L.I.V.E B.E.T.T.E.R Framework Part 1- “L” for Love

“When we love the work we do, it is so easy for our clients and our community to see and feel our passion.” -Kim Sutton


Do you agree that love plays a big role in entrepreneurship? Kim does, and this week she talks about how love and passion in business has helped her improve client relationships, craft effective strategies, and most importantly, find fulfillment in what she does. Kim also shares 3 LOVE STRATEGIES you apply can apply in your business.

So many times, we keep working on things that we detest instead of on the things we are passionate about. This is an unhealthy place to be and that needs to change now! 

Tune in for part 1 of the  L.I.V.E B.E.T.T.E.R Framework where Kim takes you on a fascinating transformational journey of Working Smarter Not Harder, one letter at a time!



01:32 One Letter at a Time
04:10 The Root of Procrastination
06:57 Step 1: Love What You Do
07:30 Step 2: Love the People You Work For
09:23 Step 3: Love Yourself


The L.I.V.E B.E.T.T.E.R Framework is on! This week, @thekimsutton talks about the first part of this series— L for LOVE. Tune in as she shares 3 LOVE STRATEGIES you apply can apply in your business. #WorkSmarterNotHarder #podcast #rebranding #LIVEBETTERFramework #LOVE #passion #lovestrategies Listen at https://thekimsutton.com/732 Click To Tweet




Inspirational Quotes:

06:52 “When we love the work we do, it is so easy for our clients and our community to see and feel our passion.” -Kim Sutton

07:36 “Not everybody is our ideal client. There are people that we definitely shouldn’t be working for, especially when their values and their beliefs are contradictory to our own.” -Kim Sutton 

08:44 “We need to be passionate about the people that we work for because with that passion, we’ll be able to put more of ourselves into the work and our clients or customers will be able to feel it.” -Kim Sutton

Meet Your Host!

Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton is a Business and Marketing Automation Mentor, Speaker, and Author. She is the host of the Positive Productivity Podcast. Having been through so much including depression, domestic violence, and lack of self-care, Kim’s mission is to help her clients be positively productive by empowering them to achieve success without the burnout. She believes that positive productivity stems from system+support+self-care. Positive productivity is not about perfection, it’s about having Prioritized Purposeful Actions. Today, Kim is out to help fellow entrepreneurs reclaim their lives and make their business work. 


Have you ever considered the fact that love plays a role in your business? Well, on this episode of the Work Smarter, Not Harder Podcast, I’m going to talk about just that. Stay with me, and you’ll hear all about it. 

Welcome back to the newly rebranded, Work Smarter, Not Harder Podcast with Kim Sutton. I’m your host, Kim Sutton. 

If you haven’t already listened to Episode number 731, I share why that podcast was rebranded from Positive Productivity to Work Smarter, Not Harder in that episode. So go back and listen because you’ll definitely want to know where the show is going and what you can look forward to in the future.

As I was driving down the highway a few months back, I was listening to Russell Brunson and his book, Expert Secrets. He was talking about frameworks, and he gave an example about how he was at a mastermind retreat. And Brendon Burchard was up on a whiteboard going through the frameworks of one of his systems. He was interrupted by a question as he was presenting, he answered the question, and then he was able to jump right back into where he was. 

Well, while I was listening to this story, I got hit with a big Aha. I had already been thinking about rebranding the show with Work Smarter, Not Harder, but I didn’t know that I was missing any part of my brand until this Aha hit me, and that aha was the LIVE BETTER Framework of working smarter, instead of harder. For the next 10 episodes, starting with today’s episode, I’m going to be going through one letter at a time of the LIVE BETTER Framework to give you an idea of how I see each component playing into working smarter, instead of harder. 

So without further ado, we’re going to talk about the L, and L in this case stands for Love. When I started my business in 2012, I didn’t really consider that I needed to be passionate about the work I was doing. To be honest, I had been working for 10 + years prior doing work that I didn’t necessarily enjoy at all. Not to mention love, but I was doing it for the paycheck associated with the work. 

In 2018, 2019, 2020, I started to realize that my business needed to change. I was saying Yes to everybody and anybody with all of their work requests, even when it wasn’t something that I was necessarily excited about. And excited would be an understatement, some of the work I downright detested. I found, and I would love to know how you find yourself when it comes to doing work that you detest, I found that when the work required me to do tasks that I did not enjoy, I could easily procrastinate. I would put off those tasks for days, if not weeks… And the clients weren’t happy. They would want to know what the status was up their work, but I could find 10,001 reasons to do something before that task. This is not a good place to be building our businesses from. 

When we are passionate about the work we’re doing, when we Love the work we do, 

it is so easy for our clients and our community to see and feel our passion. 

So, going along with the L of LIVE BETTER, and the theme of Love for today, step one is loving the work you do. I want you to go today and make a list of every single different activity that you do in your business, and then circle the activities you love, and cross off the activities that you hate. Eventually, I either want you to delete those activities or delegate them, but that’s not the topic for today. I want you to focus on doing more of what you love, and less of what you don’t. 

Now, step two of Love is loving the people that you work for. Let’s just be honest, not everybody is our ideal client. There are people that we definitely shouldn’t be working for, especially when their values and their beliefs are contradictory to our own. So, your second assignment based on today’s episode is to go make a list of all the traits of your ideal client. For me, I have finally gotten clear that the person I am most compelled, inspired and passionate about serving are Christian mompreneurs. 

While I do have plenty of beliefs that would stray from Christianity, including the law of attraction, and Abraham Hicks, and the power of positive thinking, I don’t find myself being able to connect with people whose spiritual ideologies are vastly different from my own. If that includes you, I want you to know, I still love you, I still respect you, I still care greatly about your success. But when it comes to resonating with the work that you create, I’m just not going to be there. 

We need to be passionate about the people that we work for. Because with that passion, we’ll be able to put more of ourselves into the work, and our clients or customers will be able to feel it. So go through the demographics for your ideal client or customer and write them down. It will become so much easier when a non-ideal customer or client comes around to say: 

“No, I really can’t serve you at this time, 

but I have somebody else in mind who might be able to.” 

Than to just continue saying Yes to everybody, and then resenting yourself and your clients afterward. 

Step three of love is loving yourself. Now, back in 2017, I read Joel Olsteen, The Power of I Am. And based upon that book, I was inspired to create an I Am A to Z list. For each letter of the alphabet, I would go down and choose one or more adjectives, which I believe describe me. When I would become anxious, or stressed, or worried, or just downright negative, I would go through this list as many times as necessary to lift my spirits back up. 

So for example, “I am Amazing, I am Brave, I am Creative, I am Dedicated, I am…” I always get stuck on E. Anyway, you get the picture, for each letter of the alphabet, I would go down. I still use this tactic today and some of the letters, I stay on the letter until I run out of adjectives. Some of these letters have lists that are six or seven or more words long, but I need a way, as to you, of loving ourselves and lifting our spirits when maybe our spirits aren’t so positive. 

So assignment number three in the Love bit of the LIVE BETTER Framework is creating an I Am A to Z list for yourself. When you get down, refer to this list. You don’t need to necessarily memorize it because there’s different adjectives based on the day, but I guarantee that this list will lift your spirits when you need it. 

I would love to hear what you think of today’s episode in which of these love strategies you find will be most beneficial in your business. So make sure to head on over to my website at thekimsutton.com/podcast and leave a comment down below the show notes for this episode. Until the next episode, go forth and make it a positive and productive day.