PP 073: Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
Quick Show Notes: Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
In this episode, I discuss how it’s important for us to focus on our dreams and freedom to keep from getting held back by our fears.
'Focus on the life that you're trying to build for yourself and stop focusing on the fears of everything that can go wrong.' ~@thekimsutton Listen now: 'Focus on Freedrom Rather than Fear': https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp073 #positiveproductivity #podcastClick To TweetEpisode Transcription
Welcome back to another episode of Positive Productivity.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
Today, I want to talk to you about the fear of freedom. Until about a year ago, 98% of all my work, if not 100% of all the work I was doing was for clients. When I started my business, I was so excited to have my first clients come in, and, because I was still working a full-time job, I had dreams of getting more and more and more clients. It’s funny to think now that I was trying to figure out how I could book myself out to eighty hours a week.
If you’ve listened to any of the prior episodes of the Positive Productivity podcast, you know that getting adequate sleep is something that’s very important to me. At that point, however, I was just looking forward to getting out of the full-time job and being self-employed.
For any of you who are going through this transition right now, I am not saying that trying to get booked for more and more and more work — perhaps well over 40 hours a week — is necessarily a bad thing, because I understand the excitement of getting out of full-time employment. What I do want you to consider, though, is where you are accounting for self-care and time with your friends and family.
I’m going to jump off that soapbox though and get back to what I was initially talking about.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
As time went on, I realized that I didn’t want to be doing so much client work. and I really wanted to be building out products and services of my own. These were the types of products and services which wouldn’t require me to be trading dollars for hours, and I really wanted to set up courses and memberships which wouldn’t require me to be in front of my computer all the time.
With that said, though, anybody who’s been through this and has set up a course or a program knows that there’s still a ton of time required in front of your computer and actually producing. I don’t know that I really believe that there is such thing as passive income, because even passive income takes quite a bit of time to set up.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
About a year ago, I was reading a blog post and the author was talking about how she had started to transform her business by letting go of client work, doing more work of her own, and building out her own products. A light bulb went off in my head, and I immediately contacted her to ask her how she had done it. When I received her response, she said: “I started making little shifts” and that’s what I started doing as well.
Over the past year, I have slowly transitioned from working, as I said, 95% – 100% on client tasks to doing more and more of my own internal projects, things like this podcast and writing a book and building out a membership site and other programs. And, I must admit, it has been scary because I didn’t know if I was going to be able to cover all the expenses.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
I need to tell you that if you’re facing this fear, you just need to keep on going. The more I’ve been able to focus on my passion projects and what I believe is my true calling, the more that fear has subsided.
While I’m bringing in the same amount of money that I was last year with less client work, my heart feels so much better. Coming into my office everyday and sitting down at my desk, I’m excited about what I’m doing. And, even though money can be a little bit tight, I’m excited, and I know that everything is going to be alright.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
Increase your freedom to do what you want and live the life you want. Whether it’s relationship-wise or work-wise, this can all be very scary. There’s always the unknown, but if you’re doing it for the right reasons, I urge you to just charge ahead.
Looking back about six years, I remember standing in my kitchen one night scared about how I was going to pay my rent and my utilities. I had just left my ex-husband and and I just looked up at the ceiling, shook my head and asked God what the heck I had gotten myself into. I remember it was such a tough night, but it was mostly tough because I was focusing on the wrong thing. I was focusing on the money and not on the impact I was making in my life.
Focus on Freedom Rather than Fear
Even though money was very tight, I was happier than I’d ever been. And now, when I fast forward six years, I see that same reflection again. If I can get past the fear of income and focus on the impact that I’m making, then the fear has practically subsided completely.
I want you all to focus on the freedom. Focus on the life that you’re trying to build for yourself and stop focusing on the fears of everything that can go wrong.
I subscribe to the Law of Attraction, and I firmly do believe that thoughts become things. When we’re thinking about fears, those fears will come true.
Focus on your freedom. Focus on all the good things that will come from it. Focus on freedom rather than fear.