Read with Kim

I’m an avid reader, and (try to) make it a point to read from a hard copy book every night before I go to bed. Visit here to find out what I’m reading now, as well as what I’ve read in years past!

Note: This page includes affiliate links. When you click a link to learn more about a book, you will be taken to Amazon and I will earn a (small) commission on any purchases you make as a result of the click-through.

Reading Now

A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson

A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson

August 24, 2020 – I don’t know when I bought this book and I don’t remember why, but, as I turned around to find another book on my shelf, this one shouted out at me. Considering it’s muted tones, I was surprised.

I was in the last week of May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein (see below), and decided I would add a daily reading from this book to my morning routine. Immediately, I decided I wanted more.

My morning routine now includes journaling followed by TWO days of readings from A Year of Miracles, and although the readings are short, a significant portion often finds its way into my journal as well.

Click here to get your copy of A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson.

Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst

Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst

January 6, 2024 – In December 2023, a single women’s group started at my church. A dear friend STRONGLY encouraged me to join and to be there every single week. In the group we are doing a study of Kingdom Woman. I will admit that I have been reading ahead as the book has been very helpful in a particularly rough season of my life.

The most important lesson I have been taught so far (and I’m currently on Chapter 7) is that a Kingdom woman knows when to ask for help and who to ask for help. She is humble enough to recognize that she can’t do everything herself, as well as humble enough to accept help when it is offered to her.

 The book has also reminded me that asa child of God, I AM enough. I AM worthy. But it is my duty to follow His will for my life and not be stubbornly set on the path I want to take.

Key Passages

For some reason people have come to believe that ‘exhaustion is close to godliness’ is written somewhere in the Bible. It is not. The fastest way to get yourself off track from fulfilling God’s kingdom destiny for you is to view yourself as a superwoman who has to do it all on her own.” p. 21

Before you give up, though, look up.” p. 34

If you are going to live in excellence, you have to forget yesterday. Whether it was good, bad, or ugly, if it’s yesterday, you need to let it go. When you carry yesterday further than you ought to, you ruin today. If you ruin today, then you spoil tomorrow.” p. 48

The fact of the matter is that women with scuff marks are simply seasoned and, therefore, more available for God’s use because of their imperfection, inadequacy, or emptiness.” p. 64

Click here to get your copy of Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst

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Completed in 2024

Life's Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard

Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard

January 6, 2024 – I read Life’s Golden Ticket for the first time in 2016. It blew my mind and I passed it on to somebody whose mind was equally blown (and also passed it on). I’d love to know how many hands that copy has passed through since.

This week I bought myself a new copy. If you’ve been to my house or seen my bookshelves, you know the last thing I “need” this year is another book. But, because I encouraged a friend to read it (with no specific memories of the book except that it affected me), I felt compelled to buy a new copy for myself and read it, too.

I started reading the book last night and fell asleep reading it and the content permeated my dreams. I woke this morning thinking about how EVERY interaction I have with others has the ability to positively or negatively affect them AND me. Sadly, as I finished reading the book today I realized that there are people in my life who are not safe to remain in my circle in their current state. I pray that they, too, will read this book and be as profoundly affected as I have been.

My 44 years have been marked by people who have positively and negatively affected how I view myself. Only in the past couple years have I begun to realize that I was not deserving of much of the negative, and that much of what I believe about myself is untrue. I am worthy. I am enough. I am capable. And I am deserving of my space and place on this planet. AND SO IS EVERYBODY ELSE.

I won’t tell you what the book is about and encourage you NOT to judge this book by its cover. This book has the ability to change your life and I wish everyone would read it. If you know, you know, and if you don’t know, get yourself a copy and read it.

Key Passages

I think there have probably been a lot of wonderful moments in your life that you could have focused on. I think there have been a lot of powerfully positive moments you could have let influence you. Moments that could have made you stronger, wiser, smarter, more compassionate and courageous. But instead, you focused on the dark times in your life, and you let them overwhelm you.” p. 98

… sometimes you got to call it like it is. There is no real you versus fake you. No real self versus false self. You are you are, wholly and completely. All your emotions and behaviors are a part of who you are now. Unless you accept every aspect of that, you’re lying to yourself. You’re avoiding yourself. Maybe you don’t like parts of who you are, portions of what you just saw, but those are portions and parts of you until you change them. You’ve got to admit that even the bad parts are parts of you. Otherwise, you’ll never change.” p. 107

It’s a cycle of silence. You’ve lived your whole life holding in your feelings, your throughts, your concerns, your dreams, your nightmares. You’re looping the same old story: ‘I don’t want to impose my world on anyone… I don’t want to be a pest.’

“Here’s the truth. If you stay in this cycle, if you don’t start telling the world how you feel and what you want, then you’ll be forever stuck on the same life track you’re on now – a track that makes you feel numb and queasy. And the only way to break the cycle is to understand how it began in the first place and then slow it down and stop it.” p. 134

Click here to get your copy of Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2023

The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

June 20, 2023 – A friend recommended I read this book as he knew I was actively pursuing more peace in my life and not quite grasping the concepts Taoism and Buddhism. Important: I am a Christian and Jesus is my Savior. However… In this chapter of my life I happily accept any and all book recommendations which contribute to my healing and recovery.

With that said, these books have changed me forever. I am learning to let things go and just be. Am I all the way there? No, lol. Far from it. However I am so much closer than I was when I started reading these books a month ago and I feel peace in situations I wouldn’t have previously.

Key Passages

“‘A fish can’t whistle and neither can I.’ Coming from a wise mind, such a statement would mean, ‘I have certain limitations, and I know what they are.’…  Unfortunately, some people – who always seem to think they’re smarter than fish. andbirds, somehow – aren’t so wise, and end up causing big trouble for themselves and others… The wise know their limitations; the foolish do not.” p. 55

When you work with Wu Wei, you put the round peg in the round hole and the square peg in the square hole. No stress, no struggle. Egotistical Desure tries to force the round peg into the square hole and the square peg into the round hole. Cleverness tries to devise craftier ways of making pegs fit where they don’t belong. Knowledge tries to figure out why round pegs fit round holes, but not square holes. Wu Wei doesn’t try. It doesn’t think about it. It just does it.” p. 87

The final problem we might mention about the Tigger Tendency is that the worthwhile and important things in life – wisdom and happiness in particular – are simply not the sorts of things one can Chase After and Grab. They are instead the sorts of things that come to us where we are, if we let them – if we stop trying too hard and just let things happen as they need to.” p. 272

Click here to get your copy of The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh

Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh

June 14, 2023 – After reading Living Buddha Living Christ earlier this year I knew I wanted to read more by Thich Nhat Hanh, While my friend recommended I read No Death, No Fear (which I continue to read), when I saw this book listed as another of his books, I knew I needed to get it.

I have come to the realization that I ruminate. I overthink. A ton. And, thanks to this book, I am finally getting my overthinking under control.

Key Passages

Mindfulness gives you the inner peace and quietness that allow you to look deeply, to find out who you are and what you want to do with your life. You won’t feel the need to make yourself run after meaningless pursuits anymore. You’ve been running, looking for something, because you think that thing is crucial for your peace and happiness. You push yourself to achieve this and that condition so that you can be happy. You believe you don’t have enough conditions to be happy right now, and so you develop the habit many people have, of constantly running after one thing or another.” p. 16

Silence is ultimately something that comes from the heart, not fromany set of conditions outside us. Living froma place of silence doesn’t mean never talking, never engaging or doing things; it simply means that we are not disturbed inside; there isn’t constant internal chatter. If we’re truly silent, then nomatter what situation we find ourselves in, we can enjoy the sweet spaciousness of silence.” p. 77

Click here to get your copy of Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh

Creating Emotional Attraction by Alex Altman

Creating Emotional Attraction by Alex Altman

June 13, 2023 – Admittedly, I bought this book because of an Instagram ad which led me to a workshop, YouTube channel and eventually a paid program about creating emotional attraction with men. I almost invested in the paid program (not by this author) but decided to see what other, less expensive, options to learn more were out there.

What can I say? I was curious. I am curious. I want to be pursued and not the pursuer for once. I want to choose, not chase. I want to invest time and energy into those who invest time and energy into me. I know this may sound selfish however I was the pursuer and investor in my marriage and it didn’t work out well. I don’t want to go down the same path again.

While the content was decent, the lack of editing was out-right painful. It’s littered with grammar and spelling errors, which distracted me throughout. Often one thought is broken into three sentences which should have been one but have periods thrown haphazardly in. I appreciate the content, however even Google docs could have done a better job proofing this book for free.

Last, I did a lot of work on myself while reading this book which complemented the content. I continue to do this work which I know, over time, will lead to a beautiful, loving relationship. First, however, I need to love myself and the life I live BY myself. A man won’t make my life good. If I don’t do necessary work on myself, any relationship will be doomed to fail.

Click here to get your copy of Creating Emotional Attraction by Alex Altman

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer

May 18, 2023 – In the midst of a crazy season of live, navigating my kids’ summer vacation as a full-time single mom, I decided to continue working on my Master’s Degree in Biblical Leadership. In full disclosure, I have struggled in my classes due to constant kid interuptions and my role as the sole provider and care giver for my three youngest. But in the midst of life’s stresses, I find peace in my reading for class.

My evangelism class has, admittedly, shown me just how much I am struggling in my faith. It’s shown me how I struggle to trust God, and where I feel challenged to follow his Word due to my own desires. But… It’s also shown me ways to get closer to Him.

Key Passage

How, then, do you pray? Do you ask God for your daily bread? Do you thank God for your conversion? Do you pray for the conversion of others? If the answer is ‘no,’ I can only say that I do not think you are yet born again.” p. 21

Click here to get your copy of Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer

On the Apostolic Preaching by St. Irenaeus of Lyons

On the Apostolic Preaching by St. Irenaeus of Lyons

April 2023 – This was yet another book from my Historical Theology class, and added additional context to my understanding of the early Christian church.

From a paper I wrote for the class, “Irenaeus of Lyons lived between 130-202 AD and gained acclaim for taking a stand against the Gnostics, who viewed Christ as a semi divine figure, as well as saying they had secret knowledge about how to attain salvation (Duesing & Finn, 2021, p. 26). Irenaeus rejected the thought that Jesus was semi divine (2021, p. 35), and his work was subsequently driven by three primary theological goals: First, Jesus was God. Second, Jesus was truly human. And, third, there was only one subject, meaning that while Jesus was fully divine AND fully human, He remained one and only one person (2021, p. 35).”

“The Demonstration on the Apostolic Preaching was written as a letter to Marcion, who denied the Christian doctrine of God and claimed Jesus was God clothed in the form of a human being (2021, p. 26).”

Click here to get your copy of On the Apostolic Preaching by St. Irenaeus of Lyons

The Freedom of a Christian

The Freedom of a Christian 1520 by Timothy J. Wengert

April 2023 – Another book from my Historical Theology class, I greatly appreciated how Luther referred to the Old Testament throughout his writing. So many people, myself included, fail to see the cross-references between the New Testament and the Old Testament as they are reading Scripture. This book makes me want to study more of Martin Luther’s work.

From a class assignment, “Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German reformer whose root concern was establishing the proper relationship between Scripture and tradition (Duesing & Finn, 2021, p. 161). The Roman Catholic Church had established the Pope as the authority in the interpretation of Scripture, defying sola Scriptura or, the sufficiency of Scripture as our supreme authority in all spiritual matters (What Does Sola Scriptura Mean?, n.d.). In addition, leaders of the early church measured faith through Sacramental participation and “sold” Salvation in return for military participation. Luther sought to return the focus to proper Christian doctrine and its source, Scripture.”

Click here to get your copy of The Freedom of a Christian by Timothy J. Wengert

Historical Theology for the Church by Jason G. Duesing and Nathan A. Finn

Historical Theology for the Church by Jason G. Duesing and Nathan A. Finn

April 2023 – Spring semester 2023 saw me in Historical Theology as part of my Master’s Degree in Biblical Leadership. Entering the class I was excited to learn more about the history of my faith, however I wasn’t prepared for all I learned.

As a child I was born and raised into a Catholic Family. I went throught the Sacraments at the same time and age as my classmates, but I never had a deep, connected meaning as to why or what the Sacraments should have meant to me.

 I left the Catholic Church when I graduated high school, and I returned to the church when I found God 13 years later. When I returned however, it wasn’t to Catholicism. It was to a United Methodist mega-church. For the first time in my life I possessed a Bible and I read it. I began to learn the background of my faith.

This book, while very deep and heavy, is a must-read for anybody who wants to know about the establishment of the Christian church following Jesus’ death. It was fascinating for me to read about the separation of the Catholic Church and when and why that happened, different opinions on the Trinity, Salvation and Scripture and much, much more.

Click here to get your copy of Historical Theology for the Church by Jason G. Duesing and Nathan A. Finn.

Living Buddha Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh

Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh

March 12, 2023 – A friend recommended I read Living Buddha, Living Christ after I confided that I was struggling with anxiety. the journey of reading has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and media consumed while I was reading this book magnified its effects.

The most important lesson I learned from this book was that I need to back myself away from expectations I have on earthly people and possessions and look inside myself and, most importantly, to God to find joy and happiness.

Last night i was watching the movie God’s Not Dead and was struck when Reverend Dave told Mina, “To the wrong person, you’ll never have any worth. But to the right person, you’ll mean everything.” Through this movie and this book, I was reminded that my self-worth comes from within and from God, not by how much attention or respect I get from others (Cinderella Complex). I need to practice mindfulness, constantly going to God, dying to self. 

Key Passage

In Christianity, you can also touch the Kingdom of God with your body, right here and now. It is much safer than placing our hope in the future. If we cling to our idea of hope in the future, we might not notice the peace and joy that are available in the present moment. The best way to take care of the future is to take care. ofthe present moment. Practicing conscious breathing, aware of each thought and each act, we are reborn, fully alive, in the present moment.” p. 179

Click here to get your copy of Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa TerKeurst

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst

March 5, 2023 – To be completely honest, forgiveness, particularly in the case of my recent divorce, has been hard to find. I found it difficult to forgive somebody who deceived me so horribly and then worked to destroy me as the secrets uncovered themselves. While I am still working my way to forgiveness and out of bitterness, it’s increasingly difficult not to forgive in remembrance of everything Jesus gave up for me. Lysa does a great job reminding readers that sometimes people need to be walked away from (as it was in my case), but bitterness will never lead to healing and will continue hurt me and others.

Key Passages

That person who hurt me may be the cause of my pain. But they are not capable of being the healer of my pain. Or the restorer of my life.” p. 30

If healing hasn’t been worked out and forgiveness hasn’t been walked out, chaos is what will continue to play out.” p.31

Forgiveness isn’t just about what’s in front of us. Sometimes, a bigger part of the journey is uncovering what is informing us from long ago. Woven throughout our experiences is a connecting thread that pulls the beliefs we formed from our past into the very present moments of today.” p. 57

Click here to get your copy of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst.

When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas

When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas

March 5, 2023 – This book is a must read for anybody and everybody. We encounter toxic people constantly, and Thomas gives much-needed advice for how to handle such people.

Key Passages

One of the cleverest attacks against God’s church today centers around our guilt in dealing with toxic people. Satan knows he can’t stop God’s people from loving and caring, because God’s Spirit makes us love and care. What he can do, however, is urge us to pour most of our God-breathed love, intention, and goodwill on people who actually resent it and who will never respond to grace.” p. 13 

It’s okay to walk away when people resist the truth. And it’s okay to let them walk away.” p. 20

When toxic people are exposed as acting in a toxic manner – the real issue at the moment – they will try desperately to make the argument about you, not about them. Don’t play their game. You won’t win.” p. 151

Your time, energy and focus are limited. Don’t settle for making mostly good investments. Try to make the best investment of your time every day.” p. 159

Click here to get your copy of When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas.

The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas

The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas

February 13, 2023 – This book was bought as a pre-caution, to prevent me from doing anything I would later regret as my marriage ended. If you know me you know I’m transparent, so I’ll just say that I’ve made plenty of mistakes relationship wise, especially mistakes which wouldn’t be aligned with God’s path (ie premarital sex). I don’t want to make these mistakes again, and even though I’ve been married twice now and have five children, I CAN choose to be different. I DO choose to be different. Clearly what I chose to do in the past didn’t work well, so this time I will let God drive.

Two points which really struck me from the book were the topics of infatuation and sin. 

Infatuation: The infatuation phase of a often relationship lasts through the first 12-18 months. No big decisions or commitments should be made during this time. (Cough cough… I should have read this book before I met either husband.)

Sin: Should I ever marry again, I want to marry a Godly man who wants to live his life on HIS path serving others. If the man can’t walk the way of God while we’re dating (ie pressuring me for sex, being abusive, selfish, rude, etc.), how can I hope he will be different if we marry? Simply put, I can’t.

Click here to get your copy of The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas.

Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa TerKeurst

Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa TerKeurst

February 5, 2023 – This book was EXTREMELY difficult for me to read, simply because it hit so close to home. I can’t tell you how many times I established boundaries in my marriage to protect me and the children just to be abused and/or shamed. Dear friend, we shouldn’t be made to feel bad when we’re doing what we need to. doto protect our heart and relationship with God.

As an example, my husband removed his wedding band (and threw it out) and told me I was dead to him but didn’t understand why it wasn’t okay for him to touch me (even non-sexually). Just because touch was important to him didn’t mean I needed to let him, the man who repeatedly shattered my heart, to lay a finger on me.

Key Passages

The person who continues to break your heart isn’t in a place to properly care for your heart.” p. 67

“… health cannot bond with unhealth. A refusal to grow and mature emotionally is a big indication of unhealth.” p. 88

… what you see in glimpses should be what you see the majority of the time. If glimpses of kindness and potential are what’s keeping you going, then eventually you’ll start accepting even harsh things as good. If you find yourself so grateful for the smallest common courtesy, you’re hanging your hope on nothing but air.” p. 89

Click here to get your copy of Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa TerKeurst.

Begin Again by Max Lucado

Begin Again by Max Lucado

January 4, 2023 – When my marriage ended, I was… shattered. Although it certainly wasn’t healthy, I believed with every fiber of my being that God could have helped us heal. I still believe that. But… Because I was the only one willing to do the work, the marriage collapsed. I had to begin again.

Beginning again was and continues to be scary to me. I don’t like uncertainty. I don’t like being alone. I don’t like wondering if I will ever love or be loved again (by a man). So I have to give this new chapter and the rest of my life – to God. I need to begin again with and for Him.

Key Passages:

Jesus doesn’t give hope by changing the jungle; he restores our hope by giving us himself. And he has promised to stay until thevery end. ‘I am with you always, to the very end of the age’ (Matt. 28:20).” p. 9

Some people love you because of you. Not God. He loves you because he is he. He loves you because he decides to.” p. 67

Fill your tank with the promises of God.” p.75

Click here to get your copy of Begin Again by Max Lucado.

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Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2022

Note From Kim

As I update this page in February 2023, I am struck by the fact that completed books stopped being recorded in August of last year. I’m convinced I must have finished at least one book, especially considering I am working on my Master’s Degree and reading seems to be all I do, but… I also know that September to December 2022 were also the hardest months of my life to date.

My husband moved out in September 2022 and our divorce was finalized in October. Moving through the holiday season without the man I believed to be my soul mate was difficult beyond words. The books I have read since then however, have been my lifeline, my map to a new life in Christ.

The words I have read reminded and taught me that the abuse I endured was far from acceptable, and while I diligently sought help, healing and a path to recovery, you need participation from both parties to restore health in a relationship. Rather than continue being co-dependent, I chose to let go and teach my children that abuse is never, ever, acceptable.

Now, four months post-divorce but five years since the serious trouble began as secrets unsurfaced, I am slowly healing and learning how to do life moving forward. I wish I could say that I never mourn or cry, but I do. I grieve a relationship that was never as I believed but was built entirely on lies. I grieve the loss of a man who I thought was my knight in shining armor but was instead a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And I’m learning, with much difficulty, how to slow down and follow God’s will rather than try to make my own earthly desires a reality.

While my occupation is marketing and business automation, I am have found my God-given purpose in serving Christian entrepreneurs. I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs, especially Christian entrepreneurs, set-up systems in their businesses which allow them to prioritize what’s truly important, particularly 1) God, 2) self-care, 3) family.

Books from here forward will likely be overwhelmingly spiritual with a focus on how to incorporate my Christian faith into all aspects of my life. Yes, ALL aspects. From fitness to business, parenting and dating to marketing and leadership, I am seeking God’s guidance on each and every step I take.

I thank you for being with me on my journey, and I pray you find inspiration to lead a better rather than bitter life in the books you read.

The Full Spirit Workout by Kate Eckman

The Full Spirit Workout by Kate Eckman

August 22, 2022 – It took me 14 months to read this book, not because it was bad — it’s incredible — but because there was so much to digest that I had to take the book slow. Kate Eckman was a guest on my podcast in May 2021 (listen here!) and in full transparency, I received an advance copy of The Full Spirit Workout to read before recorded. To be even more transparent, however, I must admit that I didn’t finish the book before we recorded.

This book is SUPER powerful and has helped me through a few EXTREMELY tough months in my personal life, but has also been triggering as Kate discusses suicide, anxiety, depression and more. I STRONGLY recommend reading this book if you’re looking to get past mental barriers which are holding you back, but digesting the book slowly to give yourself time to absorb the content and complete the exercises as you go.

Please note: While spiritual, the book is not necessarily aligned with any specific religious beliefs. To stay aligned with my own Christian beliefs I found I was mentally replace places where Kate wrote, “the universe” with “God.”

Click here to get your copy of The Full Spirit Workout by Kate Eckman.

Deep Discipleship by JT English

Deep Discipleship by J.T. English

August 18, 2022 – Each and every book I read during my Discipleship class excited me more than the one before, which is not to say they weren’t all incredible. What it is saying is that I am getting more and excited, with each word, page and book I read, about what God is calling me to do in my life.

Deep Discipleship continued this trend, and in reading it I was able to gain clarity about what the Faith and Focus Ministry will look like and how it should be run — not from a financial or business perspective, but from a Biblical and discipleship perspective.

One of the key lessons I kept hearing was how we need to make sure we’re giving people more and raising the bar expectation-wise, not dumbing our lessons down and boring them. I realize this may be a “duh” to you, but I hadn’t really thought about raising that bar while still being accessible before. I have had a tendancy to want to make things easy for others rather than get them excited by the fact that they didn’t know something and now they want to know more.

But now that I’m wanting to know more — about Jesus, the Bible, God — I get it. Give me more and make me think, please and thank you.

Click here to get your copy of Deep Discipleship by J.T. English.

formed for the glory of God by Kyle Strobel

Formed for the Glory of God by Kyle Strobel

July 24, 2022 – Don’t let the lull between my last book and this one fool you! I’m in the midst of a class called Discipleship and it is extremely reading intensive. Unfortunately for this page, it entails alot of jumping from one book to another rather than reading one book through to completion every week.

Strobel’s book was an exception and I’m so happy it was because I am already implementing the tools (aka means of grace) he discusses in the book into my life. For example, this morning with my business coach I discussed my struggle with prayer considering it’s not supposed to be self-centered. Yes, I said business coach. I have an amazing Christian business coach who is extremely knowledgeable about both Scripture AND business building practices. If you want his details, contact me.

Anyway… prayer was just one of the means of grace I learned about in the book. The book has also motivated me to…

  1. make observing the Sabbath a non-negotiable weekly practice
  2. begin practicing meditation and contemplation and 
  3. develop a non-negotiable daily prayer and Bible study practice.

Strobel’s discussions on humilitiy and self-examination were extremely informative, and I encourage any Christian who is working to deepen their faith to read this book!

Click here to get your copy of Formed for the Glory of God by Kyle Strobel.

Youll Get Through This by Max Lucado

You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado

June 29, 2022 – I read this book in a very interesting week. I’m not ready to share details and I don’t know that I ever will be, but I found the comparison of Joseph and his family to the struggles we may be experiencing very interesting.

For example, Joseph’s family was very messed up. His uncle sold his family blessing to his father, Jacob, for a plate of stew. What poor choices have you ever seen a member of your family make?

And after decades, Joseph was able to forgive his brothers for selling him because he could see how God used the evil for good.

I would like to write a deeper, more thoughtful review of this book but I am honesty exhausted. It’s been a very interesting week. But God is using the evil in my life for good as long as I remember that all will be fine.

Click here to get your copy of You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado.

Stronger Than the Struggle by Havilah Cunnington

Stronger Than the Struggle by Havilah Cunnington

June 24, 2022 – This was an extremely difficult book for me to read, not because it was bad (it was in fact fantastically awesome), but because it was ripping bandages off wounds I was trying to forget I have.

As of the time of this writing, I am in the midst of a heartbreaking divorce from the man I believe(d) to be my best friend and soul mate. While my relationship with Christ has magnified and grown tremendously during our times of struggle, my husband is under attack. In her writing I could see over and over again how the devil is working to manipulate my husband.

There are times – many times – when the devil wants to pull me down, too. He wants me to feel hopeless and quit. He wants me to decide there is no hope and proceed as if I’ve wanted the divorce all along. But, despite the fact that I’m the one who filed, I have never wanted the divorce.

We have a choice when we’re struggling: Listen to the enemy and surrender, or look to God and be lifted up. With each passing day my relationship with the Lord evolves, often in ways I didn’t expect or desire. For example, my husband’s allegiance to the enemy reinforces just how important my pastoral work will be. I NEED to remind entrepreneurs that there is always hope, even if it doesn’t manifest as we would expect, and God has all the answers. 

When we look to Him, he will guide us to and down the path we were meant to be on. God our Father is stronger than our struggle.

Click here to get your copy of Stronger Than the Struggle by Havilah Cunnington.

Every Square Inch by Bruce Ashford

Every Square Inch by Bruce Ashford

June 19, 2022 – I didn’t know what to expect when I began reading this book, and to be honest I thought Bruce Ashford would be preaching about good and bad media from a Biblical perspective. While he didn’t discuss this per say, he shared a few thoughts which have influenced my life forever.

1. “We should never lose sight of the fact that God, rather than wealth, is our security and savior.” (Page 112)

2. “Every dimension of our lives relates in some way to Christ and can in some manner be directed toward him.” (Page 2)

Before reading Every Square Inch I had never given serious thought to what culture is. Culture is much more than the arts, which is what I previously equated it to. According to Ashford, culture is “anything that humans produce when they interact with each other and with God’s creation.” (Page 13)

God put each of us here to make the world a better place. We have the ability to positively influence culture, for and toward Him. I am firmly committed to improving my family and my community in order to honor Him.

Want to know more? Click here to get your copy of Every Square Inch by Bruce Ashford.

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever

June 12, 2022 – When I started my Master’s Degree this past March, it was with a calling of becoming a Pastor who would help Christian entrepreneurs bring God into thier business. Embarrassingly, I didn’t know that the act of sharing the gospel (good word) with people is called ‘evangelism.’

Growing up I remember my grandfather speeding past television evangelists when flipping through the channels. I got the impression that the people speaking were trying to sell us something. I was right, but I never knew how big that something was.

They were trying to sell us our salvation. 

The television evangelists didn’t necessarily want money, but rather they wanted our belief. They wanted us to know the seriousness of Christ’s sacrifice and what it meant for us. They wanted us to understand the importance of Scripture and how it should affect our words and deeds.

Now I understand, and it was this book, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, which taught me.

I now know that it is my responsibility as a Christian to evangelize, sharing the gospel with everyone I can.

Want to know more? Click here to get your copy of The Gospel and Personal Evangelism.

Life's Biggest Questions by Erik Thoennes

Life’s Biggest Questions by Erik Thoennes

June 5, 2022 – This book changed my life. There’s no better way to describe it’s impact than to paste a slightly modified version of the reading reflection assignment I submitted in my Biblical and Theological Foundations class…

Reading Chapter 3, I felt a push from God to change the focus of my studies. I submitted a request to transfer to the Master of Arts in Biblical Leadership and it is my goal to eventually pursue my Doctorate in Theology. The words, “Loving God means loving truth” on page 31 were my final push. I feel it deep within me that I need to know more, and I will likely never stop learning.

Next, the explanation of the Trinity took care of all confusion I had about the Holy Spirit. I have heard many times that God has his own timing, but this past year, the Fruit of the Spirit have been especially present in my life, and I have been working to teach my young children the Fruit as well.

I, for the first time in my life, felt the Holy Spirit’s presence this week, and I will be forever grateful to this class and reading for opening my eyes the rest of the way to His truth. I felt His presence today when I asked my estranged husband to read a passage in Chapter 11, after reading in Chapter 10, “Christ’s physical suffering on the cross was outweighed by the emotional, psychological, and spiritual anguish of bearing the sin of mankind and having the wrath of the Father poured out on him.” Christ experienced anguish to redeem us from our sins, so how is it our right to not forgive each other or go to God for help saving and repairing our marriage?

The discussion with my husband did not go as hoped, but after I chose to focus on God rather than him. The most pivotal point for me was in Chapter 7, where we read, “Idolatry can take many forms.” I have been giving my husband more praise/time than my Father. I can’t — and refuse to — do this any more.

Click here to get your copy of Life’s Biggest Questions.

it's not supposed to be this way

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst

May 30, 2022 – It’s not supposed to be this way… Goodness, do I resonate with those words.

Only a few pages in, but Lysa had my full intention when she wrote about what it feels like to be shattered. I have felt, multiple times in the past year, that my heart was ripped out of my chest, thrown on the ground and beaten with a sledgehammer until dust. And then I read this…

But what about those times when things aren’t just broken but shattered beyond repair? Shattered to the point of dust….

We feel desperately hopeless. Dust begs us to believe the promises of God no longer apply to us. That the reach of God falls just short of where we are. And that the hope of God has been snuffed out by the consuming darkness all around us…

But what if fixing, editing and repairing isn’t at all what God has in mind for us in this shattering?

Dust is the exact ingredient God loves to use…. It’s the basic ingredient with such great potential for new life…

And, when mixed with water, dust becomes clay. Clay, when placed in the potter’s hands, can be formed into anything the potter dreams up…

Dust doesn’t have to signify the end. Dust is often what must be present for the new to begin.”

I love when books speak directly to me, and with every single page this book did!

Click here to get your copy of It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way.

Dig Deeper by Nigel Beynon and Andrew Sach

Dig Deeper by Nigel Beynon and Andrew Sach

May 28, 2022 – Have you ever thoughts you were doing a great job at something, and then, in the presence of expert, you saw just how much room for improvement you had?

Yea, me too.

Dig Deeper was an amazing book assigned through my studies which showed me how to get more out of my reading when reading the Bible, and the tools I can use to do this. To say I had a few “aha” moments would be an understatement. For example, the “Context Tool” showed me how I need to be reading the verses around a selected verse before using it for an Instagram quote to ensure I am not using the verse out of context. You would think this would be obvious but for some of us (cough cough, me), it wasn’t.

Want to get more out of reading the Bible? Pick up your copy of Dig Deeper HERE!

The Servant King by T. D. Alexander

The Servant King by T. D. Alexander

May 22, 2022 – Oh, I was not looking forward to reading this book. As excited as I am about my new journey and learning more about Scripture, Jesus, and all things Christianity, the picture of the crown of the thorns on the cover of this book intimidated me greatly. But… Because it was for class, I had to crack it open.

To say I was pleasantly surprised and mesmerized would be an understatement.

It’s one thing to read the Bible on my own, but it’s completely different to have a comprehensive study like this book provides accompanying you. I will never read the Bible the same way again as now I am aware of so many aspects I missed and what I can be looking for a) as I continue this round of reading it and b) future readings.

Want to better understand the Bible’s portrait of the Messiah? Pick up your copy of The Servant King HERE!

Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung

Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung

May 15, 2022 – I will be sharing much, much more about my new journey in the coming weeks and months, however if you didn’t know, I have returned to school and am currently working on Master’s Degree. My long-term goal is to earn my Doctorate Degree in Theology and become a pastor teaching Christian business owners how to bring God into their businesses and build their businesses in a way which allows time to focus on God, self-care and family.

With that said, my first course this semester is Biblical and Theological Foundations for Grad Studies, and Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung was our reading for week 1. My new journey is much more complex than “simply” returning to school, and the Bible has been a source of constant comfort and guidance over the past year. Until I read this book I never understood that the Bible in itself is Truth, and it is not my right to mix and match verses to justify my actions. I either live in Truth or I don’t. God is the author of the Bible; who am I to tell Him that His words are wrong?

Want to better understand and embrace the Truth of the Bible? Pick up your copy of Taking God At His Word HERE!

Didn't See That Coming

Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis

May 5, 2022 – I bought this book a year or so before I really dove deep into it, and it is almost with tears in my eyes that I share how timely the book was for me.

As I write this, I am navigating a divorce I never saw coming. I was sure my husband was the man of my dreams, my knight in shining armor, my one and only. But here I am… Sharing my bed with my dog and doing my best to be positive about the future.

I know we all have unexpected events in our life. This book is essential reading and I’m tempted to buy stacks at a time to give to every woman I meet.

My most valuable takeaways:

  1. Apologizing and being told you’re forgiven but continuing to have your offense held over your head isn’t forgiveness; it’s manipulation. This was a HUGE AHA for me.
  2. Setting up coping mechanisms and health routines/habits is BEFORE disaster strikes is critical. I’m thankful I had given up alsohol before the divorce officially started, however my midnight ice cream addiction is reluctantly making way to fasting.
  3. Rachel runs. I don’t know how I missed that. For weeks I’ve been thinking about picking up running myself which is scary considering I’ve always HATED it. I have my reasons though, and Rachel inspired me to take action on this new habit..

Prep now for the next unforeseen change in your life. Pick up your copy of Didn’t See That Coming HERE!

empty out the negative

Empty Out the Negative by Joel Osteen

May 3, 2022 – While I love Pastor Joel’s messages, his books make me a little batty. He repeats the same things over and over like a record that’s skipping (yes, folks, I know what a skipping record sounds like. Do you?)

Going through the season of my divorce from the man I thought was my best friend and soul mate, I receive enough repeated messages – reminders of the things I did wrong, repeated false accusations, screams of my heart telling me I’m hurting. What I really don’t want is another person telling me the same thing over and over.

But this message I needed to hear. “Empty Out the Negative.”

God didn’t put us here to be negative. He didn’t put us here to judge or blame ourselves or others, and He didn’t put us here to hold ourselves back with false narratives and fictional limitations.

As children of God, we can do (almost) all things through Him. I hear you, friend. I hear you asking, “So why aren’t you fixing your marriage?” I tried. I could say more, but that wouldn’t be congruent with the message of this book.

So I will continue emptying the negative out of my cup and filling it instead with positive, prayer and hope.

Buy your copy of Empty Out the Negative HERE!

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2021

The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler

The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler

June 17, 2021 – Outside of my college textbooks, this is the most expensive book I have ever purchased. I almost closed Amazon without buying when I saw the price, but it came with a VERY strong recommendation from one of my mentors, Cliff Ravenscraft, so I clicked “Order Now” and bit the bullet.

I’m so glad I did.

This book is FULL of valuable advice for not only coaches (who the book is targeted to) but also consultants (which I consider myself to be), and I have recommended it to so many people already. Why? Here’s a few of my favorite tidbits…

  1. A prospect is either a “Hell yes!” or “No.” If you keep working with people who are not a “Hell Yes!”, your business will never grow.
  2. Stop trying to be friends with your clients. They didn’t hire you to be their friend. They hired you to give them the difficult truths and feedback they need to reach their goals.
  3. The first goal a client shares isn’t really their goal. Ask why a few times and go 2-3 levels deeper to find out what their real goal is.

There’s so much gold in this book and I wish I could share it all with you, but trust me when I say it’s worth far more than the $50+ investment! I’m already seeing results in my business!

Are you ready for your business to be one that you love? Pick up your copy of the The Prosperous Coach HERE!

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K Truman

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman

May 25, 2021 – In late 2020 while on a call with my friend Devi Adea, I expressed how I was strugging with various feelings. Devi told me she was reading this book and offered to run me through a script to reprogram my thinking.

I was skeptical, to the say the least, but agreed, and felt a bit of relief after my first run through. I knew I needed more and purchased the book for myself. Aside from the fact that I now have a copy of the script to use any time for myself, I have found HUGE benefit within the pages, including the reminder that I can only change and improve upon myself. Everyone else has to work on themselves.

Are you ready to work on yourself? Pick up your copy of the Feelings Buried Alive Never Die HERE!

The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne

The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne

August 7, 2022 – Marshall and Payne taught me a HUGE lesson in this book (which I read for my Discipleship class), which I could have used to learn for years for my business and personal life.

What was the lesson?

We need to focus on the people (vine) rather than the programs and products we offer the people (trellis).

Too many churches and business spend large amounts of time, energy and money creating over-the-top programs, products and/or ministries but they forget about the people they are supposed to serve and why they are serving them. In the case of ministries, the primary focus, always and forever, should be helping the disciple strengthen their relationship with and knowledge of Christ.

When it comes to business, it doesn’t matter if you have the most expensive course delivery platform with all the bells and whistles if you do a poop job when it comes to serving your customer, or if the content you deliver is far too elementary for them.

Curious to know more?

Click here to get your copy of The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

April 29, 2021 – The past couple years have been incredible for me in terms of learning mindfulness and mindset practices and this book will definitely be instrumental in driving where my future goes.

I was introduced to the Law of Attraction in 2009, however the laws in this book were new in name and sometimes in concept as well.

The laws have now been written in my journal along with copious notes, and I’ll be refreshing myself daily to make sure I stay on track. The laws include:

  1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
  2. The Law of Giving
  3. The Law of Karma
  4. The Law of Least Effort
  5. The Law of Intention and Desire
  6. The Law of Detachment
  7. The Law of Dharma

Want to know more about the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success? Pick up your copy of the book HERE!

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

February 17, 2021 – My friend, if you’ve been with me for a while, you have heard about my struggles — In my marriages, in my business, in my mind.

Reading this book, I wish I had been empowered by it for the past eight years, but now I hope to help you (and others) by sharing the book.

I’ve lived with the chatterbox. I’ve been swayed by its words of discouragement, and have been driven WAAAAY off course listening to its lies.

I thought I wasn’t good enough because I wasn’t perfect, but the thing is, nobody’s perfect. God made us to be exactly who we are and with the intention of being the best version of ourselves.

Don’t listen to the chatterbox in your head telling you you’re not enough. You ARE enough. You’re a child of God.

Click here to get your copy of Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

February 12, 2021 – Sometimes it takes me a gazillion times hearing a recommendation before I’ll finally pick up a book. Year of Yes was one of those times.

I think I put off reading the book for so long because I was worried about what saying “Yes” actually meant. I was already burnt out, and saying “yes” one more time made my heart beat faster and my chest hurt.

What never occured to me was that sometimes you can say “yes” to “no.”

Shonda had me entranced with her writing as early as the first chapter. Her candidness and willingness to say what she felt rather than what others may have wanted her to say inspired me inside my heart, my head and with my own writing.

In the past few months, I’ve learned how to make Baklava. Reading the book, I wanted to make another pan and enjoy another slice while reading. But then I got to the part where she talked about her weight and fitness. BAM. I’m saying “yes” to a better me, even at the expense of another decadent dessert that my tastebuds crave and my belly can do without.

If you feel as though you’re existing rather than living, this book is a must-read.

Click here to get your copy of Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.

(Un)Qualified by Steven Furtick

(Un)Qualified by Steven Furtick

January 19, 2021 – Pastor Steven Furtick always does an amazing job connecting my Christian Faith to real life beliefs and practices.

The end of 2020 came with a pivot in my business and a realization that I need to shift my thinking in order to live into my Purpose. I was reminded with every page that God’s not trying to work through only my strengths but also my weaknesses. My weaknesses — regardless of whether or not I’ve conquered them — are the fuel for the shift in my business, and I feel especially empowered within my move and in my mission thanks to this book.

Click here to get your copy of (Un)Qualified by Steven Furtick.

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2020

Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini

AUGUST 24, 2020 – I was determined to get my “am reading” list down to just one book, however I was on a roll working and didn’t want to listen to podcasts…

So, I did what any book nerd would do. I took a look at my Audible library, compared it to books on my shelf, and picked the first that I had in both locations.

Three chapters in, I was already fascinated by the research that goes into successful conversations and interactions. While I realize we/I will always need to be mindful of behaving morally and with integrity, it’s interesting to see how we can frame our conversations to make conversions and, er, getting what we want, easier.

First person to test this on: My husband. 🙂

Click here to get your copy of Pre-Suasion!

May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein

August 19, 2020 – I love how, even without knowing what life is about to throw my way, I tend to pick up books at exactly the right time. This is exactly what happened with this book.

I couldn’t have known that the kids were about to be home months earlier than planned. I couldn’t have known that I was suddenly going to be stuck with 48 rolls of 1-ply toilet paper instead of my preferred 2-ply super-soft stuff (I know, first-world problem.)

However, walking through the journey of this stay-home craziness with the support and guidance of May Cause Miracles is indeed leading to miracles for me. 🙂

I made a practice of reading May Cause Miracles every morning following my journal practice. Nearly every morning, I had to force myself to put the book down so I could continue my practice the next day.

A focus on the “F-Word”, in this case, “Forgiveness,” was huge for me. Through a simple exercise, I was able to let a significant amount of pain related to a certain person and event (outside of my house) go. I immediately saw a greater capacity to focus on what is truly important and, in turn, experience more miracles.

Click here to get your copy of May Cause Miracles.

Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

JULY 22, 2020 – This book has been on my bookshelf since 2009.


I started reading it countless times — no less than a half dozen, however I never made it further than the first 50 pages — until now.

On Christmas Eve, 2018, I decided to restart the book and finish it by the end of the year… While I didn’t quite hit that goal, I am reminded now that there is a reason and a season for everything. I was supposed to read this book in 2019 and 2020!

Let me just be totally honest and tell you that I started reading this book again due to some… dissatisfaction in my life. I refused to go through another year with the same results, and decided — and committed — to change.

I was hoping this book would fuel my motivation, dedication, and in the end, the results I achieve, by engraining in me the habits and mindset I need to continually push forward and take action.

It has.

Every chapter fed into conversations I had with myself, my business buddies, and my family. It’s affected how I speak with myself, run my day, relate with my family and manage my business.

Click here to get your copy of Awaken the Giant Within!

Unlimiting Your Beliefs by Karen Brown

Unlimiting Your Beliefs by Karen Brown

June 30, 2020 – God is having some fun guiding my reading right now. I can feel Him looking at my bookshelf, His chin in His hands and His eyebrow raised, thinking, “What do I throw at her next?

Last week, this book literally fell off my shelf as I was trying to get some papers off. It was hard to pick up after I put down, and my brain is busy thinking about my own life goals (and any possible hurdles between me and them) now that I’ve finished.

Summary: In her book, Karen shares her journey preparing for and participating in the Ironman Challenge in Kona, Hawaii.

To be honest, I hate to run. I have no interest in considering the Ironman. However… In the early 2000’s I read a book about walking the Appalacian Trail, and for the years since the thought of walking the trail has been in my mind. While I don’t see myself walking the trail in the next few years (I have five kids at home and being there as a mom is my priority now), I would love to walk the trail in the future — perhaps WITH my kids?

In the meantime, I’ll focus on becoming a healthier version of me — one who gets in shape, eats properly, and is mentally equipped for the journey.

Click here to get your copy of Unlimiting Your Beliefs by Karen Brown.

White Hot Truth by Danielle LaPorte

White Hot Truth by Danielle LaPorte

June 24, 2020 – A couple weeks ago, I looked up at my book shelf, in no way planning on starting a new book.

But, God told me to pull White Hot Truth down. So I did.

This book was magic. I couldn’t stop reading it. It’s as though it was the magic thread which pulled together the quilt squares representing the lessons of my past seven years.

Suddenly I can see where all the pieces come together and create a beautiful way to live.

In joy.

Click here to get your copy of White Hot Truth by Danielle LaPorte.

Superfans by Pat Flynn

Superfans by Pat Flynn

May 5, 2020 – I knew I loved Pat Flynn before I read this book, and I love him even more now.

With my focus this year being on building my business with integrity (to myself and others) as well as on building my community, the insights and strategies Pat gave were mind-blowing while at the same time being absolutely implementable.

I find it almost ironic that I read this book during the pandemic because the reality that people need authentic connection now more than ever is something I’m consstantly reminded of. And the knowing that we’re heard and our opinions are appreciated is as vital now as ever!

Click here to get your copy of Superfans by Pat Flynn.

The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan

April 2020 – I can’t really say much about this book because it’s part of a series and I’ll risk giving away the plot, but I must say… This is my favorite of the series so far!

Make sure to read the first and second in the series (below) before you read this one, though!

Click here to get your copy of The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan.

Greater by Steven Furtick

MARCH 9, 2020 – Driving home from Orlando to Ohio, I finished listening to Greater in the car while parked in a Sunday night traffic jam outside of Atlanta. (Yes, immediately after I finished Grit, while sitting in the same traffic jam.)

While I could have been irritated, all I could keep thinking was “Whoa. This is pure testiment to everything I experienced this weekend and everything I want to keep working for in the future.”

I was reminded that God put me here for a reason, and He has a reason for every trial and tribulation I experience. It’s not for me to figure out the reason, but it’s up to me to live into my Purpose.

Are you living into yours?

Click here to get your copy of Greater.

Grit by Angela Duckworth

MARCH 8, 2020 – I was stuck in a construction zone induced traffic jam outside of Atlanta (on my way back to Ohio from Orlando) when I finished “reading” Grit, and, despite being irritated by the 0MPH my speedometer showed me, I was inspired.

In the weeks since I returned home, I’ve referenced this book time and time again, in conversations with colleagues AND family.

I’m determined to become gritier (is that how you would say it?), which is why, at 1:13am on April 1, 2020, I’m here working on my Read With Me page.

I’m determined to finish everything I start, and stick with projects for the long run.

What about you?

Confession: I have a hard copy of this book on my shelf that I checked out of the library 3+ years ago. I suppose I should return it now. 😉

Click here to get your copy of Grit.

The Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard

MARCH 7, 2020 – Normally when I’m traveling and away from my family, I turn on the television as soon as I get into my hotel room and it doesn’t get turned off as long as I’m in the room.

It’s not that I’m actually watching it, but rather filling the silence and making it feel more like home (which is anything BUT quiet.)

After arriving in Orlando for Podfest, I decided NOT to turn on the television and instead listen to audiobooks while I was in my room.

I’m so glad I did.

Brendon reminded me exactly why I was there.

To inspire. To teach. To provide motivation and encouragement.

If you question what you’re doing or why, I highly encourage you to read this book!

Click here to get your copy of The Millionaire Messenger.

The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan

March 5, 2020 – I’ve just finished driving from Ohio to Orlando (a 16+ hour drive) for Podfest, and The Great Hunt, Book 2 of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series, kept me entertained most of the way.

I won’t say anything more about the book because it’s fiction and I don’t want to give away any of the plot.

Make sure to read The Eye of the World (below) before you read this one, though!

Click here to get your copy of The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan.

Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

FEBRUARY 2020 – In 2000, as a junior in college, one of my classmates introduced my to Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series.

“Push through the first book and you’ll be hooked.” She said. “The first book is hard to read but the rest are amazing.”

I’m so happy I listened.

I made it through book 5 when I first started reading, and book 3 when I tried a second time in 2011.

Tired of reading only non-fiction books, I’ve decided to restart the series again — and I’m again enjoying.

Note: If you enjoyed Lord of the Rings, you will probably enjoy these. 

Click here to get your copy of Eye of the World.

Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

JANUARY 8, 2020 – I wasn’t planning on starting a book outside of the two I was already reading, but, a few days ago, this book screamed at me.

Read me!” It yelled.

And, I’m so glad I did.

To be honest, however, I’m so happy I didn’t read it sooner than I did. Transparency and authenticity have been a cornerstone of my business since day 1, however I was transparent and authentic out of my own design, not because I was influenced by others to be that way. Reading this book now reassured me that I’m on the right path and to keep being me.

I laughed, I shook my head with sadness (having faced many of the same grievances), and I closed the book with the confidence of knowing that I need to let my light shine and stop worrying about others.

Click here to get your copy of Girl, Wash Your Face.

YouTube Decoded

JANUARY 2, 2020 – Nothing became more clear in Q3 and Q4 of 2019 than the fact that in order to truly make the impact I desire to make, I NEED to be more visible.

This is NOT that I want to be more visible. This is I NEED to be more visible.

So, when I was at a recent event and saw my friend Marc Guberti handing out signed copies of YouTube Decoded, I knew I had to have one.

YouTube Decoded is great for beginners, which I don’t consider myself to be one, but Marc did include a few golden nuggets for me that I will definitely be working into my YouTube strategy from here on.

Note: Marc discusses and focuses on keyword optimization strategies and developing content based on what people are searching for. I understand this is an awesome strategy, my channel’s content is based on what I’m feeling at the moment, not so much about which keywords will convert higher than others.

Click here to get your copy of YouTube Decoded!

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2019

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

DECEMBER 1, 2019 – I started reading Profit First over the summer and instantly had “aha” moments.

Oh my goodness. This dude is talking about me!”

For example, I was the entrepreneur who, for so many years, was trying to do too much things just because I could. Note: Just because you *can* do something doesn’t mean you should. Example: I know how to design websites, however I’m not interested in doing heavy duty coding. Therefore, offering websites as a service sometimes requires the added expense of website developers to carry out the intended design.

I would have to imagine that I stopped reading the book where a lot of people stop, but it was not for the same reason. The assessment blew my mind, however with so much to go in the book, I didn’t intend to stop. Life, however, has a way of interrupting progress through pages.

I, like many entrepreneurs, fell into the trap of believing any/all funds that came in were available to spend. Did I set aside money for taxes, profits or to pay myself? Nope, nope and nope. Therefore, my owner’s comp numbers have been abysmal (at best) and my operating expenses through the roof. (To give you an idea, at my “Real Revenue” rate, my OPEX should be 30%. My actual OPEX for the past 12 months is 68%. Not good.

Coincidentally, tomorrow morning I need to go to the bank to take advantage of their notary services. While I’m there, I’ll be looking into opening my other accounts. (If you haven’t read the book, you don’t know what I’m talking about. Do yourself a big ol’ favor and read this book. NOW!)

Click here to get your copy of Profit First!

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

NOVEMBER 30, 2019 – I started reading The Power of Now in March 2019 and purposefully read it slow.


Because it’s taking time for me to step out of time-based living and into the “Now.” As of the day I finished reading it, I have two teenagers, twin four-year olds, a six year old and a disabled husband who is going through his own physical and emotional struggles. Being and staying in the Now feels at many times impossible, however I realize that surrendering to what is IS necessary to enlightenment, consciousness and true awakening.

On a side note, it’s been fun for me to try to share the lessons I’m learning with my husband, who doesn’t really “get” this type of thinking. I tried to explain how to step out of our thoughts and watch them, and it was if I was speaking an ancient, hidden, language. 🙂

Click here to get your copy of The Power of Now!

Next Level Thinking by Joel Osteen

NOVEMBER 29, 2019 – June 2019 was a particularly rough month for me, spurred by a client who maliciously lied about me, and another, long-term client, who, in full-knowledge of the truth, sided with the liar in order to avoid internet slander.

The consequences of their actions put me, my family and my business into a full-fledged tailspin, from which I thankfully not only recovered from but came out stronger as a result of.

Why do I share all this?

Because I had help through the hard times.

Joel Osteen’s Next Level Thinking helped me push through the struggle, and realize that living and working with integrity isn’t just “nice” but also essential to being an honorable Christian, business owner and human.

The book also reminded me that I am a child of God. He knows what misfortunes I will face, before I face them, and He also knows the good which will come from each misfortune.

Believe me when I say my life has changed — for the better x’s 1000 — from this situation!

Click here to get your copy of Next Level Thinking!

The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren

NOVEMBER 29, 2019 – This is another one of those books that I’m embarrassed to admit how many times I started reading and never finished, especially considering all that I’ve gained from reading it.

Although I intended to read The Purpose Driven Life in the first 42 days of the year, I was, as you can see, delayed. Every delay, however, was with great purpose.

I always read the current day’s chapter on exactly the day I needed to read it. Even just in the last two days — which I will not disclose the subject of — the subject matter couldn’t have been more relevant if God had planned it Himself.

Oh, wait! He DID plan it himself!

I’m ready to pursue my purpose, 100%, and look to God for all direction.

Click here to get your copy of The Purpose Driven Life!

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

NOVEMBER 27, 2019 – Writing “This book has made a profound impact on me and the way I live my life would be a HUGE understatement.

For example, the BRAVING Inventory is now written across my laptop, just above my keyboard. I want to live into each of the words each and every day. (Pssst. The words are good. The explanation is better. Read it in the book NOW!)

On a more serious note, however, this book was the spark which made me wonder this year, “What does next level Kim do that I’m not doing now?” The question started with BRAVING and has only gained steam since. 

Click here to get your copy of Dare to Lead!

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

AUGUST 2019 – Rachel Hollis gave me soooo much to think about in this book. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but here’s a couple points that really struck me:

  1. The implication of phrases like “mompreneur”, “girlboss”, “ladypreneur”, etc.
  2. Rachel’s 10-10-1 plan has rocked my world.
  3. How confidence starts from within, and, yes, *may* be impacted by how we look.
  4. The importance of delegation — I can’t wait to hire a housekeeper someday!

Click here to get your copy of Girl, Stop Apologizing!

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

JUNE 2019 – In the midst of an extremely turbulent week, I picked up this book to get away from my stresses and business. In it, I found understanding and bliss in the turbulent winds which have been surrounding me.

I’ve heard about this book for years, but as with every other book and/or passage I read, I know now that THIS was when I was supposed to read it. I know each persons’ journey through the pages will differ, so I will not share any more than — when you hear with your heart that it’s time to read The Alchemist, read it. Many, if not all, of your questions will be answered.

Click here to get your copy of The Alchemist!

Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle

MARCH 2019 – For such a skinny little book, this one packs a big punch! I didn’t know what to expect, however Eckhart Tolle delivers “Mmmmmm” moments in every paragraph.

Note: This book is best read in little bite sized pieces. Savor it like a delicious meal, and let it take time to sink in.

Click here to get your copy of Stillness Speaks!

Spirit Driven Success by Dani Johnson

MARCH 2019 – WOWZA!!! This book completely changed the beliefs I held in regards to being a Christian business owner. If you’re struggling to take your business or life to the next level, this book is a must-read!

A few impactful thoughts from the book…

  1. I need to work for my clients as though I’m working for God. By doing my best for my clients, I’ll be able to make more, and thus tithe more.
  2. My way of doing things hasn’t been working because I haven’t been going to God. God has a plan for me, and when I keep trying to do things my way, HE will continually push-back.
  3. Struggles refine me and make me stronger. I am continually being refined to make me a better version of… me!
  4. It is my responsibility to get and put myself out there to serve the world in the way God intended. By playing small, I am not pursuing my purpose to the best of my ability.

Click here to get your copy of Spirit Driven Success!

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

JANUARY 2019 – Holy moley, I don’t even know what to say about this book except…  You have to read it if you’re dealing with any kind of money mindset issues.

Jen Sincero has an amazing ability to pull readers in and write to them as if they were friends. She cuts through all the bullshit and gives practical advice in a way that’s easy to understand. At the same time, you’re getting hot and uncomfortable because you realize you can do more than you are now.

Sound fun, in a crazy way?

Click here to get your copy of You are a Badass at Making Money!

The One Thing by Gary Keller

JANUARY 2019 – I have no idea how long this book has been out for, however I can’t believe I just now read it — in two days! I’ve realized for some time that I need to be better about prioritizing what I’m working on, however I never looked at the big picture. Like, the really big picture. I never thought about starting with my five year goal and working my way backwards. And I never thought about how, in order to go big, I need to go really small. WHOA.

I now have a “My ONE Thing” note on my computer which I’m updating weekly. The document is helping my track my actions and the associated metrics so I know what’s working and what’s not.

If you’re frustrated with your progress and are ready to take your business to the next level, get this book!

Click here to get your copy of The One Thing!

80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall

JANUARY 2019 – In August 2018 I had the pleasure of chatting with Perry Marshall for episode 450 of the Positive Productivity Podcast. Saying the conversation was amazing and impactful would be an understatement. (Listen HERE) As we dug more and more in to how the 80/20 rule is active in all areas of our life I realized two things:

  1. I had immediate changes to make in my business.
  2. I needed to read the book.

Every time I picked the book up I was amazed by yet another “Aha!” which illustrated how the 80/20 is relevant in my life. I continue to be amazed by how the 80/20 rule is applicable in every situation and area of life! I don’t want to give away the substance of the book, so do yourself a favor and pick up a copy today!

Click here to get your copy of 80/20 Sales and Marketing!

Ask. by Ryan Levesque

JANUARY 2019 – Ask. is another of those books that I heard plenty about over the past few years but took my time to getting around to reading.

I wish I hadn’t!

I have to be honest… The beginning was a really fast read because I loved Ryan’s story telling ability. Moving into the strategy, however, it was a little bit dryer and more difficult to digest. I struggled my way through the strategy, partially because of my own stubbornness, and because I didn’t see how I could learn anything I didn’t already know.

A know-it-all-attitude should never accompany you on a book reading journey.

Right through the last few pages I was getting new ideas and strategies that I am excited to try for both me and my clients. Segmentation is imperative in any marketing funnel, however Levesque takes segmentation to a whole new level.

Click here to get your copy of Ask.!

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2018

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

DECEMBER 2018 – This absolutely amazing book had been screaming at me from every “Must-Read” book list for years before I finally purchased it in early 2018. One night, in early December, I looked over at my “To Be Read” shelf, and it screamed at me one last time.

The next day, I texted to my good friend, “I was crying and laughing in bed last night and it wasn’t due to sex!” Jen spoke to me through every word, page and chapter of this book, and she spoke with the exact words I needed to hear.

I know we read books when we need to read them, and I know now that there was a reason I waited so long to read it. However, if this book has been calling you to read it, don’t ignore the call!

Click here to get your copy of You are a Badass!

The Charge by Brendon Burchard


DECEMBER 2018 – Before he renamed it The Brendon Show, Brendon’s podcast was named The Charged Life. His podcast, combined with some of his online training saved my life in 2016.

The years since have been an upward climb, extremely steep but also highly critical. I learned to sleep again and reintroduced water to my beverage intake. I also learned to say “No” or “Goodbye” to opportunities which don’t serve me.

The Charge took what I had already learned from Brendon to the next level. More specifically, I expanded my awareness in the areas of control, competence, congruence, caring, connection, change, challenge, creative expression, contribution and consciousness. I am so excited about what I learned that I wrote those ten words on my laptop’s keyboard — in permanent ink! 

Click here to get your copy of The Charge!

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

OCTOBER 2018 – I wish I could go back five years ago and smack the earlier, entrepreneurial version of myself in the head… With this book. Seriously, how did I JUST finish reading it?!?!

I’ve been in business nearly six years and 95% of that time has been spent in the “technician” role. I’m surprised my business and I survived that long!

If you haven’t yet read The E-Myth and are an entrepreneur, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not picking it up — and reading it — ASAP!

Click here to get your copy of The E-Myth Revisited!

Lingo by Jeffrey Shaw

AUGUST 2018 – Communicating as myself, authentically, transparently, and in a way where I am unafraid of expressing how I truly am, has taken me years to… become comfortable with. In LINGO, Jeffrey Shaw teaches entrepreneurs to speak in the voice their prospective clients need and want to hear.

LINGO had me repeatedly saying, “Whoa!” and thinking about the messages I was sharing with (the wrong) prospects. Between indicating I was targeting scarcity-mode clients with the wrong pricing model, to choosing the wrong font, my communication was steering me in the wrong direction. Since reading the book, I have been rebranding and evaluating my entire business to see what needs to change.

Click here to get your copy of Lingo!

Worthy by Nancy Levin

AUGUST 2018 – A dear friend recommended Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth to me in 2016, and I purchased it immediately. I’m kicking myself in the butt for taking so long to read it!

I never realized how much my money mindset was struggling. Halfway through the book I started making shifts — spending-wise and mentally — to improve financial success. For example, I never realized how money tended to burn a hole in my pocket. If it was in my account, I felt as though I needed to spend it before someone else did. This is NOT a healthy way to live — financially or mentally — and I was excited to see growth just by leaving that insecurity behind.

Pick up your copy of Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth HERE!

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

MARCH 18, 2018 – Before this book, I had never read a book before and thought, “Wow. This was written for me!” all the way through. Reading High Performance Habits, however, I repeatedly felt as though Brendon was focusing on me. Brendon addressed what I am doing, am trying to do, and the mistakes I have made in the past to help me create a higher performing version of myself.

Please note: In my interpretation – and I believe in Brendon’s as well – ‘High Performance’ doesn’t necessarily mean more money. It means that we are happier, healthier versions of ourselves while we are doing what we consider to be our life’s work.

I needed my pen AND highlighter handy all the way to the end, as I was constantly adding notes in the margin. In addition, I’ve decorated my copy with “DUH!” messages (to myself for missing some obvious keys) and by highlighting quotes I can use later on social media.

And as for Brendon’s weekly review practice? I’m starting that tonight!

Get your copy of High Performance Habits HERE.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Reading The Big Leap provided a constant stream of “Aha!” moments. In his book, Gay discusses all the ways we hold ourselves from reaching the next level of success.

Worrying (unnecessarily) – I’ve done it… Many times.
Playing the Blame Game – Yup, I’ve done this too.

And there were so many more ways, and stories of clients Gay has worked with who were holding themselves back as well. I had to share a few of the stories with my husband, because I’ve even seen him hold his own success and happiness back. I realize we can often be scared of the possibility of LOSING something great, however how will we know what it feels like — or give ourselves the chance to enjoy it — if we prevent ourselves from getting there in the first place?

Get your copy HERE. You won’t be disappointed!

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

Completed in 2017

Think Better, Live Better by Joel Osteen

Although I was raised Catholic, I didn’t become what I consider to be a true Christian until I was 31. In 2009, a year before finding Christ, however, I was introduced to the Law of Attraction, which I still believe strongly in today. In Think Better, Live Better, Osteen does a fabulous job showing me how I can combine my Christianity with my LOA beliefs to live a richer, fuller life.

Please note: Richer, to me, never simply means financially richer. I strongly believe we can live a rich and prosperous life when we have deep, meaningful relationships, a strong passion for what we do, and when we have peace in our lives.

In speaking with other Christians about Joel Osteen, I am often surprised to hear non-appreciative comments about how he preaches the prosperity Bible. I don’t agree with this in the negative way it is often said, and this book provides evidence as to why I, a Christian entrepreneur, shouldn’t hold myself back from reaching my true potential.

God put the thoughts we have in to our heads. He made us the way we are, and He made us that way for a reason. I truly believe it is our responsibility to do something with the gifts God bestowed upon us, and if we become rich in the process, GREAT!

Get your copy HERE.

Join the FREE 30-Day Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge!

Tired of working endless hours in your business and seeing only minimal results? It’s time to work smarter!

On Hold

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

June 19, 2021 – A dear family member recommended The Body Keeps the Score to me after I shared some personal struggles I was going through. In complete transparency, I’ve had a rough couple of years as the wife of a disabled Veteran with PTSD. I am madly in love with the man I married, however PTSD can make him EXTREMELY difficult to like.

As soon as I started reading The Body Keeps the Score, I felt like I was reading about my husband.

I’m only a week and a couple chapters in, but I picked up a second copy for my husband and hope he will read it as well.

While I’m reading, however, I want to share my support and concern for any/all significant others of those with PTSD. I know what the bads are like. I know the pain which can be inflicted through words. I have felt hopeless, worthless, unloved and undervalued. But I have also learned I am more than what PTSD makes him believe I am. And you are more than the PTSD filter may allow your loved one to believe YOU are.

Keep your chin up, dear friend. You’ve got this and I’m sending you big hugs!

Click here to get your copy of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk.

Worthy of Love by Debbie Mirza

Worthy of Love by Debbie Mirza

February 13, 2023 – Haven’t started this one yet but it screamed at me when I was returning read books to my shelves.

Click here to get your copy of Worthy of Love by Debbie Mirza.

The First Will Be Last by DC Robertsson

The First Will Be Last by DC Robertsson

February 13, 2023 – I didn’t know what narcissism was until last year (2022), but when I found out I had a very, very rude introduction. From the shame and blame to the abuse, the lies and manipulation to the self-righteousness, the abandonment and ghosting to a lack of responsibility, there’s not one aspect of narcisssism I haven’t experienced with my ex-husband. As I type this, for example, he is assembling his army of flying monkeys (see explanation here), working to convince them that I was abusive for a decade, kicked him out of the house and took everything from him in the divorce. This is entirely untrue, and I have text messages, emails and court documents to back up my word. If you are among those hearing these claims, please contact me.

Moving into the new chapter (and after) with God as my guide, I need to find peace and clarity. I need to know the Bible’s perspective on narcissism, and I need to know how to avoid (or remove myself from) relationships with narcissists in the future.

I am at the very beginning of this book but I will add thoughts as I work my way through.

Click here to get your copy of The First Will Be Last by DC Robertsson.