PP 055: The Wrong Marketing Platform
Quick Show Notes: The Wrong Marketing Platform
Marketing our businesses on the wrong marketing platform can cost us time and money. Listen in as I discuss thoughts to consider when choosing where to concentrate your marketing efforts.
.@thekimsutton discusses how promoting our businesses on the wrong marketing platform can cost us time and money, and what to consider when choosing where to focus our #marketing efforts. #PositiveProductivity #Podcast https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp055Click To TweetEpisode Transcription: The Wrong Marketing Platform
Hey there, and welcome back to another episode of Positive Productivity!
Today, I just want to share an experience that I had this past weekend in hopes that it will enlighten those of you who may be struggling to bring in new prospects.
The Wrong Marketing Platform
I was on a live call this past Sunday, which was filled with a whole bunch of fabulous women who are all looking to get more exposure for their business in the year ahead. I will not deny that I was not the one hosting this call, and with everything that is coming up in the year ahead, I am hoping to benefit from this group as much as everybody else.
The Wrong Marketing Platform
A common theme during the call was that people are getting really fed up with the results they are getting in Facebook groups. I started to experience this myself a few months back and slowly started making the shift from Facebook to LinkedIn. What I’m realizing, however, is that a lot of people still are aware of where their ideal clients or customers are hanging out online.
Well, an extremely large portion of the population do have a presence on Facebook. Facebook is not necessarily the best place for us to be marketing our business. If you are in e-commerce, Pinterest or Instagram may be a better opportunity for you to market your products. If you’re a B2B organization, LinkedIn may be the place to be if you’re not seeing the results that you want to from your marketing efforts and are relying solely on Facebook. It’s important to make sure you’re not investing all your time and energy into the wrong marketing platform.
I want you to challenge yourself to take a step back and really take a look at where your ideal prospects are hanging out. Are you spending your time on the wrong marketing platform?
In Episode #9, I talked about the four social media apps I use to save time, money, and sanity – and even since the episode was released, I have found a few more apps that I love and are helping me to build my brand on platforms that I hadn’t previously been utilize it
For example, Tailwind – which you can find at Tailwind.com – is helping to drastically increase my followers and gain more exposure on Pinterest and Instagram.
If you’re in the B2B market and you haven’t yet listened to Episode 44 with the LinkedIn Lead Ninja, I definitely recommend that you listen to Darren speak about his systems and processes for getting better leads. Using LinkedIn, you can also find out more about Darren and all of his products and services at LinkedInLeadNinja.com.
In the time that I’ve been using his processes, I have filled my calendar with calls – and these aren’t sales calls, to be totally honest. These are getting-to-know-you “virtual coffee” calls. It’s so important that we market ourselves in a way that lets our prospects know that they can approach us, and that we are genuinely interested in their best interests. So find a way, no matter what platform you are using, to connect and begin to build rapport with your prospects.
And, most important, stop spending all your time on the wrong marketing platform.
On my call on Sunday, there were a couple of people who mentioned that they were part of uncountable quantities of Facebook groups, and I felt their pain. I was in that place just a couple of years ago, trying to keep up with so many different threads and find the opportunities which were best for my business. The wrong marketing platform can be a tremendous time-sucker when it’s not the platform that you should be using.
So again, I challenge you today to take a step back, look at your marketing efforts, and decide if the platform or platforms that you’re using are the best for you. Are you investing your time in the wrong marketing platform? If you’re still struggling even after you take the step back, then I want you to head on over to SuttonStrategicSolutions.com and make an appointment to chat with me about your marketing efforts.
With all this in mind, I hope you go forth, stop spending all your time on the wrong marketing platforms, and have a positive and productive day.