PP 171: Blowing Away Life’s Boogers
Quick Show Notes
Although not as gross, just like our noses, sometimes our lives can be filled with boogers. Today I challenge you to take a look at the boogers in your life… And blow them away!
Episode Transcription: Blowing Away Life’s Boogers
This episode has been inspired by kids.
While it may be a little bit gross to think about, I just want you to think about the message that I’m trying to convey in today’s episode.
With the changing seasons here in Ohio, I’m experiencing the blessing of children with allergies. We go through boxes of tissues, and my husband and I are constantly hearing “I got boogies. I got boogies.“
I was thinking about this earlier today, and about how much better the kids feel, or even my husband and I feel, when our noses are clear. And I know this is a gross vision to be putting in your head, but sometimes life has boogers, too.
These buggers can be clients we just don’t mesh well with, team members we don’t mesh well with, or tools that just aren’t the right fit for our business. And, sometimes, we just need to blow those life boogers out of the way.
Blowing Away Life’s Boogers
Recently I let a client go because it just wasn’t the best relationship for my business. And I have to tell you that after that client was off my client roster, I could breathe so much better.
It might be a crazy request from me to you today, but I want you to take a look at what your life boogers currently are.
What can you get rid of in the very near future?
Don’t just limit this to your business. Don’t just limit it to clients and team members and outdated tools. But look at your personal life, too.
I know it could be sad to think about, but are there any acquaintances that you really just need to stop following on social media because they’re bringing you down every time you see a post?
Is there a habit in your everyday life that you need to break because it just isn’t fulfilling or it’s eating up too much of your time?
Or, is there something that’s perhaps a lot smaller than that, and you could simply flick it away?
Blowing Away Life’s Boogers
Today I challenge you to take a look at your life boogers. Pick up your box of tissues and start blowing them out of your existence.
With all that said, go forth and have a positive and productive day.