PP 624: Giving Then Gaining with Glenn Garnes

Quick Show Notes – Glenn Garnes:

“Your mind can never return to the level of thought that it previously engaged in when you expanded by exposing it to a new way of thinking” – Glenn Garnes


How are you building your business? From your heart or your wallet? And, are you building your reputation from a place of giving or getting? Today’s episode will make you think hard about these points!



5:45 The difference between when Kim grew up and now
8:48 The formula for failure
9:35 Glenn’s introduction to info-products
12:35 How Kim realized she could have and get more from her life
19:55 The story of Glenn’s info-product
25:22 Taking a sincere interest in others before you expect them to take an interest in you
27:31 Giving away all your secrets
32:50 Purposeful Parentpreneurs
40:20 Fame, fortune, integrity and happiness
41:20 Thoughts on retirement

How are you building your business? From your heart or your wallet? Listen as @thekimsutton and @glenngarnes share how our businesses can be used to enrich lives — both our own and others’! https://www.thekimsutton.com/pp624 #positiveproductivity #podcast #personaldevelopmentClick To Tweet

Resources – Glenn Garnes:


Episode 616 with Donnie Boivin
Purposeful Parentpreneurs

Inspirational Quotes:

“My bank account was full but my heart was empty.” ~Glenn Garnes

“My destiny had been defined by my parents.” ~Glenn Garnes

“The biggest value I got out of network marketing was understanding the importance of self-help education.” ~Glenn Garnes

“Your mind can never return to the level of thought that it previously engaged in when you expanded by exposing it to a new way of thinking.” ~Glenn Garnes

“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” ~Glenn Garnes

“Being in a position to educate people before you ask them to become your client is one of the most powerful ways to show them that you’re the right person to do the work.” ~Glenn Garnes

“Your stage is whatever platform your viewers or your audience is experience your knowledge from.” ~Glenn Garnes

“I owe. I owe. It’s off to work I go.” ~Glenn Garnes

“I love what I do, because I’ve chose to do what I love. And now my bank account and heart are full.” ~Glenn Garnes

“What you love to do will always be an evolution if you have the mindset of always looking for how you can be better today than you were yesterday.” ~Glenn Garnes

About Glenn Garnes:

Glenn Garnes

Glenn Garnes become an attorney to make his parents proud, but after realizing the money he was making wasn’t making him happy, closed his law practice. Today Glenn and his company focus on personal development, health and wellness and professional development. They specialize in helping people focus on their number one asset – themselves.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/glenngarnes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/abundantsociety


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