PP 343: Get Rid of the Grimace
“No one deserves to have frown lines permanently etched in their face. And no one else deserves to constantly see you with that frown.” -Kim Sutton
Do you wear a perpetual frown? If so…. Stop… And Listen!
00:23 Challenge: Get Rid of Your Grimace
03:11 Turn the From Upside Down
Inspirational Quotes:
03:02 “No one deserves to have frown lines permanently etched in their face. And no one else deserves to constantly see you with that frown.” -Kim Sutton
Episode Transcription
Kim Sutton: Today, I want to challenge you to Get Rid Of Your Grimace.
Now, let me tell you what inspired this episode. Last week, I decided to brave the grocery store with my three littles. And okay, maybe I didn’t decide to brave the grocery store with them. But I was running late, so I had no choice but to take them with me. It was after 5:45 by the time I picked them up from daycare, and I didn’t have anything in the house for dinner. So there, we went just across the street from the daycare to our local favorite grocery store. Two of them were sitting in the cart, and another one was walking by my side. And they were being really good. They were saying hi to people going through the store. And as usual, they were asking questions of other people and of me, what’s that mama? And then they would go up to people, what’s in your cart? What are you eating for dinner? Why are you getting that? Does that taste good? You, that’s yucky. I don’t like that. It happens every time I go to the store.
And sometimes, it drives me crazy. On this particular day, I was quite enjoying it. Well, there came a point where we were walking down the aisle and this lady walked out of her aisle without looking both ways. Maybe you’ve done this before. Sometimes, I’m in my own grocery store triumphs and I walk out of my aisle not thinking about the big major aisle that cuts right across it. And somebody has to stop to avoid hitting me really quickly. So we stopped. And all my kids look at this lady and they just say hi. And she looks at me, and at them with the biggest grimace on her face. The kids tried to be pleasant, and they said hi to her, and she just stood there and frowned. And while it isn’t usually in my nature, all of a sudden, out of my mouth popped, wow, grouchy. I quickly started walking away because I didn’t want to get into a confrontation with her. And quite honestly, I didn’t mean for that to slip out of my mouth.
But as I was walking away, I was thinking, how could you look at these three precious kids and just be so grouchy. And the more he thought about it, the more I realized that we go in and out of every day just surrounded by too many people. I don’t want to say all people are like this, but too many people walk around with a frown or a grimace on their face. And if you’re one of those people, I want you to ditch the grimace immediately. No one deserves to have frown lines permanently etched in their face. And no one else deserves to constantly see you with that frown.
To turn your frown upside down, it really isn’t that hard. Rather than focus on all the stuff that’s going wrong in your life, make it a point of thinking about what’s good. Be grateful for what you do have and what is going right. And when you’re going through the grocery store or anywhere else for that matter, make a point of smiling at people.
Let me tell you this, it even gets more fun when you smile at someone who does have a grimace, and they just look at you totally confused. I will admit that more than once, I’ve gotten a response of, what are you on? And that just makes me laugh inside even more. I love to confuse the heck out of people. I love to make them wonder why are you smiling at me when I am so obviously not having it? What I am so obviously set on being in a rotten mood. But what if you weren’t set on being in a rotten mood? What if you did just flip that frown upside down and you in return could start making a better day for other people? So let other people’s smiles be contagious.
The next time you find yourself with a grimace on your face, get rid of it immediately. Now with all this said, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.