PP 083: Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

Quick Show Notes: Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

Obstacles are not meant to be barriers, preventing us from reaching our goals and dreams. In this episode, I share some of the obstacles I have faced and the joys I discovered when I kept going.

'Obstacles are Not Stopstacles' @thekimsutton shares obstacles she has faced, and how she used them as a stepping ground to where she is today. https://thekimsutton.wpengine.com/pp083/ #PositiveProductivity #Podcast #Success #resilienceClick To Tweet

Episode Transcription: Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

At the risk of sounding “corny” – “Obstacles are Not Stopstacles.”

I’m feeling a little bit like “Dr. Seuss” today, and what I really want to talk to you about is that obstacles that get in our way should not cause us to stop altogether.

In 2008, when I lost my job as an interior designer, I had no idea how many doors of opportunity were opening up in front of me. I had no idea that losing my job was going to allow me to meet so many wonderful people – including my husband – or how much happier I would be as a result. Yes, I hyperventilated on my way home, and I haven’t done that since. I will admit that it was damn scary. I didn’t really like my job but, it was by weekly income that I counted on, and my family counted on.

Everything that has come as a result of losing my job however – I would not give back for tens of millions of dollars.

Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

After I lost my job as an interior designer, I put a good effort, not a great effort – I do have to admit that – into trying to build my own design business. During the course of trying to build that business, I joined a number of local networking groups, where I met some of my best local friends. One of those local friends introduced me to “The Law of Attraction”, and the benefits that I have received from learning about The Law of Attraction, and fully embracing it and my life – have set off a domino effect that I will be forever grateful for.

Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

The design business didn’t grow as a lot of people had hoped it would. And I was OK with that. I went back to trying to build my original e-commerce store selling scrapbooking supplies on E-bay and through my own web site. And while that didn’t do as well as I had hoped either, it provided me with a lot of opportunities. During the course of trying to build that business, I went through my divorce, and I met my husband, Dave.

If you’ve been listening to the Positive Productivity podcast for a while you know that we’ve faced some obstacles. But, obstacles are not stopstacles! Dave lost his job numerous times, and then went on to pursue his dream of becoming an independent video game designer. And together we faced four miscarriages before welcoming three of our own children into our family.

I’ve gone through obstacles with clients, but every one of those obstacles taught me valuable lessons that I will carry well into the future. Just this week, unfortunately, our daughter Kira faced a few obstacles of her own. One being that her very best friend was hit by a car, and is currently in the hospital. And then as a result of calling off work, she lost her job.

Now, if you haven’t heard me speak about Kira before, she is a 17 year old tattoo apprentice who produces fabulous work. She has a great following and fan base, and people are already waiting to hear where she landed. I’m amazed that the parlor she was working at would want her to come in, when her mind was obviously distracted but, what I’ve already reminded Kira is that this is just a stepping stone to the next stage in her life.

Obstacles are Not Stopstacles

There are so many tattoo parlors out there that will teach her so many other valuable skills, and allow her to propel her career forward, as a 17 year old, really learning how to refine her skills. This obstacle may really be one of the best things to happen because it’s going to allow her to expand her horizons, and perfect her skills and travel the world doing exactly what she loves.

I know that for any of us life’s obstacles can sometimes feel like a mountain has just slammed on us but, through whatever we’re going through, we really have to do our best to stand back up, lift our chin up and fly forward.

In giving Kira examples of successful people who have overcome obstacles, I came across an article on Huffington Post. Some of the examples that I gave to Kira were

  • Bill Gates first business failed;
  • Albert Einstein didn’t know how to speak until he was four;
  • Jim Carrey used to be homeless;
  • Richard Branson had dyslexia; and
  • Stephen King’s first novel was rejected 30 times.

If these wildly successful people can get over these obstacles, then imagine what you can become, and what feats you can achieve by stepping past in overcoming your obstacles.

Don’t let today’s obstacles keep you down. Obstacles are not stopstacles.

With this said, go forth and have a positive and productive day!

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