PP 065: Scheduling Time for Self-Care

Episode Transcription

If you’re listening to this episode while you’re driving, then I don’t want you to do what I’m about to ask other listeners to do, but if you’re not driving, if you’re in front of your computer, I want you to pause, take a moment and take out your calendar.

I want you to open your calendar, and review the past several weeks and months. Review the activities you scheduled.

I want you to be on the lookout for one thing. When, if ever did you schedule in self care time?

I am going to be totally honest right now. This past Friday was the first day that I really took any significant time off for self-care in months. And when I say months, I don’t mean one, two or three months. I mean close to a year.

As moms, as business owners, regardless of whether or not we’re parents, we can sometimes shove any self care activities to the back burner. And this can go on indefinitely until we take action to change it.

Scheduling Time for Self-Care

In my case, I hadn’t gotten a haircut, in-close to a full year. I have to admit I was growing my hair long so it was a lot easier to pretend like I didn’t need one. However, when I went in just a few days ago, I made a big change for the first time in 20 years. I have bangs. While this may just seem like a change in hairstyle to you, it’s actually an incentive for me to get out there on a more consistent basis and take care of myself. If you’re a female, you know the bangs require regular upkeep, and I am not going to be the one that tries to cut my own bangs at home. So now that I have this new haircut, I am essentially forcing myself to get out there every six weeks. At the minimum I get my hair trimmed. This is a huge win and although I host the Positive Productivity podcast, I do have to admit that I’m going through a lot of these changes right along with you.

Scheduling Time for Self-Care

Speaking with a lot of my friends and acquaintances, I’ve learned that many of them schedule in their self care time by hiring personal trainers at the gym. While I am not so much of an exercise type, if it doesn’t involve chasing my children around, the investment that they’re making into their physical health drives them to leave their desk for periods of time every day. If they don’t leave their desk, it feels as though they’re throwing money away.

Along with self care involving beauty or physical fitness, there are also the aspects of our medical health and also our relationship health that we need to plan into our calendar. This is almost embarrassing to admit, however I was holding on to a blood work form for two months before I went and had that required blood work done. And the only reason I did was because the prescription was about to expire.

This is not good.

I cannot be at the mercy in my health, cannot be at the mercy of how fast a blood lab can process my sample and regarding relationships. I’m married to one of the most flexible men that I know.

Take a look through your phone, at your text messages, at the people who you text the most often, and then take a look back at your calendar.

When was the last time that you set up a lunch, breakfast or dinner with any of these people?

I want to challenge you today. Schedule time in your calendar for not only your physical health, but also your mental health and your relationship health. After you schedule this and actually take that time, I want you to come back to my website at TheKimSutton.com/065 and let me know how your outing went.

Scheduling Time for Self-Care

With all this said, go forth and have a positive and productive day.

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