Kim Sutton

PP 720: Social Media Sanity Saver

Kim Sutton         Kim Sutton        
PP 720: Social Media Sanity Saver           PP 720: Social Media Sanity Saver          
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    PP 720: Social Media Sanity Saver

    “If you don’t resonate, it’s okay to let them go because there’s somebody else out there who’s waiting for your message. And if you are cluttering your feed with people that you don’t even resonate with, then you’re missing the opportunity to connect with the people who need you most.”  -Kim Sutton


    Social media can be highly distracting. Notifications, chats, feeds, and even friend count can get somebody occupied all day. If you are an entrepreneur, you might have thought at some point that these platforms can help you scale your business. But, think… Are your ideal clients really on social media all day, every day? In this episode, Kim shares what she learned about being on 180 Facebook groups, and how to save your sanity so that you can maximize your focus for the people that need you the most.  


    00:48 To Friend or To Unfriend
    02:51 A Huge Waste of Time
    05:05 Maximize Your Focus for Your Ideal Clients

    Social media is highly distracting. This week, @thekimsutton shares a piece of practical advice to save your social media sanity. #positiveproductivity #podcast #focus #productivity #socialmedia #socialmediasanity #facebook #facebookgroups #idealclients #buildingbusiness #maximizeyourfocusClick To Tweet



    Inspirational Quotes:

    03:33 “I thought my ideal clients were in Facebook groups all day, every day just like me. But what I found was a whole bunch of scarcity-minded people.” -Kim Sutton

    04:06 “If they have time to be in Facebook groups all day, every day, chances are that means that they don’t have anything to work on, and they don’t know what they should be working on.” -Kim Sutton

    06:36 “If you don’t resonate, it’s okay to let them go because there’s somebody else out there who’s waiting for your message. And if you are cluttering your feed with people that you don’t even resonate with, then you’re missing the opportunity to connect with the people who need you most.”  -Kim Sutton

    Meet Your Host!

    Kim Sutton

    Kim Sutton is a Business and Marketing Automation Mentor, Speaker, and Author. She is the host of the Positive Productivity Podcast. Having been through so much including depression, domestic violence, and lack of self-care, Kim’s mission is to help her clients be positively productive by empowering them to achieve success without the burnout. She believes that positive productivity stems from system+support+self-care. Positive productivity is not about perfection, it’s about having Prioritized Purposeful Actions. Today, Kim is out to help fellow entrepreneurs reclaim their lives and make their business work. 



    Kim Sutton: This month on the Positive Productivity Podcast, we are having a ton of discussions about focus and productivity. I want to encourage you to go back and listen to Episode 718 and 719 if you haven’t already, and there are still three more episodes about focus and productivity so make sure you keep on listening. This one’s the first of them. 

    Now, you might be amused by the topic of today’s conversation. I have found that social media, as I’m sure you have found as well, can be highly distracting. But I found a way, thanks to Molly Mahoney to minimize my social media distractions while going through Molly’s GLAM Mentoring Program. Glam stands for Go Live And Monetize. Molly sort of disclosed that when she realizes she is following or friends with too many people, and I’m going to use Facebook as a specific example here, that she will unfriend them. But she doesn’t want them necessarily just to be unfriended at any point. She wants them to be having a great day and not even realize that their friend count has gone down one. So when does she choose to unfriend people? On their birthday. 

    I thought that this was a brilliant idea. On my birthday on Facebook, what I am seeing is a ton of Happy Birthday Kim messages. And the last thing that I look at is my friend count. Honestly, I never look at my friend count, I really don’t care. I’m connected to people that I want to be, people that I know. And just between you and me, I don’t accept friend requests from strangers, period. I used to, however, I had a scary situation as a result of a large Facebook group that I own. I received death threats against me and my children. Ever since then, I’ve been cutting back on who is on my friends list, and just saying no to everybody else. But I’ve been using Molly’s system to reduce the friend count. I realize there are so many people that I see in my feed who I don’t know why or when I became friends with them. I have nothing in common. Chances are they became my friend back in 2015 or 2016 when I was a member of over 180 Facebook groups. I thought, and this is no joke, I thought that I was going to build my business through Facebook groups. I would sit in front of my computer all day, every day watching for those notifications to pop up in the Facebook menu bar that a new post or a new comment had gone into a group and I wanted to be the first one to respond. I gotta tell you, that was a huge waste of time. I thought my ideal clients were in Facebook groups all day, every day just like me. But what I found was a whole bunch of scarcity minded people. I want to just make it clear, though, that everybody who is in Facebook groups is scarcity minded. But you have to question where you are in your personal and your professional life, and where your prospects are or not prospects are, your fellow group members. If they have time to be in Facebook groups all day, every day, chances are that means that they don’t have anything to work on, and they don’t know what they should be working on. 

    What I found over the years is that I want to support entrepreneurs who already have a clear vision of what their business is, what their message is and who they want to serve. They already know what products they want to create. But perhaps, they don’t have the tech skills to actually create the products or create all the automation that goes along with them. They want to be the creation, the content creation genius. Maybe it’s just speaking their message into a phone. But after they get the content out of their head, they want to pass it on to somebody else so they can go and serve their time and create more content. To be honest, I want to do a bit of the same. I want to be creating content non stop. I’m building my team actively right now to be doing all the building on the back end for me. 

    Does that mean that I don’t build to? No, but I know where my genius lies. And if I’m working on building stuff for my business all the time, that means I’m not serving my clients and I’m not serving the community to the best of my ability. But anyway, okay, I got off on a little tangent there. Let’s go back to focus and productivity and talk about social media sanity savers. When you see somebody on Facebook whose birthday is today, or whenever you’re listening, or any day in the future, if you realize that you don’t want to be connected to them, I’m going to go along with Molly and say their birthday is a great day to let them go. Chances are they are so thrilled by all the Happy Birthday messages that they won’t even notice you unfriending them. And the next time you’re in Instagram, or Tik Tok, or Twitter, wherever you are on social media, when you see somebody pop into your feed that you are just wondering how did you get here, I don’t even resonate with you, let them go, unfollow them. Don’t be concerned that if they’re following you as well, that they will unfollow you as well. That’s not your concern. If you don’t resonate, it’s okay to let them go because there’s somebody else out there who’s waiting for your message. And if you are cluttering your feed with people that you don’t even resonate with, then you’re missing the opportunity to connect with the people who need you most. 

    I would love to hear how you are going to start paring down who you’re following on social so that you can maximize the attention that you’re giving to your ideal clients and customers so be sure to head on over to and leave a comment down below the show notes. Until the next episode of the positive productivity podcast. I hope you go forth and make it a positive and productive day.