PP 462: Terry Ogburn, Business Development Expert from Ogburn’s Business Solutions

“Money is the byproduct of the effort you put in.”

From a young child wanting to work on a paper route, to a technician, and now business owner helping other companies develop successful systems and solutions of their own, Terry Ogburn from Ogburn’s Business Solutions, shares his journey and the steps that got him to where he is now. Giving free time and how we can build from it, turning your organizational chart upside down, and four areas that you need to be disciplined in your life and business are some key topics that Kim and Terry discuss.

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PP 461: The Little Red Box

Sometimes, the simplest contraptions in our life or business can make a HUGE difference in our quality of life or work. Listen to hear how a $2 purchase has made all the difference for me!

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PP 460: Eddie Lorin, Founder of Impact Housing REIT

“Everybody thinks real estate is about finding good deals. I argue that good deals are made, not found.”

Eddie Lorin, the founder of Impact Housing REIT, tends to the under dogs, as he is one himself. By putting himself through UCLA and becoming successful in real estate he has the ability to transform neglected apartment communities into affordable treasures. Eddie shares with Kim that his goal is to make sure that all people have the opportunity to make a difference, your net worth is not your self-worth, and how he is able to manage 3-4,000 units that he owns.

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PP 459: Can’t Find What You Need? Create It!

Have you ever looked for a resource or product you felt you needed to reach a goal, couldn’t find it, and then gave up as a result? Listen to hear a story about how I took my search into my own hands and made my product myself!

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PP 458: Yvonne Tally, Author

“Focus on what you want to create and not what you fear.”

Yvonne was a health and wellness coach when a personal health scare showed her that her own health and wellness needs weren’t being addressed. Listen as Yvonne shares how she shifted her own patterns and wrote her book, “Breaking Up With Busy” and as we discuss the shoulds vs. coulds, giving ourselves permission, and the sometimes not-so-simple practice of slowing down.

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PP 457: Watch Your Language

Are you cussing or using Faith based expletives in your public facing communication? If so, listen to hear my thoughts and why you may want to consider alternative patterns of speech.

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PP 455: Sunday Nap Time

Are you stuck in the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship and neglecting your sleep? Tune in to hear how moving to Ohio and a select sport shaped my weekend sleep schedule 🙂

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PP 454: Jonathan Robinson, Author and President of FindingHappiness.com and MoreLoveLessConflict.com

“The #1 way to improve your own level of happiness is an act of kindness for a stranger or friend.”

“Blessed” with a miserable childhood, Author and Happiness Expert Jonathan Robinson began researching hypnosis at age 12. Knowing that he could not leave his family at such a young age, he realized he had to look internally to find inner peace and happiness. Such a start in life set Jonathan on a path of helping people find tools that create and sustain more love and peace in their lives. Listen in as Kim and Jonathan have an inspiring conversation on these tools.

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PP 453: Don’t Tell Me You Don’t Have Time

Recently someone told me they didn’t have time to partake in a few activities I thought would help them on their path to “success”. Listen to learn why this has become my newest pet peeve and what I believe you need to do to become successful.

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PP 452: Danielle Fuhrmann, Color and Style Expert and Owner of Reflections of You

“If you’re totally uncomfortable in something then you’re not going to feel confident, you’re not going to be expressed. So you really want to wear something that is going to make you feel your best and make you feel authentic in your own skin.”

Danielle is a color and style expert that helps men and women discover their most complimenting colors that accentuate their natural tones and personality. She teaches that the colors you wear represent you and wearing your correct colors can change your approachability and how others perceive you. Listen in as Kim and Danielle hit topics about authenticity, hair color, and how the correct color and wardrobe can change your business and social life.

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PP 451: Perfectionism… The Enemy of Progress

Winston Churchill once said, “Perfectionism is the enemy of progress.” I agree. Listen as I share examples of how perfectionism could have held back my business, and how it’s currently holding back a client.

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PP 450: Perry Marshall, Author of 80/20 Sales and Marketing

“Never try to sell to someone that you haven’t already been yourself.”

Perry Marshall is a business consultant and best-selling author whose books include “80/20 Sales and Marketing” and “Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords.” Listen in as Kim and Perry discuss his 80/20 Principle. To put it simply, 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. However, the exciting thing is that the concept of 80/20 is everywhere and Perry will tell you more about that in this episode. Tune in today!

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PP 449: Wii Are Family

Recently I found myself caught back in the circle of endless work. My family was seeing more of the back of my head than the front. While it may not seem productive, listen to the purchase we made and why I believe all the entrepreneurs should do the same.

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PP 448: Chris Sparks, Founder of The Forcing Function

“It’s understanding what works well for ourselves. There’s no universal best practice. It’s all personal best practices.”

Former top 20 online poker player in the world, Chris Sparks, now an equally skilled productivity coach and Founder of Forcing Function is able to utilize traits learned from poker in the coaching industry. Listen in as Chris shares with Kim his “Hell yes or No” rule, the benefits of allowing time to discover, and how spending one productive hour focused on the most important task of the day can feel amazing.

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PP 447: 7am is My “New Sleeping In”

Every day we GET to choose to feel blessed by life’s circumstances or feel cursed. In my case, I choose to feel blessed and grateful for how I wake each morning. Listen as I explain.

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PP 446: Reelika Schulte,Business and Success Coach from Dream Lifestyle LLC

“You don’t have to be perfect, your message doesn’t have to be perfect. It has to be you.”

After receiving her business degree and finance degree, Reelika Schulte realized that working in a corporate job was not her dream come true. Now, a business and success coach for her coaching business Dream Lifestyle, LLC, she is able to help other entrepreneurs discover their niches and help them attract their ideal clients. Tune in as Kim and Reelika discuss affordable solutions to finding help, understanding the people you are working with, and the importance of knowing you have something valuable to share.

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PP 445: Bath Routines vs Business Routines

We need routines in the bath the same way we need routines in our business. Jumping around is not positive productivity. Listen in as I discuss how bringing your bath time routine into your business routine can be helpful.

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PP 444: Morgana Rae, Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Coach, Founder of Financial Alchemy® Coaching

“The route cause and the solution to the financial situation is actually never really about money. It’s about anything else that ever made them feel unloved or unlovable, unworthy or unsafe.”

Morgana Rae is a Head Witch (“Women In Total Command of Her power”) and the Money Goddess of Charmed Life Coaching Inc. She has been coaching since 1996 and helps guide her clients to figuring out the route cause of their financial anxiety. Some causes can be love related, shame, or an accident, and she leads them on the path to facing and overcoming their challenges. Listen in today as Kim and Morgana discuss slaying money monsters and turning them into money honeys!

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PP 443: Living Up to Expectations

Being a “Yes Ma’am” or “Yes Sir” can have negative consequences on our personal and professional life, especially when we repeatedly fall short on our promises. Listen to hear the mistakes I’ve made and how you can avoid making the same.

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