PP544: The Value of Authentic Visibility with Michelle Kopper

Don’t wait to be ready. Take imperfect action.

Michelle has been a professional performer for 30 years, and was called to be on stage as a child despite a ton of fear. Today, Michelle is the founder, owner and CEO of The Inspired Voice Business Coaching, and helps others find and free their voice.

During their conversation, Kim and Michelle discuss the multiple levels of visibility and authenticity we all need to have to take our lives to the next level.


4:35 Kim shares her fear of video
5:55 Authenticity, vulnerability and un-perfectionism
8:19 Systemizing visibility
10:30 Record and release method
11:45 Where does stage fright come from?
19:05 Willingness to play bigger
24:42 Our public vs. private personas
37:10 Self-expression and self-care
42:55 Different creation styles

Listen as @michelle_kopper and @thekimsutton discuss the multiple levels of visibility and authenticity we all need to have to take our lives to the next level. https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp544 #positiveproductivity #podcast #authenticity #visibilityClick To Tweet

Episode Transcription

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