PP 317: Fixing the Flow

“By correcting the flow and your life plumbing, you may be able to get everything back on track or closer to on track so that you can more quickly reach your goal outcome.” -Kim Sutton

This morning, Kim faced an… issue… while trying to enter the shower. Listen to hear what the issue was, and how she was able to relate it to entrepreneurial life!



00:21 Morning Routine Gone Wrong
02:13 Shut Down 
03:04 Fix Your Life Plumbing

@thekimsutton faced an... issue… while trying to enter shower. Listen to hear what the issue was, and how she was able to relate it to the #entrepreneurial life. Listen at https://thekimsutton.com/pp317 #positiveproductivity #podcast Click To Tweet

Inspirational Quotes:

03:04 “By correcting the flow and your life plumbing, you may be able to get everything back on track or closer to on track so that you can more quickly reach your goal outcome.” -Kim Sutton

Episode Transcription

Kim Sutton This morning, I thought I was following my very typical morning routine that occurs when I go into the bathroom to take my shower. I flipped on the hot water and then the cold turn the knob to turn the shower head on and all of a sudden water was spraying everywhere in the bathroom. To be fully honest, there is still a flood on my bathroom floor and water all over the mirror above my sink, because I did not want to lose the flow of this recording. Do you like that pun? By taking the time to go dry it up. Don’t worry, I’ll go do that as soon as I’m finished here. While I was standing in the shower, after I finally got the spray under control, I realized that that showerhead was very much like our lives can be sometimes. The faucet may be on but everything that we’re hoping for maybe going everywhere but the desired destination. For example, we may be waiting for money. But when that money comes in, and we intend to spend it on one thing 18 other things may have gone wrong, or may have come up that that money is needed to go to or could even be our energy. We may wake up totally refreshed and ready to follow a set itinerary that we had made the day before for our day, however, one leak in our flow may cause our energy to go everywhere else. When the showerhead started spraying all over my bathroom, I realized that the best thing to do was at first to just shut the water off altogether. And sometimes that’s what we need to do in our life. We need to just shut down for a couple minutes or even a day maybe, and evaluate what we can do to fix the current situation. For example, if we realize that our energy is going everywhere else, we may just need to stop all activities, and redirect where our attention is going. And that’s what I needed to do with the shower faucet. I needed to redirect it and make sure it was pointed in the right direction. Because if I didn’t, in this is the first time it had ever happened, water was going to come out of the backside. If you find that your flow is messed up, I want you to take a moment and just push pause on your life and on your day. Perhaps take out your journal and write down what exactly is going on and where you want to be headed. But by correcting the flow, and for lack of a better expression, your life plumbing, you may be able to get everything back on track or closer to on track so that you can more quickly reach your goal outcome. So take a break, reset your plumbing and with all this said, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.