PP 705: When Your Physical Health Suffers, Your Productivity Does Too

PP 705: When Your Physical Health Suffers, Your Productivity Does Too

  Our bodies bear the brunt of our constant hustle. We can get so lost to working so hard thinking that it’s the only way we can produce more when, in fact, it impacts and lessens our output. In this episode, Kim Sutton discusses how physical health, or the lack...
PP 703: Why You Need To Take Responsibility For Your Own Mental Health

PP 703: Why You Need To Take Responsibility For Your Own Mental Health

  It’s easy to attribute the struggles we have between our ears to various external factors but at the end of the day, it is we who should take full responsibility for our own mental health. Kim Sutton knows this from her personal experience of having to struggle...
PP 701: The difference between Listening and Hearing with Marc Stern

PP 701: The difference between Listening and Hearing with Marc Stern

PP 701: The difference between Listening and Hearing with Marc Stern TweetPinShare0 Shares “You are a very valuable component of friendship and love when you FULLY listen to hear what other people are saying. That is the way to formulate long-term relationships and...