My 19 Lessons From 2019
Dear friend, thank you for visiting to read my 19 lessons from 2019. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am that 2019 is behind me, but, knowing and understanding my Purpose, if I can help even just one person with my lessons — and by sharing them openly — the year will have been worth it.
If I hadn’t turned everything over to God on January 1, 2019, the year would probably have sunk me, spiritually and physically.
But I DID turn everything over to God, and in return he helped me build strong relationships with fellow Christians who taught me loads about confidence, value, integrity, Purpose, and Faith.
If my Faith weren’t as strong as it is, I would say a lot more than I have about negative situations that caused major setbacks.
However, I DO have my Faith, and because of my Faith, I can see how God used people and situations to make my life far better and purpose-filled than I would have been able to do on my own — even when I thought the people and situations were as shitty as they could possibly be.
(Pssst. I’m Christian but I cuss a little. If you don’t like it… Eh, you may want to leave now.)
I would absolutely love to hear your feedback on my lessons as well as a few of the lessons you learned in the past year. Would you mind sharing in the comments?
My 19 lessons from 2019, or most of them at least, were originally shared with my email list. I loved the feedback I received, and received many emails asking where people would be able to find the lessons they missed.
Well… Here they are!
My 19 Lessons From 2019…
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Living in integrity – personally and professionally – pays more than living out of it ever could
LESSON #3: There’s a huge difference between making a mistake and being a failure
LESSON #5: “Don’t let the devil win.“
LESSON #6: Establishing communication boundaries is crucial
LESSON #7: Your health and self-care don’t belong on the back seat
LESSON #8: Batching Isn’t Just for Cookies…
LESSON #9: Start Before You’re Finished
LESSON #10: Showboating Should Be Left to Cruise Ship Performers
LESSON #11: Yesses and Nos Don’t Impact X’s and O’s
LESSON #12: Response Not Necessary
LESSON #13: God Always Has a Plan
LESSON #14: Building MY business needs to be a priority
LESSON #15: There’s nothing that could ever go under our Christmas tree that would mean more to me than my time with my family
LESSON #16: Stress has an appetite… Even if I’m not eating
Unlike the Kim of 2010-2011, present day Kim gains weight when stressed.
I thought this was a fluke and caused by a lack of exercise, and I’m sure that in some way it could be. I’m older, I’ve had three more kids, and my metabolism has undoubtedly changed.
However, when chatting with my good friend, Devi Adea, last week, I joked about my stress having an appetite and she told me it’s actually a thing. Apparently (and I could use feedback from health practitioners here), stress increases Cortisol.
Upon further research, I was astounded by the affects of Cortisol. (Check out this article)
Too much Cortisol can lead to:
- muscle weakness
- increased thirst
- urinating more frequently
- changes in mood, such as feeling irritable or low
- rapid weight gain in the face and abdomen
- decreased sex drive
I would by lying if I said I hadn’t experienced ALL of the above in 2018-2019. And the rapid weight gain in my face and abdomen as well as the need to go pee often were very noticeable (by me).
Since decreasing stress, my need to pee in the middle of the night has vanished. (Hallelujah!!!)
And… I’ve been losing weight while only slightly changing my diet!
My friend, you don’t need to put up with anything that causes you stress. Yes, I understand that tough financial times can be stressful, but you can also choose to focus on what you DO have rather than what you don’t.
Learn from MY 19 lessons from 2019, and say goodbye to stressful people in your life. Say goodbye to opportunities which don’t serve you. And say goodbye to the limiting beliefs which are holding you back rather than allowing you to soar forward.
Holding on to the stress can kill you. Literally. Is it worth holding on to with a risk that large?
LESSON #17: My mental music playlist is a sanity and character saver
“Um, when we were fighting and you were ranting, I zoned out and turned on my mental music playlist.“
“What’s on your playlist?” he asked.
Friend, in high stress situations, I had Lauren Daigle’s “Lord, I Need You“ and MercyMe’s “Even If“ on constant repeat.
My mental playlist saved me from saying many words which would have been highly detrimental.
For example, at an event, the host did something VERY un-cool (to me), after which, as a team member, I was required to have dinner with him and the rest of the team.
I ate my dinner in silence, which, if you know me, is VERY unlike me. As the author of the forthcoming book, Chronic Idea Disorder, I am always one to provide feedback and suggestions.
But, on this night, I, admittedly, removed myself emotionally from the conversation in the room and allowed my mental playlist to keep me from exploding in tears of rage.
(It wasn’t my event, and, despite my hurt feelings and disgust, I will never sabotage a clients’ event by feeding drama into it.)
My mental playlist saved me until after dinner when I excused myself, and, admittedly, let the tears flow.
And the playlist saved me during arguments with my husband from saying anything I would have regretted later.
Does that mean I didn’t say what I needed to say?
Heck, no! At 40 years old, I have finally learned to express my opinion. However, I have also learned WHEN to express my opinion.
My friend, in MercyMe’s words, “Sometimes you win some, and sometimes you lose some.” And, sometimes you just need to know when to keep your mouth shut and play your mental music playlist.
LESSON #18: Confidence in myself and my skills is my company’s greatest asset
Between 2018 and early 2019, I bartered my marketing automation services for “coaching.” To be clear, the financial wins I saw in my business during this time were NOT the result of any work that came out of the coaching I received.
The work I had committed to didn’t allow me time to work on my own business, (See Lesson 14) however it was my mistake to commit to the barter arrangement.
But, listen to this one…
During a call with one of my coaches, I expressed my recent realization that I was undercharging for my services.
To put this into perspective, in 2014, when I became an Infusionsoft Certified Partner, other partners at the training talked about how they charged $250-$300/hour. I charged $50. And… I had only raised my rate once – to $100 – since then.
I’m damn good at what I do, and my clients — including my “Coach” know it.
But the response from my “Coach” was, “Don’t forget who’s sending you most of your work.“
In other words, don’t raise your rates on us, or we’ll stop referring people to you.
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. To the coach AND to myself, because I listened.
But, there was a festering in my brain, because I realized my skills, knowledge and expertise were worth far more than I was charging.
And, despite the fact that I was doing all the work, I was only getting paid half of my client was getting paid for the work.
If the client could get paid that amount, why couldn’t I? Oh, wait! I can!
God hit me with a few holy 2-by-4’s before I finally had the sense knocked in to me that I was worth just as much — if not more — than the client was charging. And, if I wasn’t going to get paid that much by them, that I could go get paid somewhere else.
So, I did.
My friend, don’t let a lack of confidence hold you back. Allow my 19 lessons from 2019 propel you into the future.
Your confidence in yourself and your skills are your company’s greatest asset. Grow your confidence. Nurture it. And charge what you deserve to be paid so you can serve your clients as the level they deserve (and expect).
LESSON #19: I don’t need to know all the answers
I’m getting my pHD from the Entrepreneurial School of Hard Knocks, Thankfully, my dissertation can be presented to various boards, in various styles and formats, until I finally graduate. Until then, however, I’m going to have fun discovering the answers to some of my “I don’t know’s”, and I’ll credit the rest to be a perfectly imperfect human.
Your thoughts?
I would love to hear your thoughts about my 19 lessons from 2019. Did you experience any similar lessons in 2019 (or since)?
I invite you to leave a comment below!