Protecting Ourselves from Porcupines
Protecting ourselves from porcupines is as necessary as insurance for our belongings. Our bubble of bliss is the mental insurance our life needs to thrive.
7 Pivotal Decisions that Shaped My Business
Small decisions can turn into huge, pivotal moments in our small businesses. Seven decisions made a huge difference for me. Read to learn which decisions I made, and the impact they made!
Impact Over Income: How Shifting My Focus Saved My Business
After experiencing a few rough years in my business, I realized my priorities were out of whack. I was chasing the next client and dollar rather than focusing on the value I provided and the impact I wanted to make.
Avoiding the Upsell
Recently I’ve been trying to utilize systems in my personal and professional life to conserve time, energy and money. I’ve realized that pre-planning purchases is my key to avoiding the upsell and preventing unintentional spending.
Your Ideal Client is Not Everybody
The answer to “Who is your ideal client or customer” is only “everybody” if you are Amazon or Mother Nature.
Breathe: A Message for Those Battling Anxiety
The Team at Positive Productivity is proud to share tips and resources which we know will serve our community. As such, we are an affiliate for products we know and love. This article may include affiliate links, which may result in us earning a...
Mompreneur Curve Balls: How to Handle the Crazy Days of Mompreneurship
Nobody ever said that being an entrepreneur was easy. Nobody ever said the being a mom is easy. Put the two together and you have a job that would compete with the difficulty of leading any country…
Faith: An Open Letter to Christian Entrepreneurs Experiencing a Season of Struggle
I struggled about whether or not to write this. I struggled about whether or not to share MY struggles with all of you. But then I realized that by hiding my struggles I would be hiding the Faith that pulls me through them. And it’s not fair – to me, to you, to God – to hide my Faith.
Why Don’t You?
Why don’t you believe in yourself? STOP sitting on the sidelines watching the days of your life fly by.
Drop the Doubt
It’s time that we as business owners make a pact to ourselves to cut the crap and drop the doubt.