PP 271: The Two Words You NEED to Delete from Your Vocabulary
“Get rid of the IF’s and say WHEN and get rid of the TRY’s and say WILL or WILL NOT.” -Kim Sutton
There are two words you need to delete from your vocabulary, and no, I am not talking about swear words. Listen to hear what these two words are, and what you should say instead.
00:33 Delete These 2 Words
03:26 Take Control of Your Calendar
There are two words you need to delete from your vocabulary. Tune in as @thekimsutton shares what these two words are, and what you should say instead. #positiveproductivity #podcast #if #try #YesOrNo #NoIf’s #Don’tTryClick To Tweet
Inspirational Quotes:
02:13 “It’s not an IF, it’s a WHEN. There is no TRY. There’s either you will or you will not.” -Kim Sutton
04:26 “Get rid of the IF’s and say WHEN and get rid of the TRY’s and say WILL or WILL NOT.” -Kim Sutton
Episode Transcription
Kim Sutton: Welcome to the Positive Productivity Podcast, Episode 271. The positive productivity podcast was created to empower entrepreneurs to achieve and appreciate personal and professional success. I’m your host, Kim Sutton, and if you’re ready, let’s jump into today’s episode. Today I’m going to talk to you about a topic that’s inspired by both my coaching calls with my clients, and also my own coaching calls with my coaches. And the topic is this, there are two words that each and every one of us needs to erase permanently from our vocabulary. These are not cuss words. And yes, even though I do not typically cuss, curse, swear, whatever you want to call it on the positive productivity podcast, I do cuss occasionally, although I try to watch it especially around my little ones, when I am not recording. But no, I am not talking about swear words. I am talking about the words if and try. Each and every one of us has the same number of minutes and seconds and hours in every single week. And every single one of us has the capability of making every goal that we set become a reality. Now by goal, I don’t mean win a lottery or something that is not at all under our control. But surprisingly, to a lot of us, just about everything in our life is within our control. When not if, but when you decide that you would like to write a book, there is no other person or situation that can determine whether or not you actually do write that book besides you. So take the IF out of writing the book, or whatever that big goal is. Perhaps you want to get a new job. It’s not as if, it’s a when. Every time you find yourself saying IF from here on out, I want you to instantly replace it with WHEN, and stop trying. Yoda said it best in Star Wars when he says Do or do not. There is no try. Okay, I might have messed that up a little bit but you get the point. There is no try. There’s either you will or you will not. I have been guilty of saying try and if, for that matter, so many times, and often the try comes out when I’m talking to my kids. Mom, will you be able to take me to this or that? And I’ll say, I’ll try. When in all reality, I know whether or not my calendar has time open for that event. And the same comes to client work. Kim, do you have time to do da da da da? It’s not an all try. It’s either yes or no. Maybe it’s not yes or no right now, maybe it’s– my calendars a bit full right now but I do see an opening on Thursday. And speaking of eliminating IF and TRY, we all have to get so much better at controlling our calendar. And it’s actually not just getting better but it’s that we need to take control of our calendar. In an upcoming episode, I will be discussing a new fabulous app that I found. So I want you to make sure to tune in for that one. And then is totally helping me take control my calendar each and every day. And by taking control, I don’t just mean the bigger day, I mean, down to the actual minute. I know if I can do something in there is no more try. It’s either yes or no, or it’s no I can’t do it today. But hey, I can do it on Friday. Now that I’ve gone off on a complete tangent, I want to circle back to the whole topic of this episode and say, get rid of the IF’s and say WHEN and get rid of the TRY’s and say WILL or WILL NOT. Now with all this said, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.