through with divorce we will be selling the house and I don’t want to be stuck paying for units I don’t even get to enjoy.

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 4 - Lose 25 pounds

4. Lose 25 pounds

My weight and I have been battling for the past few years, and in early 2021 I hit an all-time high… over 220. To put this in perspective for you, when I was pregnant with 16 pounds of twin babies in early 2015 I didn’t even hit 210 pounds.


Along with stress, I know that getting older isn’t helping my weight either, so I’m going to give myself some grace and not try to lose 60 pounds like I have in years past. Instead, I’m aiming to lose 25 pounds.

My starting weight (today), with a hoodie and heavy pajama pants on is 204.2. By the end of 2022 I would like my weight — through a healthy diet and exercise — to be down to 179.2.

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 5 - 5. No Soda or Alcohol

5. No Soda or Alcohol

Just a few years ago, I used to drink 3-4 Mountain Dews a day on top of 3-4 cups of coffee. When I cut caffeine cold turkey for Lent that year, the withdrawal symptoms were horrendous. I knew I could never go back to that bad of a habit again.

At the end of 2019, I gave up alcohol. While I lasted for some time, when stress at home picked up again, I started drinking alcohol again and this time in very unsafe manners and quantities.

December 1, 2021 was my last drink. I’m writing this on December 27. Betwewen then and now I spent three days in a mental health facility following an argument with Dave. I realized while there that I was turning to alcohol when I should have been turning to God, my friends or my other coping mechanisms. I can’t drown away my stresses and sorrows no matter how hard I try, and I’d rather not be tempted to by steering clear of alcohol altogether.

In 2021, I have had less than a dozen sodas of any sort. The added sugar no longer appeals to me, and my thirst is more easily taken care of by a bottle of lemon water. So, rather than “Do the Dew”, I’m going to sayto say more hellos to H2O.

Combined, eliminating alcohol and soda entirely from my diet should help me accomplish Goal #4 –Lose 25 pounds.

6. Credit Score to 700+

Dear friend, a few short years ago my credit score was in the 400’s. When the maximum possible score is 850, being in the 400’s is a sign of poor money managment. The road to improving my credit score has been tough, especially considering most of the credit cards I got as a college student were written off as bad debt after my first marriage ended. Bankruptcy would have been a wise course of action, however it’s hard to pay the money to file for bankruptcy when you have no money.

So I paid off debt as I could, when I could. I got a new credit card in 2016 and did my best to pay the bills in-full and on-time. When your credit score has taken a dive like mine did, however, it takes serious time and effort to work back up.

The last couple years have seen new credit cards and new cars. I’ve been paying my bills on time, and keeping low balances, but this year I want to do better. I don’t want any new inquiries hitting my account (unless the divorce goes through and I need to find a new home) and I don’t want to carry a balance. Period.

Starting Credit Score: 621

Goal 7 - 6000+ Instagram Followers

7. 6000+ Instagram Followers

While I used to want more followers because I thought it would impress people and I would look bigger than I felt, vanity numbers no longer mean a thing to me. The reason I want to see myself hit 6,000 Instagram followers in 2022 is because I know it will take consistent engagement and posting to achieve.

Over the past two years I’ve been selectively paring down who I’m following and engaging with to ensure the content I publish and interact with is on-brand. While I have participated in Instagram follow pods and telegram pods in the past, I realized that quantity is far less valuable than quality, and if I want to attract the right people, I need to do it slowly and organically.

Starting follower count: 5,515

8. Replace Roof and Gutters

The roof and gutters on my house are an eyesore. Even my teenagers comment about them. The gutter has come loose on the front right of my house, and when it rains the water drowns the plants in my garden underneath.

Unfortunately, like the financing for the new HVAC unit, when Dave and I inquired with a roofing company we couldn’t qualify for financing. Regardless of whether we keep the house or sell it, the house needs new roofing and gutters and financing these will be one of my exceptions to the inquiries mentioned in goal #6 – Credit Score to 700+.

Goal 9 - 200+ YouTube Followers

9. 200+ YouTube Followers

Just as with Goal #7 – 6000+ Instagram Followers, and the rest of my 22 for 2022 goals, this goal isn’t about the vanity number but focuses instead on the consistency and impact I want to make. I want to do weekly lives this year — longer, well thought out lives — and repurpose them to YouTube. Over time, the consistent visibility and publishing *should* create traction and results.

Goal 10 - 10,000+ Download Podcast Month

10. 10,000+ Download Podcast Month

At the end of this year (2021), I rebranded the Positive Productivity podcast to be called The Work Smarter, Not Harder Podcast with Kim Sutton. Theoretically, if I’m working smarter instead of harder, every episode should go out on time with full notes and marketing. But, as with my Instagram and YouTube goals, this goal will require consistent action and effort. I need to take advantage of good days when I’m in the mood to record and batch record as many episodes as I can. Then I need to send the episodes to my team for editing and production.

I’ve been “this close” to having a 10,000 download month on a number of occasions. 5 years and 700+ episodes in, it’s time that it happens.

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 11 - Knit Blankets for David, Zelda and Jacob

11. Knit Blankets for David, Zelda and Jacob

I love to knit. The clinking of my needles as I watch my favorite television show of the moment is very therapeutic, and I need to be doing more activities which are good for my mind and soul.

Two of my kids — Robert and Nevaeh — have blankets which I knitted for them and are sized appropriately. The twins — David and Zelda — have blankets, but they were knitted for babies, and are now way too small. And, Jacob? Well, he never received a blanket. As the oldest child, he sadly often stood in the shadows of the others. It’s time for this to change.

In 2022 I would like to knit blankets for David, Zelda and Jacob. I’m working my way through The Gilmore Girls right now, but I could use suggestions on shows I’ve never seen (or even that I have) to binge watch while knitting. Family friendly shows are preferred because I will likely be in the living room on the comfy couch knitting with the dog and a cup of coffee next to me.

What’s your favorite show to binge watch? Post in the comments!

12. Weekly Work Smarter, Not Harder Facebook Live

In order to help more people through my Purpose, I need to be visibly providing resources and strategies to the entrepreneurs who need them. Unfortunately, I easily get sucked into the client work and lazy day tornados (two different tornados, mind you), and am either “too busy” to go live or “not ready for the camera.”

In 2022 I’m ditching the excuses and will be going live on Wednesdays on my Facebook page. These videos will be repurposed on the blog, YouTube and more.

Can you see how my word of the year – CONSISTENCY – is woven into so many of my 2022 goals? When I stick into this goal, the content which I’m able to spin off it will grow traction and create results (for my community AND my business) from so many different platforms.

13. Weekly Blog on TheKimSutton.Com

I have to be honest… I’m not sure how I feel about this goal considering the volume of content I am committing to for the year. But… Goals are goals so we can aim high and see how close we can get, right?

To now, the volume of Faith oriented content for entrepreneurs on my site has been slim to practically non-existent. I want this to change in 2022. My podcast releases on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays I will do my Facebook Lives. Therefore, on Thursdays I want to have a blog publish. Topics will range from the LIVE BETTER framework for working smarter to faith and family as it pertains to entrepreneurship.

Is there a topic you would like me to cover on the blog? Drop a comment below if so!

Goal 14 - Weekly Blog on Zommy.Me

14. Weekly Blog on Zommy.Me

Zommy.me is a snarky mom brand I have yet to officially launch but started writing articles for in 2020. I didn’t do much with the brand in 2021, but I would like to offically launch in 2022. For optimal success, I would like to have a series of weekly blog articles (which publish on Saturdays) which entertain and educate snarky moms worldwide.

Is there a topic you would like me to cover on the blog? Or do you know a mom who would make a great contributor? Drop a comment below if so!

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 15 - Read 24+ books

15. Read 24+ books

I LOVE to read, and have way too many (if there is such a thing) books waiting to be read. And I know I will be introduced to more books throughout the year. My mind, body and soul will be nourished and expanded in 2022 through books.

Goal: Read at least 2 books/month = 24 books/year
Better goal: Read at least 3 books/month = 36 books/year
Best goal: Read at least 4 books/month = 48 books/year

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 16 - 200+ TikTok Followers

16. 200+ TikTok Followers

To date, I’ve used TikTok mostly to repurpose Instagram Reels. While I don’t believe this is a bad technique, the content that’s been shared hasn’t been the best format for TikTok. I want to be more creative with my video content in 2022 and find ways to use TikTok to promote the content I’m releasing on other platforms.

With consistent, high quality posting, I should be able to gain traction on TikTok which eventually pushes viewers over to my other platforms.

Do I need to say it again, though? This is not a vanity number thing. This is about consistency – consistently creating and marketing the content I create to the people who need to see it.

Starting follower count: 55

My 22 for 2022 List - Goal 17 - Double (or more) Email Subscribers

17. Double (or more) Email Subscribers

I feel like I’m a skipping record. No, this is NOT about vanity numbers. It’s about consistency, visibility and providing value to my community. WHEN I’m creating content consistently and WHEN I’m getting the content out there like I should, the content should drive people to my email list.

Starting Subscriber Count: 685. 

NOTE: Two years ago my list was well over 5,000 because I was bringing people in from the Virtual Assistant Jobs Facebook group and adding them to the list when they joined the group (with their permission, of course). I have since realized that virtual assistants are not my ideal client, and no longer base my email subscriber count off people who came in through that door.

I have also been actively (and consistently) cleaning my list to ensure my open rate and deliverability are as high as they can be. I recommend you do the same to ensure your emails are delivered to the recipient’s primary inbox.

Goal 18 - Vacation With Kids

18. Vacation With Kids

My Littles (now almost 7 year old twins and an 8 year old) haven’t left Ohio since 2016. And the three of them have never seen the inside of a hotel or airport. I’m ready to give them a bigger view of the world, preferably a beach with soft sand and comfortable (not too rough, cold or warm) water.

The best goal I could think of for my 22 for 2022 list is that Dave and I reconcile and repair our marriage so that he can go on this vacation with us but this may be a vacation for just the kids and myself. Only time will tell.

19. $150,000+ Gross Business Income

Despite the drama and distractions, 2021 was the most profitable year in my business to date. But… I still haven’t crossed the 6-figure mark. Should all client relationships stay the same (and I hope they will!), crossing 6-figures in 2022 will definitely happen. $150,000, however, will be a stretch.

And what’s the point in setting goals if you don’t need to stretch yourself a bit to reach them?

With all my content creation goals for 2022, this should be attainable. Here’s to being consistent!

20. Save $10,000

It’s hard for me to believe that when I started my annual lists a few years ago we were not just struggling financially, but in foreclosure on our home. If you had told me then that at the end of 2021, while writing my 22 for 2022 list, we would not only be okay financially but stable and saving money I would have laughed at you.


I never had savings until this year. Not even as a child. And, if I’m going to be honest, savings isn’t really savings when your primary account is perilously close to zero which Christmas presents in a family of seven can easily accomplish. Nevertheless, I set-up two “savings” accounts with my bank this year which are both connected to my personal checking. (Almost) everytime I log-into my account, I transfer a small amount ($10-25) to both of the savings accounts.

A little bit at a time stacks up over time, and to date I have a little more than $700 saved. By the end of 2022, I would like that number to be over $10,000.

By the way, I did the math. $10,000 split over the course of 52 weeks is approximately  $192.30/week. If my family is better about not eating out and if I cut a few of the extras from my personal budget, $192 a week is absolutely do-able.

21. Have a $20,000 Month

It took nine years in business for my business to experience a 5-figure month which wasn’t connected to commissions or white-labeled product sales. In other words, the clients had direct relationships with me (or my team) and there were no middleman or sales of other peoples’ products involved.

The first 5-figure month was in April, and they continued through the end of the year. I am planning on them continuing through 2022, and rather than sticking to a goal of $10,000 month, I would like to push it and go for $20,000.

Here’s the catch, though. I don’t want the extra to come from additional 1-on-1 client work. That’s exhausting and takes a LOT of time. I would like to see it come from group program and product sales.

Goal 22 - Experience a Silent 3-Day Retreat

22. Experience a Silent 3-Day Retreat

While you may disagree, this is the first and only item on my 22 for 2022 list which I see as being only about me, myself and I. Dear friend, my brain and my mouth are exhausted. My heart is broken and I’m tired of talking to not be listened to. I’m equally as exhausted by my kids constantly “needing” things — rides to friends, candy, electronics fixed, intervention on arguements with siblings, etc.

I want three days of silence. Just me, myself and I. I will have my journal, my Bible and perhaps my laptop with limited internet ability. But I don’t want to talk to anyone and I don’t want anyone talking to me. That probably rules out a hotel so… a cabin in Hocking Hills? Yea, that sounds perfect.

Your thoughts?

I would love to hear your thoughts on my 22 for 2022 list. Have you been inspired? Leave a comment below!

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