Kim Sutton

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Equipping Entrepreneurs with Systems and Strategies to
Increase Revenue, Pursue Their Purpose and Be 100% Authentic





Kim Sutton April 2023


How much stress does your business cause because you chase money instead of pursuing your purpose?

What would happen if you committed to transforming your calling into a profitable and impactful business?

My challenge for you: Be brave. Follow your heart. Invest in yourself. Dream BIG. Make a HUGE impact.


Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Founder, Positive Productivity

Dear friend, it’s important you know and trust I will ALWAYS be honest with you…  EVEN when it means admitting the messy, ugly truths of my own entrepreneurial journey… And I have a lot of messy, ugly truths.

For example, I, Kim Sutton, know what it’s like to…

  • Be inauthentic in my business because I am more concerned with what others thought than being true to myself
  • Focus on quantity instead of quality, offering services because I want money, NOT because I enjoy doing them;
  • Miss important family moments because I “need” one more minute to work;
  • Work 20 hour days, 7 days a week to find my bank account empty and my mental and physical health suffering;
  • Jump from one idea to the next never finishing a project and thus never making money from my ideas;
  • Fall victim to Shiny Object Syndrome, buying courses, products and programs thinking they will success;

I, Kim Sutton, also know how to recover from the above pains. I know because I have personally experienced them!

I know the true cost of letting the expectations of others control our lives, and I don’t want to see you fall victim to the same negative side-effects of entrepreneurship I did.

So… Do you want to continue being a slave to unsatisfying expectations? Or are you ready to create joy and money pursuing your passion?

I’m committed to empowering you with the systems and strategies you need to help you embrace your true calling WITHOUT sacrificing revenue, your health, or time with loved ones.

I invite you to join me on the Work Smarter, Not Harder journey. Subscribe to the podcast, join the community and get ready to see your business and personal life change for the better. I wish you all my best, dear friend, and I can’t wait to see you soar while building a business that’s authentically YOU.












The Work Smarter Not Harder Podcast with Kim Sutton

Kim SUTTON’s Blog

How NOT to Launch a Podcast

How NOT to Launch a Podcast

In October 2016, Kim Sutton launched the Positive Productivity podcast the wrong way. Listen as she now shares how not to launch a podcast.

How to Leave An Abusive Marriage

How to Leave An Abusive Marriage

In this session of Next Level Mondays, Kim shares the story of her first marriage and explains how to leave an abusive marriage.




Are you sick of wearing a mask in your business, avoiding authenticity and your true calling for fear of missing out on opportunites and/or income?

And are you tired of being a broke, broken and burnt-out entrepreneur, longing to love each work day while also having more time for the people and activities you love?

If so, you can’t afford to miss this FREE challenge…

kim SUTTON on instagram

I’ve only just begun.
45 years old and I feel like my life is finally beginning.

No, I’m not saying that the last 45 years were empty or meaningless. I have five amazing children from those years and… now I get to enjoy amazing adventures with them!

I’m beyond thankful for the amazing people who have been by my side over the past couple years and especially the past six months. You have watched me transform from a stressed out, physically sick, emotionally broken, empty shell of a person to a woman who’s finally embracing who she is and WHOSE she is. You have helped me find my light, rediscover what I’m passionate about and remember that I am me. Anybody who needs/wants me to be different doesn’t actually want me in their life.

I shared with my friend tonight that I’m a follower, not a chaser. I have made my way back to God and I don’t plan on straying ever again. If you want me actively in your life, please prioritize HIM. You don’t need to be perfect, have all the answers or have all your tomorrows figured out. I sure don’t! But I need Him and anybody I actively involve in my life will know they do, too.

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A couple weeks ago while journaling, I heard the word “DETAIL” loud in my head. “You need to detail your life, Kim… Inside and out.”

I started thinking about what a detailed car would look like (amazing, compared to the Kid-mess my car currently exhibits like splatter art… sigh), and then the daydreams began.

What would a detailed house look like? (Heavenly, I can imagine. And it would smell fantastic too, I’m sure).

And how about a detailed mind? What would it feel like if my mind was cleaned of all the unnecessary rubbish? (Absolutely blissful, I’m sure)

My kids haven’t enjoyed me much since the word popped up in my head and journal. When their attitudes or behaviors stink, I’m making them clean. My dishes are getting done without me having to do them AND hopefully my kids are learning to have better attitudes and behaviors.

I’m also working on cleaning up my own attitude, mouth, and behaviors. I don’t swear anywhere close to as much as I used to but curse words still pop out more often than they should. My mindset and mindfulness is greatly improved and I’m able to catch myself before spiraling. And my time is being used better which is a win across the board.

I don’t expect my home would/will ever pass a white glove test and that’s okay with me. I don’t live to clean. I live to make memories and leave a legacy. But if I can cut out some of the extras and detail all areas of my life in the process… Yay!

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“Simplicity boils down to two steps:
Identify the essential.
Eliminate the rest.”
~Leo Babauta

2024 has been a year of cutting the extras out of my life. Financially, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually, if something or someone isn’t required in my life and/or doesn’t contribute positively, they’re being gently pruned.

This year I’ve watched as people, phone apps, business tools, groceries, household clutter and more have been removed and, as the clutter has been cleared, peace has been restored.

Some of the pruning was not desired. Some started with a desire for a discussion which never happened. While painful at first, I have found greater peace than I ever imagined possible.

I’ve come to see that I have had a choice all along. I had the choice to expend endless amounts of energy chasing people and opportunities that God never wanted for me OR I could choose to be patient, waiting for HIS timing.

Chasing people and opportunities only ever resulted in hurt and heartbreak. For this next chapter (and any following), I’m relying on HIM to lead my way.

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Sheeesh… I can’t even imagine how many mental marathons I ran in 2023 trying to chase someone who couldn’t see me for me.

I chased and chased and even tried to become someone else. 🤮🤦‍♀️

Running is one of my least favorite activities on the planet so… Yea… No fun and very painful. I have no plans to chase someone ever again.

If you want to be part of my life and if you want me to be part of yours, let me know!

And if you’re chasing after somebody who you want in your life just to wind up hurt and exhausted, STOP. God has somebody else in mind for you, I promise. Wait and see.

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Life is a God thing. Until I gave my life over to Him, it hurt. If you’re going through a rough time, I’m praying for you. Give it over to Him and make it a God thing. He’s got you. 💗🙌🙏✝️ ...

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