PP 307: Learningasms

“Unless we’re implementing what we learned, there’s no point in the investments that we are making. Make sure that the learningasms you have are actually being built out in your business.” -Kim Sutton

Recently, Kim coined the word, “Learningasms”, and in this episode, she shares when she gets them and how we, as entrepreneurs, need to act on the ones we have!



00:25 “Learningasms”
01:43 Implement Your Learningasms

Recently, @thekimsutton coined the word, “Learningasms”, and in this episode, she shares when she gets them and how we, as entrepreneurs, need to act on the ones we have! Listen at https://thekimsutton.com/pp307 #positiveproductivity #podcast #learningasms #implement #investments #scaleyourbusiness #businessbuilding Click To Tweet

Inspirational Quotes:

01:54 “Unless we’re implementing what we learned, there’s no point in the investments that we are making. Make sure that the learningasms you have are actually being built out in your business.” -Kim Sutton

03:27 “Don’t go for multiples until you take care of the ones that you’ve already got.” -Kim Sutton

Episode Transcription

Kim Sutton All right, everybody. I didn’t know if I should mark this episode as E for explicit, because I honestly don’t know if the word I’m going to talk about today is explicit or not. I actually made it up, and people are liking it, so I have to share it with you. You’ll hear about it in some upcoming episodes with guests. So I thought I would give an introduction to the word, learning gasm. My husband and I have often laughed that he married a complete nerd. When it comes to evening entertainment, very rarely, okay, in full disclosure, except for in the Walking Dead, time of the year, or Game of Thrones, you will not usually find me watching TV. Just recently, I found returning the favor on Facebook so I guess I can say I watched three shows. But besides that, every single night, you will usually find me watching some type of chaining and getting learning chasms. If I’ve got my laptop in bed, I’ll have my headphones on and I’ll be listening, and my husband will hear me go. And he’ll turn around thinking that something’s wrong, like a cat has tipped over a cup of water or just something else has gone wrong. And I’ll just look at him. And I’ll say, you got to see this. This just blew my mind. Of course, it’s not as big of a deal to him, if at all. But every single night, it seems I have a learning gasm there is a fine line, however, to how much training I can actually do. Because what I’m going through trainings, I also implement what I’m learning at the same time. We can spend so much money going to trainings, workshops, live events, buying courses, you name it, but unless we’re implementing what we learned, or have a team member implement, what we’ve learned that there’s really no point in the investments that we are making. Make sure that the learning gasm is you have on a daily, weekly or monthly basis are actually being built out in your business. No, I’m not saying that we need to act on everything. But if you’re going to spend the money to learn new skills and new strategies, then implement. If you find that you’ve bought a lot of programs, or any of the above in the last month, week, years, and have it implemented, that I want you to give yourself a self imposed credit card freeze. Tell yourself that you have to get through those programs, and implement the strategies and skills before you purchase anything else. It’s gonna be a hard challenge, trust me, especially with emails hitting our inbox every single day, offering us the newest this and that. But believe me when I say you owe it to yourself. If you need to be convinced, I want you to look at last year’s profit and loss statement. What did you spend money on? What did you use? And what did you scratch your head about thinking? Why the heck did I buy this? It’s time friends to implement what you know and implement what you’ve learned. So keep on enjoying the learning gasms but don’t go for multiple until you take care of the ones that you’ve already got. Now with all this said, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.