5 Reasons Why Infusionsoft™ May Be Costing You More Money Than You Make With It

Jan 3, 2019

The Team at Positive Productivity is proud to share tips and resources which we know will serve our community. As such, we are an affiliate for products we know and love. Please keep in mind while reading, “5 Reasons Why Infusionsoft™ May Be Costing You More Money Than You Make With It” that this article may include affiliate links. Our primary intention is to serve you and your business with our knowledge, however we may earn commission if you purchase through any of our links.

I’ve been paying $300/month and it’s not making me a dime.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this since becoming an Infusionsoft™ Certified Partner in 2012.

Most people who tell me this wouldn’t like to hear my initial thought.

I have 5 reasons why Infusionsoft™ may be costing you more money than you make with it, and most of them are probably your fault.

Harsh, I know, but true, and I’ll explain why…

5 Reasons Why Infusionsoft™ May Be Costing You More Money Than You Make With It

1. “I Got a Deal on Infusionsoft™!… And No Training”

UGH.. The clients who are in the most pain due to their recurring, monthly Infusionsoft™ charge are often those who got a deal to sign up with Infusionsoft™. I should clarify. They were offered a promotion which included a discounted monthly promotion, and they received no training.

They thought it would be easy to pick up and could learn it themselves.

Infusionsoft™ may be costing YOU more money than you make with it because, just like many of my other clients, you were caught up in Shiny Object Syndrome, and immediately post-purchase forgot about it. Now it’s gathering dust, just like the dozens of programs and courses which came before and after it.

Friend, I am a self-professed nerd. I’m one of those people who won the Presidential Logic Awards in middle school, and learns technology easily. However… Even Infusionsoft™ didn’t come easily to me.

Signing up for Infusionsoft™ is not as easy as signing up for a Google account for a reason.

Infusionsoft™ understands that the success of their customers depends on adequate training. But, there are Certified Partners out there who are more interested in the monthly recurring commission than the success their clients have using the software.

I’m not one of those Certified Partners.

While I would like to say there are exceptions to the, “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is” rule, getting a deal on Infusionsoft™ is usually NOT one of those exceptions.

The team at Positive Productivity and I firmly believe that business owners should be working in their Zone of Genius as much as possible. Often (and unless you’re us), working in Infusionsoft™ is anything but. However… If you don’t know how to add a contact or send an email from a $300+/month program, there’s a problem.


Good. Let’s move on.

2. What’s up, doc?

When was the last time you sent an email to your list?

Ummmm… I don’t know.

Ehhhh. Wrong answer.

Infusionsoft™ may be costing you more money than you make with it because your list doesn’t know you any better than you know them.

People who signed up for your email list did so because they wanted something from you. Whether it was a freebie or a paid product, you offered something they wanted, and they gave you their email address so they could get it.

So, why not give them more than they asked for?

No, I’m not suggesting you should be send SPAM or emails outside of the topic area they signed up for. But where are the emails which will benefit them as they continue their journey?

Most “funnels” I see go something like this…

  1. Person sees freebie they want and visit landing page.
  2. Prospect enters email address and name on form and clicks submit.
  3. Thank you page is nothing more than, “Thank you for signing up. Check your email.”
  4. Boring email hits inbox.
  5. Prospect gets freebie.
  6. End of story.
  7. .
  8. .
  9. Eternal silence.

Let’s imagine, just for a moment, that while you’re reading this article, a kid, animal or alien starts doing something ridiculous in your living room.

How difficult would it be to pick up your smartphone and record a quick video?

Come on, if you’re reading an article about Infusionsoft™, I would have to assume you are either 1) reading this ON your phone or 2) your phone is just next to you.

My point is, it wouldn’t be very hard to continue the prospects journey. You could easily recording a 1-2 minute video for the thank you page. In the video you could tell the prospect, well, “thank you,” introduce yourself, and then… Gasp… Offer them an upsell.

“I want to help you continue your journey toward Y, so if you’re looking to get started right now, I want to offer you Z for only $X. Just push the button below to get started.”

(Pssst. The first dollar is the hardest to get. Don’t jump the gun and ask them for thousands of dollars immediately. How about a $7-97 product?)

But, that’s not it.

After the person opts-in, they should receive a series of emails which provides greater context and content about the freebie they signed up for.

Tell them why you’re passionate about helping them.

Give them another free resource.

Ask them questions about their goals and struggles.

Whatever you do, keep the conversation going in an automated fashion.

Every person who signs up for your list should receive no less than 5-7 indoctrination emails. Period.

If you don’t have 5-7 emails worth of content for the freebie you’re offering, then it’s probably not something you should be offering in the first place.

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3. More than just an over-priced Mailchimp

Sadly, so many people use Infusionsoft™ the same way they would use Mailchimp, Constant Contact or so-many other non-CRM tools.

Meaning, they only use Infusionsoft™ to send emails IF they are even doing that.

If your Infusionsoft™ isn’t making you money, I want you to think about when and why you signed up for it.

A number of clients have told me, “Well, so-and-so uses it and s/he makes millions every year.


I don’t care about the people who are making millions. I care about YOU and our clients.

Why aren’t you making the $300 necessary to cover your monthly Infusionsoft™ bill?

Could it be because you don’t know what it can do?

Do you not realize the power you have in your back pocket?

Are you worried about spending just a little more money to make Infusionsoft™ a full-fledged money making machine?

Let me tell you… I was NOT prepared financially to become an Infusionsoft™ user when I signed up in 2012. Four months pregnant with twins, I had 58 days to become an Infusionsoft™ ninja. If I didn’t learn it like the back of my hand before I travelled cross-country for my certification, I would be wasting time and I wouldn’t have another chance (for years).

So, I flipped the switched and moved my company (aka me, myself and I) in to Infusionsoft™.

But… I didn’t even use it to its potential until 2016.

Today, Infusionsoft™ is the backbone of the Positive Productivity podcast. Besides recording, editing and posting the episodes, Infusionsoft™ handles EVERYTHING else, saving my team and I a minimum of 60 minutes per episode. As of when I write this, the show has just backed down to two episodes per week, but even then, it’s saving us a minimum of 8 hours a month.

Eight hours of my assistant’s time already pays for a month of Infusionsoft™.
Eight hours of my time would pay for several months.

But those hours are saved due to the automation we have set up with Infusionsoft™.

And that’s just ONE of the ways we use it to automate tasks.

Are you a podcaster? Are you looking to simplify your guest booking process? If so, get your podcast guest automation campaign HERE!

4. If This, Then That.

Do you know who’s signing up for your list?

No, I don’t mean their name and their family history.

I mean, do you have any idea WHY they wanted THAT freebie?

When people sign up for the free, 7-day version of the Positive Productivity Planner, I ask them a question even before I ask for their email address*!

“Which best describes you?”

Then I provide three different options. After opt-in, the lead will go into a specific indoctrination sequence specifically geared to people who answered the way they did.

But here’s the thing…

All three indoctrination sequences are basically the same. I made minor tweaks to each one, however, to specifically address their pain point. Now the lead thinks I’m talking specifically to THEM!

There is no reason why you can’t be accomplishing the same with your funnel, and to be brutally honest, you’re wasting your time and your lead’s time if you don’t!

Who wants to receive information they’re not interested in? I know I don’t! Save your prospects a headache (or 100), and find out who they are straight from the get-go!

*My landing page builder doesn’t allow me to ask “Which best describes you?” before asking for their email address, so it’s asked at the same time. To see how I do this before the email address, visit just about any page on thekimsutton.com and click the button to request the Positive Productivity planner.

This was accomplished using PopUp Ally Pro, which you can get HERE.

5. Lack of Billing Automation

Many people associate billing automation with subscription payments. Yes, it’s great that clients and customers can be auto-charged for a service or product, however, what happens when their payment fails?

For many Infusionsoft™ clients, nothing.

I’ve been alarmed, in all honesty, by how many 7-figure businesses who use Infusionsoft™ do not use billing automation.

Here’s an example…

In 2016, I purchased programs from three, well known and respected companies, all of whom used Infusionsoft™. All three programs were purchased using payment plan options. Before my second payment could be made, however, my (then) three year old daughter emptied my wallet and put my debit card in the heating duct. It was unrecoverable and was cancelled when I ordered a replacement.

Company 1 had billing automation set-up, and when my charge failed, I was notified. I contacted the company and provided my new credit card number.

Companies 2 and 3 did not have billing automation set-up, and it wasn’t until much later that I discovered I owed money to both. Not only were their teams not checking payment status manually, but they didn’t have billing automation set up which would have notified them — and their customers — when a payment failed.

In the case of companies 2 and 3, I purchased their programs during a launch, and I know I was one of a hundred — if not a thousand — clients in each case. If my charge failed, you would have to believe other charges failed as well. How much money was lost due to lack of billing automation? (My stomach turns at the thought.)

What’s Your Infusionsoft™ Pain Point?

My team and I are ready to help you turn your Infusionsoft™ story from sob to success. Share below what your biggest pain point is, or send us a message and let us know how we can help!