Kim Sutton

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Equipping Entrepreneurs with Systems and Strategies to
Increase Revenue, Pursue Their Purpose and Be 100% Authentic





Kim Sutton April 2023


How much stress does your business cause because you chase money instead of pursuing your purpose?

What would happen if you committed to transforming your calling into a profitable and impactful business?

My challenge for you: Be brave. Follow your heart. Invest in yourself. Dream BIG. Make a HUGE impact.


Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton

Founder, Positive Productivity

Dear friend, it’s important you know and trust I will ALWAYS be honest with you…  EVEN when it means admitting the messy, ugly truths of my own entrepreneurial journey… And I have a lot of messy, ugly truths.

For example, I, Kim Sutton, know what it’s like to…

  • Be inauthentic in my business because I am more concerned with what others thought than being true to myself
  • Focus on quantity instead of quality, offering services because I want money, NOT because I enjoy doing them;
  • Miss important family moments because I “need” one more minute to work;
  • Work 20 hour days, 7 days a week to find my bank account empty and my mental and physical health suffering;
  • Jump from one idea to the next never finishing a project and thus never making money from my ideas;
  • Fall victim to Shiny Object Syndrome, buying courses, products and programs thinking they will success;

I, Kim Sutton, also know how to recover from the above pains. I know because I have personally experienced them!

I know the true cost of letting the expectations of others control our lives, and I don’t want to see you fall victim to the same negative side-effects of entrepreneurship I did.

So… Do you want to continue being a slave to unsatisfying expectations? Or are you ready to create joy and money pursuing your passion?

I’m committed to empowering you with the systems and strategies you need to help you embrace your true calling WITHOUT sacrificing revenue, your health, or time with loved ones.

I invite you to join me on the Work Smarter, Not Harder journey. Subscribe to the podcast, join the community and get ready to see your business and personal life change for the better. I wish you all my best, dear friend, and I can’t wait to see you soar while building a business that’s authentically YOU.












The Work Smarter Not Harder Podcast with Kim Sutton

Kim SUTTON’s Blog

Quitting the Blame Game

Quitting the Blame Game

Kim shares why quitting the blame game is critical along with a few examples from her business and personal life:




Are you sick of wearing a mask in your business, avoiding authenticity and your true calling for fear of missing out on opportunites and/or income?

And are you tired of being a broke, broken and burnt-out entrepreneur, longing to love each work day while also having more time for the people and activities you love?

If so, you can’t afford to miss this FREE challenge…

kim SUTTON on instagram

More than one thing can be true.

My best friend has been telling me this for years, helping me escape self-inflicted shame.

I struggled with knowing I still love my (ex) husband, the man I met and married NOT the man I divorced, even though he hurt me horribly.

It’s important to share that my ex-husband is a disabled Veteran with a complex back injury, PTSD, and serious, undiagnosed mental health issues. He is not the person he was when I met married him, nor I am I the person he met and married, either. The difference, however, is that while I still love the man I married and pray for him to be happy, healthy and whole, he wishes harm and pain upon me

Abuse of any kind is unacceptable. NOBODY deserves to be abused. But/and…

It was excruciating to watch his mental health collapse. It was excruciating to watch him became someone else. The abuse inflicted did not come from the man I married but from the man his poor mental health turned him in to, a man who couldn’t (and still can’t) see right from wrong.

I’m not the same woman I was when I married my ex. I’m not the same woman I was when I divorced him, either. A decade and a half of life experiences have transformed me. Six years of love and support from a man I dreamed I would spend the rest of my life with, who called me his queen and told me how smart and capable I was, helped me become strong and confident.

But then something snapped and he became someone else. His narrative about me switched and he spewed lies and insults at me. Eventually I snapped and I knew couldn’t/wouldn’t tolerate the abuse anymore.

TRUE: I love the man I married and pray for him constantly. I pray he to finds God and gets the mental, physical and spiritual health he desperately needs.

ALSO TRUE: The man I married abused me.

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“I was one way, and now I’m completely different, and the thing that happened in between was Him” ~ Mary Magdalene, The Chosen

One year.

I couldn’t have imagined the amount of healing and growth that could take place in a year especially considering I’m already well into my 40s.

I couldn’t have imagined that, in light of everything I experienced in the past year, that I could/would be in a place where I could/would pray for the people who hurt me rather than curse them.

But I can imagine it now because I can see it.
I can imagine it because I’m living it.

“I was one way, and now I’m completely different, and the thing that happened in between was Him.”

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The Butterfly Effect.

This morning I chatted with my friends “Coach” and Clare who have blessed my life in many ways over the past 10 years.

They knew me before I truly knew God.
Coach saw me trying to get closer to Him, and he has been my spiritual big brother since we met. And Clare has become my sister and an inspiration as well.

Coach and Clare were friends with my husband, too. They knew him when he was well and they witnessed his decline. Despite the divorce, we continue to pray for him to get the help and healing he needs especially now that he is in jail.

I find myself in an interesting place, healing from hurt and also praying for the people who hurt me. I don’t pray to have them back in my life but for their healing, that they transform from people who hurt others into people who help others.

I see how two things can be true, even when some would think they can’t co-exist.
I care for people who hurt me and I am taking action to make sure other victims of abuse find the resources and support they need to thrive after.

What I went through was, in many ways, absolutely despicable. But by the grace of God, I am here today healthier than I have been in decades.

It took a year to understand the why of what I went through, but now I see. I am meant to help others through my experiences.

As I shared my vision with Coach and Clare, they brought up the butterfly effect. I may help one person, but who knows how many people they will go on to help as a result of what I did.

I won’t ever tolerate abuse again, and, with the help of Scripture, I will do everything I can to make sure others don’t tolerate it either. I pray that by helping those who are in the midst of or recovering from abuse from a Biblical perspective that I will save lives.

Jesus didn’t die on the cross so we would abuse and/or be abuse by others.
He wants us to love others as we love ourselves, and we’re not loving ourselves when we’re tolerating abuse and allowing others to think abusing us is acceptable.

By helping ONE person recover from abuse, I hope to create a butterfly effect. I pray that one person will show others how healing is possible through the grace of God.

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“Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard.” ~ Caterina Fake

I remember, six or seven years ago, driving on the highway with my oldest son and discussing college.

Me: “Do you have any idea what you want to major in?”
Him: “Accounting, I think.”
Me: “Why?”
Him: “Because I’ll make lots of money.”
Me: “But will you enjoy accounting? Does the thought of working in a cubicle staring at numbers all day excite you?”
Him: (…)

This same son is now in his fourth year at college studying engineering. I don’t know if it’s electrical engineering or computer engineering or a bit of both, but I do know it feels like more of the right thing for him. I believe he has chosen a field which will feel more like play than work for/to him because it is the RIGHT field.

I returned to school to continue work on my Master’s degree this week, and I transferred areas of study… again…

I feel like I’m finally working on the RIGHT thing.
I feel like I’m finally working in my zone of genius instead of my zone of excellence.
I’m excited… No, beyond excited… to follow God’s path and see how He uses what I went through to serve his people.

For the first time in … ever … I’m being called to do work which serves HIM rather than work which serves only my bank account.

Bank account work was hard.
It didn’t satisfy my soul and I constantly felt empty.
But this new direction is lighting me up and I’ve only just begun.
This will be work that doesn’t just impact me but will impact generations to come.
This will be work my kids will be able to look at and proudly carry forward.
This will be work that helps people heal and thrive.
This is the right work because it’s working from the heart instead of working for my wallet.
It’s more important to me to do the right thing at this point of my life than anything else.

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Dear friend, I don’t know what you’re going through but I CAN tell you to keep your chin up. I CAN tell you to keep taking one step after another. I CAN tell you that, despite all I have been through over the past five years including job loss, divorce and a number of other stressors, I haven’t felt this much peace… ever.

Is a relationship responsible for my peace?
I’m happily single.

Did I win the lottery or come into a ton of money?
I lost my job and my bank account desperately needs TLC. 🤣


I’m happy.
I’m content.
I have peace.

Because I kept going.
I invested (and continue to invest) time and energy into healing.
I got closer to God and surrounded myself with a community of believers.
And I flushed toxic people and situations out of my life.

A year ago I was a wreck.
I couldn’t sleep more than 15 minutes at a time and my anxiety was sky high.

But then God spoke to me.
He reminded me who I am and whose I am.
He showed me I deserved better than I was getting and He reminded me that I could be single without being alone.

The past year hasn’t been easy but the hard days have been easier than the day before.
I’ve chosen to find better rather than be bitter.

If you’re struggling dear friend, wait.
Just wait.
Brighter days are coming.

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