PP 615: Building Your Online Presence as a Thought Leader with Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

Quick Show Notes – Lorianne Vaughan Speaks:

“No one can do it all by themselves. You need to do what you do best and then hire others to do the other things.” – Lorianne Vaughan Speaks


After working for a thought leader for over 15 years, the thought leader retired and Lorianne lost her job. Corporate America didn’t have a place for her, so, at 60 years old, Lorianne started her business, LVS Consulting.

Listen as Lorianne and Kim Sutton share a friendly chat about team building, authentic audience growth, speaking vs. podcasting, entrepreneurship with a family and much more.



04:25 Would she go back?
06:14 If it works, why break it?
08:47 Speaking and podcasting
10:21 How success is measured
20:23 Pulling up our big girl panties and letting go
28:37 Momboss, ladyboss, mompreneur
32:38 Corporate culture
41:31 Lorianne’s top tip for aspiring speakers
44:15 Fluffy text

Listen as @LorianneVSpeaks and @thekimsutton share a friendly chat about team building, authentic audience growth, #speaking vs. #podcasting, #entrepreneurship with a family and much more. https://thekimsutton.com/pp615 #positiveproductivity #podcastClick To Tweet

Resources – Lorianne Vaughan Speaks:

Melanie Benson
30 Day Abundance Challenge
Purposeful Parentpreneurs
Instagram Lookbook
New Media Summit

Lorianne’s Gift: 10 Top Ways to Create Massive Growth in your Speaking Business

Inspirational Quotes:

“Each client is different and that’s what makes it fun because I’m doing different things for different people.” ~Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

“All the way up until just a couple years ago, I was measuring success based on money. Now, is that saying I don’t want more money? Absolutely not. But, I’m not measuring how good I’m doing based on how much money I’ve got.” ~Kim Sutton

No one can do it all by themselves. You need to do what you do best and then hire others to do the other things.” ~Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

We are changing what is important to us with regards to our time and our work-life balance, and you need to embrace what works for you.” ~Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

It took me the longest time to realize that just because I live in a ten times less cost of living area here doesn’t mean I need to charge ten times less.” ~Kim Sutton

Who are those icons in your field? Start following them on social media and start commenting on their posts as long as it’s authentic and it’s valuable content. Because If you are giving value in your social media posts it will be seen, not only by that icons, but also by their thousands and thousands of followers.” ~Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

About Lorianne Vaughan Speaks:

Lorianne Vaughn-Speaks

Lorianne Vaughan Speaks works with speakers, authors and podcasters, helping them increase their online presence.

Website: https://lvsconsultingservices.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LorianneVSpeaks/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lvs721/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorianne-vaughan-speaks-3797108/


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