PP 082: Unleash Your Greatness with Kelly Roach Coaching

Kim Sutton and Kelly Roach chat about the obstacles business owners face when lacking confidence, the systems every business owner needs to establish, and how our only limitations to success come from within.

.@kellyroachint & @thekimsutton chat about the obstacles business owners face when lacking confidence, the systems every business owner needs to establish, and how our only limitations to success come from within at https://thekimsutton.com/pp082/ #Podcast Click To Tweet

Episode Transcription

KIM:  Welcome back to another episode of Positive Productivity. This is your host Kim Sutton. Today, I am thrilled to have Kelly Roach from Kelly Roach Coaching with us. Kelly, how are you doing today?

KELLY ROACH: I am awesome. Thank you so much for having me on Kim.

KIM: Well, thank you so much for coming back. Listeners, as you know, this is Positive Productivity, things aren’t always perfect, including that little blooper right there. Kelly has been so gracious as to come back. Kelly is a CEO and Business Growth Strategist of Kelly Roach Coaching. She helps entrepreneurs build a profitable business around a life they absolutely love through online coaching programs in private mentoring. Kelly, I would love for you to share more about what you do in your coaching program and also about how you built it in the first place.

KELLY ROACH: Yeah. Absolutely. So my background is essentially since graduating from college, it was in sales and marketing, and then coaching. Teaching and leading people to success. And so I really found a niche for myself in helping people to double and triple their income and doing so through selling. And I found that the number one thing that entrepreneurs tend to struggle with is closing clients. And so, I really decided to channel that energy and that success that I had in my fortune 500 experience into really focusing my own company around helping entrepreneurs to build a profitable, booming business around the life that they love.

And so, my work today Kim, is all centered around the systems, the strategies, the productivity, the mindset, and the killer tactics that are going to allow entrepreneurs to see their dreams through. And actually achieved their income and growth goals that they set out to when they started their business. Because I found that the vast majority of entrepreneurs have a ton of passion. They have a great work ethic, but they simply don’t have the skillset and the knowledge and experience necessary to build their business to the level that they desire. So my job is to fill in those gaps so that they have the whole picture of everything that it really takes to be successful as an entrepreneur.

KIM: That is awesome. And I love how you talked about all that, because as you know, we’ve talked several times that have been off mike or on mike, but you know what I’m trying to say. About my own business, and one of the things that I found that I have a huge passion or a huge problem with, was actually my contracts and my billing methods for my clients. Is this a problem that you see a lot of your clients having?

KELLY ROACH: Absolutely. You know, when we all start off in our business is our focus and our goal is getting those clients in the door. And so, a lot of times it leads to flexibility, or it leads to accommodation, or leads to even the client kind of leading the way in terms of kind of laying out what they want to see from us. Versus us being the consultative, you know, owner in the relationship that lets the client know what we’re going to need from them in order for this to be a successful partnership. So it’s really just taking ownership and reversing that paradigm cam. And this is something that all business owners go through. And I always share that, one of the very first things that I deal with pretty much all of my new clients is help them to double their prices. Consistently, when people come into my programs, they say: “No, not me, I can’t do it.” My clients will balk, you know. Everyone will leave. No one will sign with me. And then they do it, and they cannot even believe how easy it is.

So, it’s just some little small tweaks Kim, in the ownership of the process. And really, you know, it’s, it all comes back to that knowing your worth and really, you know, demanding what you’re going to need from a client in order for you to help the client get the results that they deserve. And part of that is, them owning their commitment to paying in full on time as they agreed upon with you. And, you know, the best way to ensure that happens is to make sure that you get that credit card information upfront. So it’s not them deciding from month to month whether they want to pay or if they’re going to do the work to get the results that you’re trying to help them get, but that you’re kind of owning that piece of the process.

KIM: Oh! Absolutely. And I know that for me a huge struggle was the confidence in saying no. Number one to the projects that weren’t really in line with what I wanted to be doing to being confident in the prices that I knew I was worth, but was scared that people would say no to and three asking for the payment upfront.

KELLY ROACH: Right. And I mean that’s very, very common. I mean, that’s where we all start in our business. And so, you know, nothing to be ashamed of there. I mean, that’s where everybody gets started. It’s just then realizing: “Okay, now it’s time to graduate from that. And it’s time to, you know, take the next level.” If I want the business to be at the next level, if I want my income to be at the next level: “Okay, now it’s time for us to graduate from those strategies and tactics into higher level ones that allow you to have much more control over your outcomes.”

KIM: Oh! Absolutely. I just have to share too. I had a client come back after not working with me for about two and a half years. He just haven’t had the need. Came back on Friday. And a lot’s changed in two and a half years, as you hope that it does. Right? And he said: “Well, I don’t know what your policies are now and how you’re working.” And for a moment before the calI, I was hesitating. You know, what do I charge him? Do I meet in the middle for what I was charging before? And what I’m charging now. And somehow when he asked that on the phone call, it just came out. And my husband was sitting right here and he heard me say it, what my new rate was. And he like, fist pump me or you know, like: “Yes, good for you.” Like, stepping up to it. It was such a rush Kelly, like knowing: “Okay, I can do this”. And there was no hesitation on his side. Why was I even doubting it?

KELLY ROACH: It’s the best feeling in the world. And it’s the biggest hurdle because once you’ve done it once, you can do it over and over again. And you now know that when you charge what you’re worth, people respect you, they value you, they feel more tied to doing the work and getting the outcome because they have something invested in it. And that’s what we don’t realize. When we undercharged, we get worse clients, we get people that don’t follow through with people that don’t take it seriously because it’s not that big of a commitment or investment. But when people have skin in the game, they want the result as bad as you do. And it matters to them whether or not they follow through. And so it’s a very important part of how your position in the market, the types of clients that you attract, and of course then the results that you get for people, which leads to them staying longer and spending more in the future.

KIM: Kelly, I do have one question for you. As a member of a lot of, well not a lot, I’ve cut down a bit, but a number of facebook groups where I’m seeing, you know, new entrepreneurs come into the scene and sharing that they’re now a coach. Right? Because it seems like a lot of people are saying: “Okay, I’m a coach.” But they’ve never really done any coaching before. And I’ve had this success for a couple months now and here’s what my rates are. Where do you think the line gets drawn between charging the right amount and charging too much? Or do you, is there such a thing?

KELLY ROACH: Well, I think it’s all depends upon the value that you bring in any situation, you know. And I think that yes, there are people that are waking up everyday, there’s no barrier to entry now in business. So there’s people waking up every day, and setting up a facebook page, and saying: “I am now this or I am now that” With no results or experience or, you know, whatever the case to back it up. And that’s not to say that anyone who hasn’t done something before shouldn’t go into business for themselves. But you just want to make sure that you can in fact provide the results that you are sharing and promoting that you can. And I think in terms of charging, I think the sky’s the limit. And I think it is completely dependent upon the value and the result that you are capable of partnering with your client to achieve.

KIM: Yeah. I guess if we look at people like Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins charging, you know, millions, if not tens of millions a year to clients. But those clients are getting their value back, plus a whole time more.

KELLY ROACH: Exactly. Yeah. And I mean, that’s the thing is like, you know, you have to decide what level gave me want to play, right? So if you invest to do private coaching with Tony Robbins, you know, I’m sure it’s close to a million dollar investment. And you’re probably gonna make, you know, a 50-100 million dollar leap in your business in doing that, if you are in fact ready to do that. And I do, you do have to be ready to do that, you know? And so, if you look at what you’re asking to invest in and of itself, you’re like: “That’s outrageous”. But if you look at the results that you’re going to get, it makes perfect sense. And that’s a mindset that’s very tough for all of us, you know, with investing in our businesses. But it’s a very important one, because you’re only going to get results that correlate with the investment that you make. So if you make half hearted investments in, for lack of a better word, crappy programs, or courses, or the bare minimum in your business, then you’re gonna get the bare minimum back. Whereas if you make smart, strategic investments in your business and you look for the best in class opportunity to work with the best people that you possibly can, for the level that you’re at, then you’re going to see the results that correlate with that as long as you do the work.

KIM: Oh! Absolutely. You’ve just actually segued me into the next question that I had. Have you read Rework by Jason? Oh, I hope I don’t say his last name wrong. Fried? Fried.


KIM: Okay. So there’s a quote in there. It goes something along the lines of: “It would be better to have half a project than a half ass project.” I realized and I finally gotten myself out of it, that I have Chronic Idea Disorder, I coined the phrase because I kept on getting way too many ideas, trying to do so much at one time and then winding up with nothing done. And then the new idea comes along and I stopped whatever I was working on and jump onto the new project. And, you know, then I have a bucket of 10,001 unfinished project. Is this something that you see as common in the entrepreneurs that you work with?

KELLY ROACH: Absolutely, and it’s something that I pride myself in being very good at stopping actually because it’s one of the biggest things that does prevent people from succeeding. You know, if you look at individuals that have had very high level of success in any arena, whether it’s athletics, or business, or whatever the case. They were extraordinarily focused and extraordinarily disciplined around working at something until they mastered it.

And your business is the same way. You know, if you keep working on lots of different projects, you’ll make a little drop in the bucket in each of those different projects. But you never have a finished product that you can market and sell and you don’t have any momentum. Whereas if you kind of put all of those drops into a few core buckets, maybe one or two or three core buckets , and you focused on filling them up, and then you focus on creating momentum, and then you focus on falling through. That’s where you can scale up and really have the success that comes with doing volume in a few key areas versus just doing a little minimal drop in the bucket in many, many different areas.

KIM: Right. And like, I would launch a project or program that didn’t go as well as I thought, so I figured, okay, this isn’t gonna work and I would move onto the next one. But you on the other side have unstoppable entrepreneurs which had love for you to talk about. And it’s not evergreen by any means, but it’s constantly, you’re filling it and you, you’re engaging and you’ve got entrepreneurs that you’re helping. And you’ve made it work because it’s awesome man, because you put all that time and you didn’t get distracted by, you know, Chronic Idea Disorder.

KELLY ROACH: Well, that’s the big thing and I think that’s also a mistake, you know, that people make as well. You know, there’s so many people out there talking about doing your launch and, you know, executing an effective launch. And all of that is great, but you also need to have, you know, hundreds of thousands of people many times to get the level of a one time launch that you would be looking for to get your business to the level that you want it to be looking for. What I found in turn has been very, very successful for us, especially with the unstoppable entrepreneur. We have people joining every week of the year, almost every day, practically, you know, is always be launching, always be selling, always be promoting. Because it’s a 12 month program and the value of getting a customer in that program is so high. Especially because many people will stay for multiple years because we’re constantly adding new content, we’re constantly adding new sections. There’s so much value all in one place that people don’t have to keep buying 100 different courses, and signing up with different coaches, and jumping from place to place to place. They can find home and they can zip it in, concentrate and then you know, make progress forward. So, I think just being cognizant of the level of success that you want and looking at your launch strategy, quote unquote, or your fill up strategy in terms of how you’re trying to get to your goals. Making sure that it’s in line with where you’re at and what it’s actually going to take to achieve your goals.

KIM: Kelly, you and I are both on the B to B market. And I’m wondering what you see as being the most valuable but least utilized networking tool for entrepreneurs in our space.

KELLY ROACH: Well, I’m not a huge, huge networker. But what I’ll tell you is definitely the most underused strategy is driving people to consultations on the phone. Without a doubt, where I see entrepreneurs leaving thousands and thousands of dollars on the table is that they don’t talk to people. If you have a strategy in your business to get three to five consults a week over the phone, even just talking to one human being a day. You will be consistently closing multiple clients in your business every single week. And of course, you’re going to grow out of that strategy eventually. But, you know, definitely up through your first million. There’s a place for that at certain levels dependent upon what the investment is going to be. And even beyond the million dollars, you know, there’s times and places where that’s a smart strategy.

So I’ll give a specific example. We just filled legacy leaders, which is my 2017 mastermind program. We didn’t do a launch, we didn’t do any crazy stuff like that. We literally just filled it by coming up with a targeted list of people that we wanted in the group. They all got on a phone consult with me. And we sold the program and build it just through, you know, having 10 conversations, you know. And so, it’s just, and that’s a high level, you know, 10,000 plus investment that people are making. So, I think the big thing that’s missing here, Kim, is with people building businesses in the online space. They’re forgetting that our businesses are about serving people. And there’s human emotions and personalities and psychologies behind that buying decision. And, you know, connecting with people is still a very important element of what’s going to drive sales in any business.

KIM: Oh, I completely agree. And I’ve actually started connecting with a lot more people through LinkedIn. And rather than trying to go for the, you know, the cell when I’m connecting with them, I’m inviting them to virtual coffee. I want to talk to them and get to know them and just know what their goals are. And now, I really will try to avoid getting into any type of selling situation in that first phone call because it’s about the relationship first and then you can turn it around, if there’s opportunity. But it certainly leaves the dirty taste in your mouth though, if you go right in and say: “Buy my stuff right away”. So, could you share about the unstoppable entrepreneurs with the listening audience? I forgot to mention before now. Listeners, all the show notes and the links and all the great info that we’re discussing on this call will be in the show notes, which you can find at TheKimSutton.com/PP082 for episode 82.

KELLY ROACH: Yeah. So definitely, The Unstoppable Entrepreneur is my flagship program, it’s 12 months. It’s a business education coaching and mastermind program. It has a private Facebook group and a private membership site that houses over a hundred audio and video trainings on virtually every area necessary to grow your business. We take people through mindset and productivity. How to use their time to grow their business very quickly, even if they have a limited schedule or doing their business part time. We take them through that, we teach them sales, A-Z, then online marketing, engineering their celebrity attraction marketing, and team building. We really walk people through virtually every element of what it’s going to take to build, grow and scale successful business. We’ve had members of my programs do everything from getting their first five clients in a single month after struggling with no clients and other coaching programs for years, up through people that have added over a million dollars in revenue in a single year working with me.

So there’s the gamut of individuals at all different levels. But the program is very relevant to any entrepreneur that wants to better systematize their success, and needs, education, and accountability, support, and strategy around what it’s gonna actually take to get to the next level. And then filling in all the gaps of the ‘How to’s’ and the implementation to actually get the results.

KIM:  I love some, well, all the aspects of the program that you talked about. But I’m especially interested by the team building portion. I know you have a team. Would you mind talking about your team just a little bit? And then are there any vital team members that you think even a new entrepreneur should have?

KELLY ROACH: Yeah. Absolutely. Well, I mean, every entrepreneur needs to be working with some sort of virtual assistant or virtual assistant company. Because if you want to grow your business, you just can’t be down in the weeds, you know, so, talk to Kim. I think that  getting administrative and techie help is first and foremost, for me, I have full time team members, part time team members, contractors, interns and outside companies that I actually hire for different aspects of the business.

So, as far as internally, we have people that, I have a full time marketing manager that does sales and marketing, copywriting, social media. She does all of our Webinar resets. And helps with a lot of the technical aspects that specifically relate to marketing. But then on the flip side, we also have a full time person that is our client concierge that does all the business operations, manages our websites, does all the kind of technical billing type stuff and is really responsible for the vast majority of administrative functions of the business. And then we also have an outside sales rep. So, we have someone that her whole job function or whole responsibility is phone calls, emails, social media, selling a warm leads that we get from all of our online marketing and advertising and closing clients for the business. And then we have obviously a bookkeeper that, that’s just a part time, you know, outside resource that we use.

We have an outside company that we use for a lot, SEO and some Facebook marketing, and some other website related technical, promotional things such as creating opt-in pop ups and that type of thing. And then we always have an intern team. So, all of my internal hires essentially, most of them all started out as interns. Then they came on as part time contractors, full time contractors and then internal employees. That’s kind of the career path with the company. We typically have a team of anywhere from four to six interns that are doing anything from podcast editing, podcast promotion, online marketing, social media, marketing, blogging, all of those types of things. We really try to systematize every aspect of the business and get it down to enough of a science that we can plug someone in with little to no experience. Train them very quickly and start generating results right away. That’s what allows me to work, you know, very limited hours in the business but still continue to keep growing. Because it’s based on systems and it’s based on getting results through which is exactly what I teach in The Unstoppable Entrepreneur.

KIM: I was just about to ask that. What does your schedule look like? I know this would vary day to day and week to week and depending on what your project launch schedule looking like. But what does your schedule look like? Are you able to keep your hands pretty much out of the operations and really on the high level stuff?

KELLY ROACH: Oh yeah. I mean, I don’t even know how to do the operation, which is why I have my team members do a lot of cross training with one another, so that I made sure that there isn’t just one person in the business that knows how to do the things that they’re doing. Like, my two kind of, I’ll call them right hand people, my right hand, my left hand, people. Stephanie and Nicole. They’re pretty much cross trained on everything that they each do. And anything that they’re not, they’re in the process of doing because I don’t even touch, I don’t even get near any of the operational aspects of the business. So, yeah, no.

And as far as my weekly schedule, it does vary a lot. Week to week, day to day and my family is my top priority. So that’s a lot of times the driving factor behind that. I’m not an 80 hour entrepreneur, I’m not a 60 or even a 40 hour entrepreneur. Probably, my working hours are somewhere around 30 and around that range, I do what’s necessary. We have very specific goals as a company and as a team. And my role right now, more than anything is as a sales coach and a strategist giving my team the right training, the right support and the right resources to be able to go out and effectively market our services and closed clients for us. So, you know, more than anything that’s there and then, you know, obviously being the CEO of the company. So, driving the vision and the strategy and making sure that I’m getting the best in class resources to support us in all the objectives that we have as a company.

KIM: I love all of that. That is my goal for 2017 Kelly. To be down from however many hours I’m at right now to 30 or so. That would be fantastic.

KELLY ROACH: Yeah. And I mean, it’s very doable. I mean, people think that’s like a crazy idea or it’s not possible for them. But, you know, most entrepreneurs, the vast majority of their time is not bringing in money for their business. And so, all we do is focus on helping them get focused on, you know, the things that are gonna make them money. And when we do that, you can substantially reduce your working hours while really massively increasing your income.

KIM: Yes. That’s the best response I can come up with. Isn’t that awesome as a podcast host is, yes. You are in the process of launching another program or at the time of this release, we’ll have maybe wrapped up the launch, but just in case it’s still going on. I’d love for you to talk about your program that you’re launching.

KELLY ROACH: Definitely. So the simple zero to 100 k system is the, it’s really the focus plan on helping people get the first 100k. And I find that this is one of the biggest hurdles that most entrepreneurs say stuck at. And I also find that once people get to 100k that they, you know, skyrocket. Because they can afford to invest in hiring, they can afford to get the right resources on board, they can afford to invest in advertising and all of that. So, the bottom line is the 100 k is like, the critical critical milestone that entrepreneurs need to hit in order to springboard up into the high six and seven figures. And so, I decided to design a program that focuses only on that first 100 k because I know that if I can get people there. They will easily be able to springboard. And ultimately for me, joined my other higher level programs, you know, and either work with me privately, or join my mastermind, or the unstoppable entrepreneur, or another higher level type program that maybe requires a little bit of a bigger investment. So, it’s really helping people break through that initial kind of milestone of 100 k. And it’s, the whole focus of the program is helping people to simplify. Simplify their focus, simplify their strategy, simplify everything that they’re doing. So that again, it’s not a matter of more hours, it’s not a matter of hustling harder. I think entrepreneurs work hard enough. But it is a matter of having a better strategy, a better plan, and a better directed focus, so that you can actually get real results. If that makes sense.

KIM: Yeah. Did you talk to my husband before we got on this call? Because it’s like you’re trying to [inaudible] me and you have all the inside scoop. But obviously it’s clear that you, you’ve done your research and you know exactly who you’re trying to talk to. No listeners, we did not talk about this program, besides the name before this call.

KELLY ROACH: That’s so funny.

KIM: Yeah. If he were listening right now, he’d be just sitting there nodding. Raising his eyebrow at me like: “Okay. Simplify and focus Kim”.


KIM:  He’s even noted, you know, you jump around. So that is my 2017. That’s the other half –

KELLY ROACH: Well that’s a good focus.

KIM: – I’m stealing it right from you.

KELLY ROACH: Yup. No. That’s a good that’s a good focus to have. Absolutely.

KIM: Well, Kelly, where can listeners find you online? What is the best way to get in touch? And I know, you even already talked about how phone calls are key. But how can they get in touch with you or your team and make great things happen for their business?

KELLY ROACH: Yeah, definitely. Well, the best place to start is always Unstoppable Success radio because once you start listening to that, you realize what’s possible for you. And you will get more out of listening to that free podcast than you have out of paid programs that you’ve done in the past. So I would say: “Always get started with Unstoppable Success Radio” Besides that, my home on the web is KellyRoachCoaching.com and of course you can reach out to my team or myself anytime. You can email my team at customer support at KellyRoachcoaching.com

KIM: I have to give her a shout out. Nicole, I’m sorry I haven’t spoken with you yet or converse with you. But Stephanie, you are awesome and you’re always a pleasure to –

KELLY ROACH: Oh, they are. They’re so amazing. I am very, very lucky that I have just an unbelievable team.

KIM: Well, it has been an absolute pleasure having you here today. Listeners, once again, you can find the show notes at TheKimSutton.com/PP082. Thanks again so much Kelly Roach.

KELLY ROACH: Thanks for having me Kim.