PP 597: What’s Your Entrepreneurial Identity with Emma Bates

“Before you write anything for a course or a blog post or whatever you are writing, you need to be incredibly, super clear on who you’re writing it for… If you haven’t gotten your ideal customer really, really deeply nailed down, then your copy is not going to connect.” –Emma Bates 


Your identity is your brand. Knowing who you are as a business entity is as crucial as finding your identity as a person. Learn from today’s episode how our guest, Emma Bates, found her entrepreneurial identity and how this has helped her scale her business. Whether you’re in the season or reason or lesson stage, you have to know what really works for you and do it along with passion and really find that connection. That way, you will be able to put value in yourself, your time and your stand without having to dwell on your mistakes and really serving the ones who you can give your best to.



02:24 The Super Writer and Mom
08:36 Write with Your Voice and Call to Action
15:01 What Are You Known For?
22:29 Go After Your Passion
26:45 Value Your Time
34:59 Laugh Your Mistakes Out
40:55 Stick to Your Business Rules
47:39 Know Who You’re Writing For

Go for your passion and you will attract the right person to work with. Join @thekimsutton as she interviews Emma Bates on how to be an unshakable entrepreneur. #passion #salescopy #write #blog #mistakes&honesty #yourvoice #businessrules #time #season Click To Tweet

About Emma Bates:


Emma Lee Bates has been through a tough rifle as she struggles to find her entrepreneurial identity. She had it all along but her realization came when she finally focused on it. Now, her journey continues as a copywriter and blogger. As she made this shift of focus on her career, she hopes that people will recognize her for her chosen identity. And today, her hopes have come to life as she continues to help her clients around writing for sales copy and be the writer that they truly want to be known for.


Website: https://emmaleebates.com/
Blog: https://emmaleebates.com/blog/
Email: hello@emmaleebates.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmaleebatesblogger
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emmaleebatesblogger
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/emmaleebatesblogger/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCONZz3RkWMUl368gVlY8Bdg/


Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goal by Rachel Hollis
Ideal Customer Workbook by Emma Bates

Emma’s Facebook Group
Business Building for Busy Moms

Positive Productivity Podcast 
PP577: Being a Prepared Father with Jay Gabrani 


Inspirational Quotes:

“It’s just more about picking what you want to be known for. Because I don’t think you definitely have to write about one thing, I think it’s just that you need to have something that you’re known for, and then you fill in around it with other things you’re interested in or that go along with it.” –Emma Bates 

“As an entrepreneur, it’s a lifelong discovery. I think you’re constantly learning new things about yourself and about what you want to do and how you want to present yourself. I don’t think we ever stop learning.” –Emma Bates

“So you have to have confidence in what you’re doing so that you can move on.”­ –Kim Sutton

“Start your own business with something that you’re really passionate about. So even if you’re not making super great money, it’s something that you really enjoy doing.” –Emma Bates

“Mistakes are perfectly okay. But let’s just be honest. Honesty is key. If you make a mistake, admit it, there’s no reason to lie.” –Kim Sutton

“Before you write anything for a course or a blog post or whatever you are writing, you need to be incredibly, super clear on who you’re writing it for… If you haven’t gotten your ideal customer really, really deeply nailed down, then your copy is not going to connect.” –Emma Bates


Coming soon…