Kim Sutton

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Equipping Entrepreneurs with Systems and Strategies to
Increase Revenue, Pursue Their Purpose and Be 100% Authentic





Kim Sutton April 2023


How much stress does your business cause because you chase money instead of pursuing your purpose?

What would happen if you committed to transforming your calling into a profitable and impactful business?

My challenge for you: Be brave. Follow your heart. Invest in yourself. Dream BIG. Make a HUGE impact.


Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Founder, Positive Productivity

Dear friend, it’s important you know and trust I will ALWAYS be honest with you…  EVEN when it means admitting the messy, ugly truths of my own entrepreneurial journey… And I have a lot of messy, ugly truths.

For example, I, Kim Sutton, know what it’s like to…

  • Be inauthentic in my business because I am more concerned with what others thought than being true to myself
  • Focus on quantity instead of quality, offering services because I want money, NOT because I enjoy doing them;
  • Miss important family moments because I “need” one more minute to work;
  • Work 20 hour days, 7 days a week to find my bank account empty and my mental and physical health suffering;
  • Jump from one idea to the next never finishing a project and thus never making money from my ideas;
  • Fall victim to Shiny Object Syndrome, buying courses, products and programs thinking they will success;

I, Kim Sutton, also know how to recover from the above pains. I know because I have personally experienced them!

I know the true cost of letting the expectations of others control our lives, and I don’t want to see you fall victim to the same negative side-effects of entrepreneurship I did.

So… Do you want to continue being a slave to unsatisfying expectations? Or are you ready to create joy and money pursuing your passion?

I’m committed to empowering you with the systems and strategies you need to help you embrace your true calling WITHOUT sacrificing revenue, your health, or time with loved ones.

I invite you to join me on the Work Smarter, Not Harder journey. Subscribe to the podcast, join the community and get ready to see your business and personal life change for the better. I wish you all my best, dear friend, and I can’t wait to see you soar while building a business that’s authentically YOU.












The Work Smarter Not Harder Podcast with Kim Sutton

Kim SUTTON’s Blog

Navigating Silence

Navigating Silence

As one prone to overthinking and rumination, I am navigating silence, or a lacktherof, in an effort to heal and find peace in my new life.

Discovering Myself

Discovering Myself

Just shy of nine months divorced, I’m on a journey of discovering myself and finally being honest with myself and others.

Seeking Validation

Seeking Validation

It’s time to stop seeking validation from external sources and start looking within ourselves. Kim shares how she has started her journey.




Are you sick of wearing a mask in your business, avoiding authenticity and your true calling for fear of missing out on opportunites and/or income?

And are you tired of being a broke, broken and burnt-out entrepreneur, longing to love each work day while also having more time for the people and activities you love?

If so, you can’t afford to miss this FREE challenge…

kim SUTTON on instagram

“Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor.” ~ Proverbs 15:33

Last week I was asked to stop posting about someone. In full disclosure, I never tagged the person or mentioned them by name. I never specifically referenced them and, outside of a handful of people, nobody would know who I was talking about.

But he did.

He knew the posts documenting my healing journey were specifically referring to ways he treated me and, rather than be humble and completely address the wrongs, he told me to stop.

He wanted me to dismiss the wrongs, just as he had.

I don’t share all this to make him look bad, but to make a point.

Humility comes before honor.

I will never, ever, pretend to be perfect.
I will never, ever, run away when somebody says I hurt them.

I will address my wrongs, head-on, and make my wrongs right.

But some people won’t.
Some people would rather all the dust be swept under the rug.
Some people EXPECT others to do what they’re told and, when they’re told to be quiet to be quiet.

I don’t do what I’m told, especially when my sharing is therapeutic to me and has been helpful for others going through similar journeys.

If you didn’t want me to post about how you were a jerk, shaming me because you yourself have unaddressed shame, then you should have been nice to me.

Humility comes before honor.
Respect goes a loooooooong way.
Apologies that mean something go a long way, too.
But when you’re a jerk TO ME when I express concern that she’s hacked your account, that’s not okay.
Being a jerk to me is NEVER okay.
I realize it now.
I let you get away with it for far too long and I will NEVER allow anyone to get away with it again.

Humility comes before honor.
With God AND with me.

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A peaceful life doesn’t come from pretending everything is good and ignoring your problems. It doesn’t stop raining just because you’re holding an umbrella.

A peaceful life comes from addressing the problems so they go away. A peaceful existence is often created in the doing of the messy work, the therapy, rehab, counseling, withdrawal, purging, etc., a magnificent storm which washes away the old, ugly, and harmful parts of our life.

Ignoring an addiction doesn’t lead you to a peaceful life just because the addiction isn’t illegal. The addiction controls your life, not your peace.

Weight loss doesn’t happen when you pretend you are eating right. Pretending you didn’t eat junk doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The calories, carbs and fat will still be there. But rather than admitting you ate junk, the truth of your lie will eat you.

Abuse doesn’t contribute to a peaceful life just because you choose to make excuses for the abuser and justify their actions. Sweeping the abuse under the rug doesn’t create peace. It simply hides the abuse until the next time.

Retail therapy doesn’t create a peaceful life. It makes your peace and happiness dependent on things and possessions.

Dismissing/blocking somebody you mistreated won’t create peace. Ignorance isn’t blind, and your subconscious will remind you, frequently, of your misdeeds.

A better paying job doesn’t create peace. It may help your bank account, but when you’re using the money to mask the failing parts of your life, that’s not peace. That’s ignorance.

Lying doesn’t create peace. People see through the lies and pity the liar. Being honest creates more peace than lying ever will - no matter how difficult the truth is to admit.

A peaceful life doesn’t come from pretending everything is good and ignoring the problems.

I choose to do the messy work rather than play dress-up and pretend everything is perfect.


“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace...” Ephesians 6:14-15

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:32

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Don’t let anyone silence you… EVER…

If they didn’t want you to share the part of your story that involves them, they should collaborated with you to make it a better story, an uplifting one to inspire future generations.

And what does that collaboration look like in my book?

It’s simple but not easy…

➡ Mutual support and respect
➡ Owning our wrongs and taking corrective action
➡ No deflection or dismissal
➡ Seeing out and accepting the help needed to become the best version of ourselves, physically AND mentally

As for me and my house, we serve the Lord.
We do NOT serve anybody who tries to silence or repress us.

And I WILL share my story, ALL of it, because this is how I will help others.

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According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of dismissive is, “…serving to dismiss or reject someone or something : having or showing a disdainful attitude toward someone or something regarded as unworthy of serious attention.”

My heart hurts this morning, having been dismissed last night. It became clear to me that an acquaintance’s social accounts were compromised and messages were being read… NOT by them…

I brought it to their attention out of a place of care, for both of us. I have no doubt ours was not the only conversation live in their account and I would never want something shared to other avenues due to a compromised account.

But I was treated like the bad guy.
I was yelled at.
I was told to leave them alone and never talk to them again.
I was blocked.

I cried myself to sleep last night, asking God what I did wrong. I was trying to do something good, to protect someone I care about, and it was turned around on ME.

I have done tremendous work on myself this year to not only heal but to heal into a healthier version of myself.

And I have been working on communicating, speaking up immediately when I’m concerned rather than waiting.

But while others say they’ve been working on themselves, they haven’t.

They’ve been pacifying themselves and packing their time to make themselves FEEL productive.

They’re not healing.
They’re not healthier, physically, emotionally OR mentally.

They are still broken, dismissing and deflecting others who care deeply about them and who bring up concerns because of that care.

I will continue praying for this person but I did NOT deserve the harsh words and treatment I received…

And as for the one reading the messages, I pray for you, too. It’s time to heal and time to move on. What you are doing is not helping you but HURTING you. It’s keeping you trapped in the past when you could be healing by looking forward. Your lies don’t fool me and I pray you will find a beautiful reality that is far better than the fantastical fictional version you want the world to believe is true.

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“The perfect is the enemy of the good.” ~ Voltaire

There are people in my life who strive for perfect constantly. While I, too, strive for perfection, I will not do it to the detriment of my joy or happiness. I will not do it to the point of jeopardizing my physical or mental health. I will not do it to the extent of destroying relationships.

But some in my life will do the above, including people I love. Nothing is good enough unless it is perfect and they can’t find humor in their own mistakes.

Personally, I love showing my imperfections in blooper reels. I want to make memories, not make myself miserable trying to be perfect.

How about you? What is your relationship with perfectionism? Is it healthy?

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