PP 104: Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs with William Roy

Quick Show Notes: 

William Roy integrates Pareto’s Principle and NLP in his business coaching to inspire his clients into following their passion, and improve their public speaking skills. 

Today he’ll share the journey that inspired him to integrate the Pareto Principle in his life, reducing his workday to 5 hours, and how he manages to, in his own words, polish the diamond the we all carry inside of us.


“I’m not sure, I’m fully on-topic there. But basically, here’s the thing: Everybody has a diamond inside and I want to make the world shine.”

– William Roy.


• 1:01 How did William Roy become a Business Coach

• 4:56 The business coach that teaches You how to work 5 hours a day

• 6:50 Respecting your Me time

• 8:48 A business coach that makes you work for your Happiness

• 11:40 Business coaching, a personal revolution

• 13:45 Taking the best for You

• 16:53 Business coaching it’s also about getting Your Ideas out there

• 19:15 Being a great public Speaker

• 20:50 Our own recipe for success

• 22:17 Connect with William and learn more about his business coaching

.@Wil_Roy and @thekimsutton discuss how William integrated the Prado Principle into his life, working just five hours a day. Subscribe today! https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp104 #positiveproductivity #podcast #Prado #business #coach #entrepreneursClick To Tweet


Welcome to another episode of Positive Productivity. This is your host, Kim Sutton, and today I’m thrilled to have guest William Roy from Williamroy.fr. Is that the right way to say it, William Roy?

Yeah. It’s the right word to say.

William Roy is a coach for entrepreneurs who helps people create their own recipe of success by asking all kinds of questions. William Roy, welcome and thank you so much for being here.

Thank you for having me!

Oh, you’re very welcome. 

How did William Roy become a business coach?

Would you please share a little bit about you and what you do? And the journey that brought you to where you are in your business today?

It started a few years back. I was working in PR and communication and I wasn’t really happy. Not because the work wasn’t my taste. It was more because I couldn’t handle things the way I would have an entrepreneur or just a freelancer. 

And… During this time, I got back in contact with NLP, Neuro-linguistic programation. It’s a personal development method that helped me get through exams during my college years. So, I got in touch with that again. I decided that it could be a better career for me than communication and PR, so I launched a personal revelation, followed a few trainings in coaching, personal coaching, professional coaching, NLP. And after a whole year of training, I decided to launch my own career and my own business. I started as any freelancer, just that instead of selling graphic design or web design or templates, or whatever, I was selling coaching. 

It was quite difficult at the beginning because I’m only 31 years old; and sometimes people are saying: “Yeah, you’re too young to know life. And you’re too young to ask questions to help me get through”… Because I’m just outside of your situation. As I am outside of your situation, I’m able to have a different point of view, and this is the whole process of coaching, basically it’s being able to take a step back and see things differently. 

So, after a while, it started to pick up but I was still not living the life I wanted to. Then something incredible happened. First with my girlfriend, we decided to travel, and to spend 2 months in Asia. So, I had to take a break from work and just think about my relations to work. As you might know, from your experience, even if you are your own boss, you can be even more strict than someone else. And that was my case. I was working every day, even on the weekends, from 8 to 8, and it was quite difficult for me to leave my desk and to leave my clients.  

So for 2 months, I took a step back and I decided that my relation to work should change. Not just because it was trendy, with a full hour work week or whatever, but because it was the main reason I quit my day job; it was to live the life I wanted. First, I needed to have some personal time. So, I started to work on my productivity in different ways with one idea in mind, which was: My productivity had to be environmentally friendly. I wouldn’t destroy my workflow, my current workflow, for the sake of productivity. I wanted to adapt productivity ideas into my current workflow, to create a calm and peaceful change in my way of working. 

Then another thing happened, my girlfriend got pregnant. It was wonderful news and at some point, I had to change my work routine. To be sure that when baby will be there, I would have some time for him. Now it’s been 6 months that I’m a dad and since then, I’m working 5 hours a day for my main occupation, which is coaching. 

So client meetings, preparing my coaching sessions, and my webinars, and so on. In the afternoon, I take care of my house and of my family. I do rack cleaning, and sometimes I’m working on other products such as piscas, I told you about. So my pitch training are online sessions. So, this is how I live and that’s my whole way of having a positive productivity.

That is so fantastic. 

A business coach that teaches You how to work 5 hours a day 

I would love to know more about how you manage 5 hours a day. 


Because I am a mom of 5 and I would love to work 5 hours a day. And have the afternoon to take care of the house. And spend more time with my kids. I mean, I’ve been in business for 4 years and I still, I’m really working hard to get out of that 8 to 8 routine. As entrepreneurs, I mean, we leave our jobs working 8 hours a day for somebody else. So that we can go work for ourselves 80 hours a week. It’s sort of backwards.

Yeah. First of all, after a big, big, check on my activity. So I used the Pareto’s law, not just to decide where all my efforts should be headed, but also where my time should be dedicated. So I put everything down. I laid everything down on the floor and I said: “Okay, on my coaching practice there is pitch training, leadership and soft skills. And every other thing is less than 20% of my revenue. So was it worth pursuing this activity? Takes me a lot of time. Give me very little revenue. Okay, It’s not worth it. So I’m just canceling it and I’m focusing on these three areas, pitch training, leadership, soft skills.

 Okay, on this three, is there a profile of my ideal clients? Yes, there is. Okay, I’m going to just talk to them right now. Then and only then, if there is anybody else that wants to work with me, my whole communication isn’t directed to them but still, they can. It will be a pleasure.”

It’s that way that I find you, Kim and the opportunity to talk with you. So, it’s really cool but it’s not my main focus. My main focus is working with my ideal clients. So everything is targeted for them. 

Respecting your Me time

Afterward, I decided to look at what was taking me so much time? In fact, it’s basically the same as everybody, emails, social media, whatever. So, I decided to cut everything from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This is my workday. 

Before 9:00 AM, I’m putting my son to the daycare. So, I’m not here for my work and from 9:00 to 2:00, I’m there for my work. And then I’m just working. I’m fully concentrated, online meeting are there, and if I have a meeting out of schedule, I will take back the time another day or in the morning. If I know that I have two meetings in the afternoon, I won’t work in the morning. 

Respecting your Me time and respecting the time you want to devote to your life. Because living is not just work, it’s work and everything else. And, as a coach, I’m supposed to live an enriching life. To have time to read books, to be inspired by them, and to be able to get this information to my clients. And supposed to be able to train myself by reading books, having online courses and so on. And to do that, I need time. And all my execution time was eating my training time, all my reading time, all my sports time, all my taking care of the house time. And that wasn’t possible anymore, because I did not want to spend my evening tidying up my desk. I want to spend my evening with my son and my girlfriend. 

So, I decided to get through. Take out the social media for the morning. Take care of my house and my time. And be sure to invest time on me, because being healthy, being focused, being zen, being trained, is the way to be sure that I’m still a good coach in a few years. So I’m just investing in my career by working less. 

And also every Friday, in the early afternoon, from 2 to 3, I’m doing a brain dump. 

A business coach that makes you work for your Happiness

I suppose you’re familiar with the get-things-done? Okay, so, you know, the Brain Dump method?

I haven’t done it before. Can you explain to me and to the listeners who aren’t familiar?

Basically, you between 30 minutes and 1 hour, to put everything you have in mind on paper, everything. That means, all the things you have to do for your clients, all the things you have to do to acquire new clients, all the things you have to do to still be a good professional. Whatever your area is, your domain is. 

The things you want to see done by the end of the month. The things you want to see done by the end of the year. Or by the end of the semester or whatever. Depending on your own deadlines. And you work on all the different aspects of your life with the brain dump. And then you see things clearly, it’s just, you empty your brain on the paper, literally. This way, when the weekend comes, I’m like: “Yeah, it’s weekend, cool. I got 2 days in front of me.” I know perfectly what I’m supposed to do in Monday morning. So, I won’t need to think about it on Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday. So, I’m totally focused on friends, family, and whatever.

I love that, but see, I have a challenge.


And that is, I have what I like to call, Chronic Idea Disorder. I journal on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day. So, I can do the daily braindumps. 


However, I am constantly getting idea. So even though I may go into a weekend having written everything down on Friday night, about a billion more ideas come into my brain. So it does — they do have to be dumped over the course of the weekend.

Hahaha. This is why after the braindump on paper, I put everything on Trello. Do you know Trello?

Oh yes.

It’s a website that allows you to create lists of things to do and you can have a smartphone app as well. So, if there is anything I need to think about, I’m just putting the idea on Trello and then it’s somewhere. So, it’s not in my mind. I know it’s somewhere, it’s on my cell phone. That means, I can find it on any computer on the planet, on any cell phone or whatever. 

So, I don’t need to think about it right now. Right now, I need to be with my family and friends because this is what makes me happy. Working makes me happy, but working all day long and thinking about the work 24/7, isn’t making me happy.

No, and it’s not healthy either. 

I have to tell you, I would love a USB port behind my ear. That I can put a thumb drive into which would be constantly downloading those ideas. So, as soon as they popped up, ding! There they go! And I don’t have to worry about it again til Monday. 


That would be an awesome use of technology as far as I’m concerned.


Business coaching, a personal revolution

I love how you said earlier, you said it was a personal revolution. Who were some of the mentors that you looked at, or some of the books that you read, practices that you studied? What were some the personal development and professional development trainings that you looked at while going through that personal revolution?

When I started this revolution, the groundwork was done. I’m the kind of guy who will read books and watch videos before starting the action. But while in action, I’m just focusing on acting. 

So, before this revolution, I’ve read, David Allen, of course, Tony Robbins. But my personal favorite is Paul McKenna. Paul McKenna is a hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and he’s really good. There is a book, I’m sorry, I will translate it from French, but I think the English title will be Change Your Life in 7 Days, or something close. Where you do a whole audit of your life in 7 days, how you work, or you deal with finance, or you take care of your health, and so on and so on, and so on. And I used a bit of everything, of course the 4-hour Workweek from Tim Ferriss. So, it was really a personal thing. 

And there was as well a book I found afterwards that is called The Five Hour Workday from a guy who has a startup in paddle surf boats, I think in San Diego. And he created The Five Hour Workday for all his company, haha.

So, the inspiration is everywhere. The idea I like is to create my own recipe and that’s what I’m trying to transmit to my clients. So, that means that whenever I’m facing a challenge, I’m taking all the datas I found on the topic, and I’m creating my recipe. And I’m trying, and I’m iterating, and I’m trying again and again… Until there is something that suits me. 

And sometimes I’m really clear on that. But…

Oh, you are.



Okay, cool. Haha! 

Taking the best for You

Basically, I’m taking a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I’m not the kind of people will say: “Okay, gigidis my Bible from now.” I’m respecting every methods. I’m taking the best for me and then I’m creating my own method.

Yeah, everybody’s do recipe is different and you are making your own success too.

Yeah, exactly. What is good for me, isn’t what is good for you, Kim, or what is good for your listeners. We have to be careful with books and people saying: “My way, the only way.” Because that’s how, pardon my French, shit happens. Haha. 

At some point, you are put in a way of functioning that isn’t yours. And from the moment, your liberty, your freedom of thinking, on acting, is impaired, and that cannot be good.

Absolutely. And shit doesn’t just, like, happen, but shits belonging to babies happens too. And you and I have both been through this, in our entrepreneurial journey. You bringing in one and since I’ve started my business I’ve had three. So, it’s definitely, that’s its own juggle. Trying to figure out how to balance changing diapers while being on client calls. It can be fun.

I’m to face that because, I’m really lucky. You know, in France, mother have this 3 months leave to take care of the newborn. So, we took full advantage of that with my girlfriend and after my son was in the daycare. So, I have my days for me and if he’s here I take a day off, unless I’ve got a really important meeting. And even my clients respect my family life as well as I respect theirs. It’s okay. 

I sorted it out every time because I’ve got friends, I’ve got family. If I can’t take my son to the daycare, there would be, every time, someone there, someone I can trust, someone who I trained to be a good, good father, good mother or whatever I contact within. So, I’ve created an environment where my son will never be left alone on the road. There will be always someone for him, even if I’m busy. There would be a solution, always.

That’s fabulous.

So, I still don’t have this problem with clients calls and baby crying on the back. It happened once but was okay. I managed to calm down my son and take care of my client afterward.

When my twins were born and actually when my daughter was born, they were at home and then we tried a nanny, who is great. It’s just a nanny is very expensive. So, now I have the luxury of daycare as well, which is great, but I do totally understand. You know, those days when they can’t be in there. I don’t know how it is in France, but in the states if they have a fever, they can’t go in for the next 24 hours. So it can be a little bit tricky. 

But you are so right. If you can’t find somebody else, hopefully, your clients understand. And in my opinion, if they don’t, then they probably aren’t my ideal client. And that’s a lesson that has to be learned. 

Business coaching it’s also about getting Your Ideas out there 

I’m very intrigued, William, by how you say that you help your clients learn, you help them to be better speakers as well.


What does this mean to you?

You know, the Ted’s baseline, idea worth spreading. You know the Ted conferences?


Okay. They have a baseline saying “Ideas worth spreading.”

Oh, ideas worth spreading, yes.

Yeah, and in my opinion, not every idea, but every project, should be able to be seen from the people that might need it, you know? If you have a really good project, you should be able to communicate correctly on it. This way, everybody that will be able to enjoy this product, should hear from you. And this is why helping people becoming better speakers is important for me. That’s why it matters for me. 

It’s because I don’t think that’s only really great communicators should take a step on stage. That should be everybody that has something worthy to say, that should step on stage. And most of the time people say: “Nah, I’m not a good speaker so I don’t go there.” Yeah, you don’t go there, but your project is fantastic. And if you don’t go there, nobody will know! Nobody will see how we can change their world with your project.

So, that’s why I decided to help people be better at public speaking. That’s why I’m also using NLP as a personal development tool for public speaking. Because most of the time behind I’m not a good speaker, the troubles of self-stress or self-image and stress management. So, we’re taking care of that, and then we’re taking care of the message. And when they’re on stage, these ideas are the are worth reading because these ideas are well said, well put, if you want.

I’m not sure, I’m fully on-topic there. But basically, here’s the thing: Everybody has a diamond inside and I want to make the world shine.

Oh, I love that. Everybody has a diamond inside and you want to make the world shine. That’s so beautiful.

Thank you. It’s a spur of the moment, but I’m gonna keep it. Hahaha!

I’m going to be tweeting that out with your username. So, I’m gonna have to make sure to get that. That will definitely be plugging this podcast episode. Fabulous. 

Being a great public Speaker

What do you think makes somebody a really fabulous speaker? Even if they don’t have the competence, is it passion? Because a lot of people are going after the money and not necessarily after what they’re really passionate about. Do you think they need to really hone in on their passion first?

I think it’s a question of balance. If you are passionate about something, I think you should go there with your lifestyle in mind. 

If you’re not able to finance your lifestyle with your passion, I think you should try to find a way to leave from it. But if your gonna choose your passion, go there. If you think that your work is just something to put money on your bank accounts, that’s your choice. From my point of view, we are doing great work only when we are aligned with ourselves. That means with our values, with our ideas, even if they are political or religious with professional opinions. The way things should be done and so on. 

So, when we are aligned, we are doing great work. When we errand, we are suffering. It’s not the physical pain at the beginning, but we’re still suffering. Because we’re always saying: “What if we were doing things that way instead of that way? What if I could do things the way I want?” If you do things the way you want, you’ll be happier. And if you do things the way you want on a topic, you’re passionate about, and with the way of living from that, I think it’s a step further into the world of happiness.

I love it. 

Our own Recipe for Success, Our Passion

William, what did you dream of being when you were a little boy?

I think there were several switches during my childhood, from president of France, to lawyer, to journalists, to someone who will help people make their success. It’s what I’m doing right now. 

When I was a child, I was always helping. I wanted people to achieve. So being a lawyer was a way to have them achieve justice, and being a journalist was helping people achieve something other. Which was your project is worth thinking about. I’m going to speak about your program is important. I’m going to speak about this way you won’t be alone. And you will achieve a better situation. And now I’m like: “Okay, you don’t know how to cook. I’m gonna teach you how to cook your own recipe for success.”

Oh, I love it. 

Well, I just had to share. It has nothing to do with what I do today but I actually wanted to be an astronaut architect. I wanted to go to outer space and build structures. But I love how everything that you wanted to do when you were little was in line with you helping and now, you really are helping today. Can you help me really cook? I’m just kidding.

I’m gonna say, I’m French. So, basically, yes.


Haha. But with stretch.

Hahaha. Yeah, but I’m a helpless cause in the kitchen, in the kitchen of feeding my family. In the kitchen of creating, I love it. 

Connect with William and learn more about his business coaching 

William, it has been an absolute pleasure having you here today.

It was really great to chat with you.

One last question and then I’d love for you to share where the audience can find you. What are you working on that you would love to share with the audience and where can they find it and find more about you?

Right now, I’m working on a new way to train people to be better public speakers, to be better speakers. So I’ve created a game that will be on the crowdfunding platform in late January. The game is called Pitch Cards, and you can find more information on our website, pitch.cards. And you’ll be able to subscribe to our mailing list to be informed. 

This game is basically a way to question yourself from how you prepare your interventions, to be sure that you will respect the basics of the genre. And if they want to get in touch with me, they just to ping me on Twitter it @wil_roy. 

Fabulous. This will all be in the show notes along with the link to pitch, P-I-T-C-H cards?


So, this will all be in the show notes and you can find that thekimsutton.com/pp104. So for episode Positive Productivity 104.

All right

William Roy, thank you so much again. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

Thank you very much. It was very great to be here.

About William Roy:

2022 Update: William it’s still a business coach and keeps working with entrepreneurs to try and polish that diamond we all carry inside, uplevel their businesses and public speaking skills.
