PP 632: Building Business Relationships That Enhance Our Life with JoAnne Funch
Quick Show Notes – JoAnne Funch:
“Relationships lead to conversations. And conversations lead to opportunities. And if we just remember that, your life will be so much richer, personally and professionally.” – Alexia Vernon
Hear about the good, bad and ugly ways you can use LinkedIn to build your business as JoAnne and Kim Sutton share real-life examples.
06:02 Using LinkedIn as a resume
07:01 Talking about ourselves instead of talking to our prospects
09:07 LinkedIn mistakes
11:35 LinkedIn Live
14:40 LinkedIn automation
18:44 Kim’s connection pet peeve
21:52 Personalized invitations
23:13 LinkedIn groups
25:52 Company pages
31:34 Horrible headlines
37:43 Prime real estate
Resources – JoAnne Funch:
JoAnne’s Gift for You: 7 Ways to Transform Your LinkedIn Network from a Database to Valuable Business Connections
Inspirational Quotes:
“Don’t look at your profile as a resume, look at it as a resource.” ~JoAnne Funch
“If I go to your profile and I don’t get what you do, there’s no value to you.” ~JoAnne Funch
“I don’t think you can automate relationships.” ~JoAnne Funch
“We all want to build relationships that not only grow our businesses but enhance our life.” ~JoAnne Funch
“Relationships accelerate your ability to get things done.” ~JoAnne Funch
“Relationships lead to conversations. And conversations lead to opportunities. And if we just remember that, your life will be so much richer, personally and professionally.” ~JoAnne Funch
About JoAnne Funch:
JoAnne Funch has been an entrepreneur since 1996. After relocating cross-country in 2007 following the death of her husband, JoAnne felt the need to meet people and determine her new path. Today she is a LinkedIn expert and the Chief Connection Officer of LinkedIn for Business.
Website: https://linkedinforbusiness.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joannefunch
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuNIASV4srCJ4TejgBudzdw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarketingDish
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/linkedin4biz/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joannefunch
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