PP 522: Live a Purpose Filled Life with Dr. Maryann Miller

“The ability to achieve higher consciousness, to actively consciously raise your consciousness.”

Maryann Miller is the founder and president of Institute For Global Transformation, a non-profit organization that was established in 2002. A certified Rayid teacher, new decision therapy practitioner, a published writer and artist, Maryann’s advocacy has always been centered in making the world a better place for everyone.

With a firm belief that humanity is meant to work together, Maryann Miller talks about her advocacy, the purpose of life, setting up your intent and continuous learning. She talks with Kim about how important being grateful for everything little thing is and how this can truly change your perspective about your path.

01:09 Everything started with a purpose
08:00 There is more to life…
10:45 Setting up your life with intent
19:42 Forever a student of life
28:22 Take part in your gift


Institute for Global Transformation 

The Charge by Brendon Burchard 

Kim Ades


06:12  “Regardless of what religion you are, there comes a point in life when you begin to think…I would like to help make the world better in someway…” -Maryann Miller

07:41  “It’s more enriching when you know there’s more”– Maryann Miller

10:45  “Your intent is what creates your life…”– Maryann Miller

19:23  “We always teach what we are trying to learn” -Maryann Miller

24:43  “We get so wrapped up with our wants now, because our needs are usually met…that we are not grateful that our needs are being met” -Kim Sutton

27:00  “There is nothing wrong with having money at all, the stewardship of money once you have it is what’s important, what you do with the money” -Maryann Miller

28:22 “You never do any kind deed for anyone other than yourself” -Maryann Miller

43:38 “Every thought you hold in your consciousness serves to either expand your consciousness or to hold you back, there is no neutral, so you need to choose wisely”-Maryann Miller

Episode Transcription

Coming soon!